What is the appeal of gacha games like Azur Lane?

What is the appeal of gacha games like Azur Lane?

Attached: yande.re 623938 5240mosu azur_lane bremerton_(azur_lane) no_bra pantsu underboob.jpg (1742x2885, 2.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/tag/parody:azur lane

You just posted it. That's the only appeal.

Thighs too big

Breasts too big

Waifu png-s.

There's some different flavors of appeal.

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Exploiting dopamine loops of people

that slutposters like you post pictures of characters from it on here and I get to coom without having to leave Yas Forums

user too gay


can anyone recommend good try on haul channels that feature a lot of underboob? preferably teenage girls


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I don't get it either. But I thank God everyday for the whales that support it and the pirates who upload the galleries to exhentai.

Waifu.jpg is the literal only reason. They all play like shit, if it wasn’t for tits and anime they’d die

to make me horny like right now

You tell me.

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Big meaty boats

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Yes please!

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I know nothing about Azur Lane, but what character was made for anal?

Stop baiting and post pictures

Please tell me more

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I don't mind being a man but I wouldn't mind being a cute girl so I could have sex and wear cute cosplays.

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Fuck off coomer.

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Just hide and ignore the thread dumbass


I'm not. I literally have no clue about Anal Lane.

Bremerton is a dumb paizuri slut

Look at the boats and then post one that you might think is good for anal.

Attached: bob.gif (360x360, 3.96M)

I like collecting and leveling characters up

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exhentai.org/tag/parody:azur lane

yeah, people who post anime sluts in order to try and get anons to coom
it's a popular fad among Yas Forums users

Based coomer.


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Okay, I mean, does this fat cow even know how to play tennis? Like, at all?


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its fun

Attached: azure lane taihou.webm (720x720, 1.55M)

What's that?

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gonna coom to her fat tiddies

The appeal is tennis?

Attached: Ant.png (577x495, 149.71K)

she must really like street fighter

WTF?!?!? HOW HE DO THAT?!?!?

Clearly the teambuilding and theorycrafting restrained by the limited resources at your disposal

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time to unload buckets to this pic, ty user.

shlup shlup shlup

Comments like this should lead to a word-filter ban. Reason: Homosexuality

how is she still playing?

>Look at the boats and then post one that you might think is good for anal.
Okay, but give me your verdict.

pic related

Attached: 09be1e39d3999376afd5910befe95772.png (800x1067, 708.48K)

>Okay, but give me your verdict.
I'd rather not

It's just the attract mode.

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Cat bote.

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*pure maidens

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Tennis is fun

my little sister who is in high school has a friend who makes gacha games, does that mean her friend literally makes porn?

Iiniku Ushijima. It might be predator rat.

yes and you should fuck your sister

Where is the fucking birdposter

Please no

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I'd swab the poop deck if you know what I mean

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Post more poop deck!

Greedy jewcat

you don't see it here, but she probably has the most ideal tummy i've seen, like she walked out of a quality R18 doujin

She's not greedy, she just knows better than you what to do with your gems.

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Imagine smelling in between the cracks.

The story?

why exactly? are the jannies mad you can see the outline of a nipple under her shirt?

is there database to see what vids she has?

Where do you get the animated pics of that Koihime game?
I have been looking for those but no luck so far.