Nu-Yas Forums thinks this is good

>nu-Yas Forums thinks this is good

What the fuck? It's the same uninspired Asscreed/Bamham-style melee action game as any other schlock, just with a Star Wars theme. There's fucking nothing inspiring about it.

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But can you fight younglings?

Soulless trash

It's not good, but it's slightly better than anything else put out under Disney. Other than Rogue One, which actually was good.

As a story, its inconsequential. I enjoyed the combat, although I believe it only clicks in Jedi Master. Anything less is baby's first Souls game. Loved Cal's journey and hope they do more with him, but not another game.

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It's fucking communion wafer-levels of bland.

>handsome young protag who's amazing at everything
>evil Empire woman with a mask as nemesis
>strong black woman who don't need no man as your new mentor
>throw in a cute droid sidekick that acts like a pet and that you banter with constantly
>have absolutely uninspired melee combat with "PRESS X TO AVOID" attacks

I dropped it before I even made it to whatever that vault thing was. Glad I pirated it.

It was just shills, you got baited

imagine i actually biught it. I deserve to be shot

>>handsome young protag who's amazing at everything
Cal fucking sucks until very late game and even then, its acknowledged as a gameplay and plot point that he's just an average jedi at his best.
>>evil Empire woman with a mask as nemesis
It was a nice antagonist. There's 2 of them, anyways.
>>strong black woman who don't need no man as your new mentor
In the first 5 mins she outright tells you she NEEDS YOU, because she fucking sucks. She offers to mentor you and Cal refuses the whole game.
>>throw in a cute droid sidekick that acts like a pet and that you banter with constantly
BD-1 never acts like a pet. More like a friend. He doesnt banter with you, he provides moral support instead. He banters with enemies.
>>have absolutely uninspired melee combat with "PRESS X TO AVOID" attacks
There's no press X to avoid. Avoid early, get punished. Avoid late, get punished. Roll away, lose window for counter attack. There's an ebb and flow.

0/8 apply yourself. Game's not amazing, but its still fun

no one sane thinks that generic piece of shit is good. only disney and ea shills would tell you otherwise.

It is objectively good. A bit boring at parts, but better than most shit that's released nowadays.
Yas Forums really has a hate-boner for everything.

You're obviously a fucking shill.

Just finished this and it was a pretty good Star Wars tale. I'd like to see that crew in other shit now, but hopefully not another game. They're shoving fucking everyone into The Mandalorian, why not Cal?

>have absolutely uninspired melee combat with "PRESS X TO AVOID" attacks
Confirmed to have been filtered by the game and now seething.

Gingers are not allowed in Hollywood.

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Yeah, I was filtered by the game, but not in the way you're talking about. It's not that I'm not good, it's that the game isn't.

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That actor was in Shameless(US) and Gotham. Surely he would reprise his role since they just mocapped the dude.

>Shameless(US) and Gotham
Truly hollywood superproductions

Wait, he's the faggot from Shameless?


Even more glad I dropped this shit now.

The Mandalorian sure is a Hollywood production too

Has zero redheads.

I fucking wish i got paid to talk about a game I enjoyed. You're just an babymode trash who couldnt get past the first world

I mean, either you're a paid shill, in which case I can safely disregard your opinion, or you actually like this game, in which case I can safely disregard your opinion.

So, y'know. Kill yourself.

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>or you actually like this game, in which case I can safely disregard your opinion.
Go back to your japanese nonsense bro.

>Only my opinion is valid even if I didnt play the game

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The parries on the hardest difficulty are way too fucking hard

The combat sucks and the force powers are shit. All the outfits are just recolors too. The only reasons it got so much praise was because of Respawn, the new shitty Episode 9 movie, and the fact that EA has been spewing out nothing but garbage for the last few years so it was like a breath of fresh air for some people

Thats what makes them satisfying. Parrying your way out of the shithole you're in until you're somewhat decent as a Jedi is what made me enjoy the game. Even more so, its acknowledged he's just a fucking average Jedi, so its not like Kyle Katarn levels of special snowflake

Combat only shines in Jedi Master. I agree with the rest of your post.

>japanese nonsense
Tourist spotted. Fuck off back to whatever pleb-tier website you originate from.

t. weeaboo who came here in 2013

I don't even want to think about just how many years I've spent in this hellhole, but Yas Forums is, and forever will be, a fucking anime website. If you don't like Japanese shit, go on a Facebook gaming group or something and circlejerk with the normalfags you clearly want to suck dick on so bad.

