What's the hardest Soulsborne boss? I'm thinking Nameless King, Friede or Orphan.
What's the hardest Soulsborne boss? I'm thinking Nameless King, Friede or Orphan
have you even played the ringed city how could you possibly think the nameless king is harder then any of the DLC bosses
He just feels harder
> your opinion is fucking wrong you mongoloid
First post never ceases to disappoint. Orphan of Kos is pretty gay due to random lightning bolts that can duck your shit up.
Ds2 is the only souls game with build variety. You could literally make any weapon pvp viable.
For me it's probably Midir but I've only fought him a few time.
Thanks for the advice of the anons from my thread last night about him, I got him just a little bit after the thread 404ed.
Laurence for sure.
Pontiff's phase 1 is the gayest fucking shit ever so i'll go with that.
Harder how?
Prowling Magus.
trivialized by the Moonlight (unenchanted) uncharged R2s
>Nameless Ping
trivialized by str+shield
>Brother Fredo
trivialized by patience
My vote is for Midir. I mean, for legit fights. As for the hardest fight, no holds barred, then my vote goes to Bed of Chaos.
Yes. Midir was hard, but not as hard I think. Gael was much easier, less than 10 tries.
>Harder than Fume Knight, Sulyvahn, Midir or Gael
Are you high?
no one asked
Orphan is one of the most intense fights in the entire medium IMO
Haven't played the other ones mentioned yet but I feel like I really made it past a filter by beating him
NK was not as hard as he was made out to be. I got btfo'd by him alot until I realised that you can do dmg to his head rather than his wyverns toes. After that I got him in about 6 tries, as his foot soldier phase and melee was mediocre.
Real answer is Kos, Friede, Midir, Artorias, and Manus.
For me, either Sister Friede (a fight that extended is just bullshit, I’m sorry) or Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords.
Midir gets nuked with the HP gas spell. Forgot what it was called. Any boss has counters.
Ludwig and Orphan are the hardest if you don’t automatically grind the difficulty away with absurd builds.
Wut? I got him in 2??
>Bed of Chaos
Why is this a meme? It is literally one or two tries per weak spot thing, just let yourself die, then a couple tries in jumping to the centre. It requires no skill at all.
Oh yeah, forgot about Manus, he is definitely up there too.
Fucking Laurence.
>can spin like a record on a track to hit you 180 degrees behind him
>fuckhuge aoe effect on most of his melee attacks
>massive health pool
>tiny arena
Felt like a Chalice Dungeon boss desu
Kosm was only a hard fight due to her inverting your controls every 30 seconds and that head gimmick. Kosm is the definition of artificial difficulty.
Friede is harder than all of those except Midir. I am not even the same guy. She has such a range of attacks thanks to 3 phases and she hits so fast and relentlessly that you need to be on your fucking toes. She is my favourite fight too and one of the hardest.
darkeater midir, fucking camera moving around like crazy
I wish I could laugh in your face.
Also defiles Amygdala was harder than anything else in the game.
Headless beast was also a motherfucker with the one hits. Has nobody really gotten that far in the dungeons? They are almost never mentioned.
He has some of the most obvious timing patterns in DS3 though, you just need to be very patient in fighting him and his bird. Midir is more difficult simply for how fucking long the fight takes
I beat Gael first try with barely any fucking heals. Absolute joke and I sat there waiting for the REAL final boss to show up.
Been a while since i played it but i dunno what you are on about. Inverted controls like when he jumps past ypu or something? He is fucking deadly strong and has some attacked you need to be pretty fine tuned to dodge. That is not artificial.
because the bosses are not that good in dungeons and its very repetitive but you are right defiled amygdala was hard as fuck.
I honestly think I died to these faggots more than any other boss. I have no idea why, I just got this mental block and was unable to cope.
The first time you encounter the Orphan, he’s pretty much the hardest boss in the entire franchise. He becomes way easier once you learn his moves though.
Yes. Friede is fucked as a boss. The bosses you mentioned don’t compare. They’re all challenging but they aren’t as broken and cheap as Friede is. She literally doesn’t belong in the game.
beat them first try lol
No she does that brain thing and you left/right gets changed to right/left and she becomes invincible unless you hit her head when she is doing the lure thing.