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been here longer than you
it was an anime website for 2 years starting in 2004
fuck off weeaboo

>starting in 2004
It started in 2003 with Yas Forums and Yas Forums, you fucking pretender.

>It's the same uninspired Asscreed/Bamham-style melee action game as any other schlock
But it's nu-Tomb Raider with light/superficial Dark Souls elements, you retard.

it does suck though, I'll give you that

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good for you, I never said I came here in 2004

Metroid Prime with a laser sword was great, hope there's a sequel.

fuck your dickwaving about Yas Forums age, that shit is dumb

talk about real shit like what does Merrin's feet smell like after getting out of Dathomir?

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Like a bag of rusty coins and moss

>waaaaah why doesn't a new genereation stick to dishonest hatred of a publisher

terrible thread. fuck off. Most of the people that complain about electronic arts were never even effected by them.

It's hard not to hate a publisher who puts out low-quality trash, harder when it's disney-branded trash

EA pls

I enjoyed the game, but I'm still salty EA has the reigns on the Star Wars license.

Disney REALLY needs to do it the way Lucasarts did it and just license it out to other developers. Maybe they can bring Lucasarts back as a game publisher.

>I enjoyed the game, but I'm still salty EA has the reigns on the Star Wars license.

It's hard not to hate a bunch of whining memeing faggots that actually contributed more to the destruction of classic dev teams through their shit taste than any soulless brainless corporate entity. Almost everyone who drones on about how shit EA is assuredly contributed to their success on some level.

>Disney REALLY needs to do it the way Lucasarts did it and just license it out to other developers.
EA no longer has an exclusivity deal with Disney, it expired last year.

Shame the only thing that came out of it was vrshit.

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Granted I played on Jedi Grandmaster from the start but I loved it. It was the third best game of the year last year.

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Oh? What's Disney doing with the license now? I thought there were still games in the pipeline under EA.

killing enemies does not feel satisfying

This, I wish they had the balls to have dismemberment. You only dismember critters and droids. At least you chop off droid bits from the bounty hunters.

EA had a deal for 5 years starting in 2013 or 2014. As for now Disney didn't extend the deal, they were looking into it but shareholders generally weren't very happy with EA. So technically other studios are free to work on Star Wars games now if Disney lends them the license.

I fell through the map for ages on at least five occasions or just had assets completely fail to load. particularly on dathomir. enjoyed the game overall but can't help but feeling it's just a dolled up ps2 game in its design (not necessarily a bad thing). guess disney told them as long as the cinematics are up to scratch they're quite happy for everything else to be rushed so long as it meant pushing it out before episode 9

Why are you so butthurt?

>5 years

Unreal Engine 4 is absolute jank nowadays. Epic shat the bed with the most toxic diarrhea.

Gotcha, hopefully the Battlefront 2 debacle scared the shareholders enough to not renew the license. Just dole that shit out to devs who can make good games.

Save Ravensoft from CoD hell and give them a fucking game already

This game was so fucking buggy, I enjoyed the story and gameplay, but goddamned it looks like they forgot to QA.

knowing EA, they probably skipped that phase just to release it on time

It's a fantastic game. I'm happy it still makes weebs seethe to this day.

It's like the cherry on top of an already fantastic day of Bernie dropping out.

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EA has the license until 2023

Yes, what is going on with it? All the recent UE4 games I've played are optimized like shit and have more bugs than content.

At least it's not as bad as Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

It actually has redeeming qualities.

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>I present my opinions as fact

Never change Yas Forums. Never come around to thinking someone might not share your opinion on something, it would kill all the fun.

it got soulsborne comparisons on release but it's really more of a sony uncharted/god of war thing except not as polished and also quite happy to just look like a game at all times

>This game was so fucking buggy
Not if you played on PC though. You didn't actually play on console, did you user?

In short, this board is populated by poorfags who have tried to tortanic several good AAA games only to build them up as some sort of sleeper hits improved by supposed post launch updates that barely changed shit. It's juvenile and I'm tired of it. It's obvious they just can't afford the games.

It's a solid action-adventure game of a kind that we don't really get that often anymore. You can see how it incorporates contemporary trends, but even the way it uses climbing and exploration reminds me more of Prince of Persia-lite than something like Uncharted. The story is a mixed bag on every level, but it was fine. Better than most material in the EU or canon.


>dishonest hatred
Are you actually underaged?