Same, they made me drop the game for like a year. Came back after running through every Souls game and was finally able to beat them
>sulyvahn harder than friede
U sure we played the same game
Trying to fight FRC Fire Bitch or Chain Giant with only melee is probably the hardest thing in the franchise.
armpit strats and you can no hit sulyvahn brah
>defiled amygdala
Oh it was definitely harder than watchdog overall, I just didn’t include it because it borderline doesn’t count since it’s basically a reused asset. But yeah, I eventually was just forced to camp underneath it’s tail and whittle away, because dodging it’s limbs seems basically impossible.
>headless beast
Fuck I nearly forgot about that asshole. Him, the werewolf dude and nuDarkbeast Paarl made that dungeon hellish
That’s some other boss fuck knows what that is
I think she doesn’t have a lot of hp. I was able to beat her down In chunks using priest lightning and a carthas Sword. Ariana grande in the end made the fight feel cheap, but was a shittier Orthris and Smog fight.
Spear of the Church with healing miracles and the covenant buff.
Honestly cannot recall but I will take your word for it. Second half is nightmarish all over though. But the first half is a clear skill based battle I still maintain.
Is the remaster really such a bad way to play DS1? I know lots of people said it looked like shit around release but did any of you end up playing it and have another opinion?
Orphan of Kos is still the hardest boss Fromsoft has ever made
Didn't have that big a problem with them, but the hunter in the academy right after them kept me from getting to Rom for two straight days.
Fuck Midir
Havel's motherfucking greatshield
parry in the first phase, be aggressive in the second phase, backstab in the third stage
Take your adhd meds and hit under him or hit the legs. Takes more time, but it's way easier. Then you won't become one of those redditfags who writes 6 paragraphs explaining how they learned that hitting the head does more damage.
I've never played the original, only the remaster. It was fine by me.
It was fine. It is not a replacement though. It is there to get all the games onto the same platform for consoomers or for those who missed it first time around. If you have steam or ps3 version dont bother. If you dont or want to use your ps4 for controller or whatever, get remaster. Dont buy for the meager graphics boost though.
royal rat authority
Hard, but fair. It’s excellent design, he hits hard but has no bullshit oneshot attacks at all. You can nearly always survive an assault if you’re quick enough, unlike Lady Maria’s blood-fire beam or Micolash’s galaxy explosion of arbitrary death.
>parry in the first phase, be aggressive in the second phase, backstab in the third stage
So there is a recipe for success and therefore it is not a good or hard fight? I know how to beat her user, she is still tough though.
It's a great game of course, but ideally someone who has played both could tell if the differences were too bad.
I'm just one of the guys thinking it would be nice to have all of them besides Demon's on one platform (PS4). Probably a lot of people had the same wish, which is why it was a bummer the remaster is so questionable.
never played bloodborne but i full cleared 1 thru 3 and the only bosses that ever made me eat shit more than 30 times were my homeboys ornstein and smough. caveat being is was DS1 and my first soulsbourne in general.
Lady Maria started off as a ludokino fight then she went straight into ‘i-frame through these delayed attacks pls’. Still averages out to kino though
Dark Souls 2 has the single hardest boss in the franchise, Boredom, the Unending Tedium
Glad to know I’m not the only one. Something about the 3v1 combined with the arena layout just threw me way off. Then I’d get down to one of them and be one-shotted by summoned snakes
Including Chalice? Any Defiled boss, but especially Watchdog
Actual bosses with a hint of design put in them? Orphan, Laurence, or Midir.
Friede isn’t that bad besides being too long (especially if you use Gael summon), and Nameless King is piss easy when you figure out his AoE timing. Honorable mention to Manus, but mainly just because of his magic.
It isn't questionable, it was literally the game with upgrades so minor it wasnt worth the money to those who own it. But if you value having your collection in order, i say go for it.
Idk. i beat all of them first try by summoning one or two people
I don’t like this boss. I beat him first try no problem, but each rematch I gradually struggle more. It’s like I’m realising that he’s not an easy boss
Both versons
can agree with this