When did "Capcom fighting games" come to mean just Street Fighter and crossovers?

When did "Capcom fighting games" come to mean just Street Fighter and crossovers?

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Deal with it. Street fighter is the best fighting game series of all time

Have you even played any of Capcom's other fighting games?

When Capcom looked at the sales numbers for Street Fighter, and then at all the non-Street Fighter shit, and said "lol why are we bothering with this shit".

Reminder 95% of the people who beg for a new Darkstalkers neither bought the HD rerelease that came out on XBLA and PSN, nor would actually buy a new Darkstalkers if we got one. Fucking hypocrites.

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Around championship edition.

>Deal with it.

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None of the non-Street Fighter games existed at that point. Nor any of the crossovers. It was literally just SF1, SF2WW and SF2CE.

>posts character from Street Fighter game that sold less than Darkstalkers

>neither bought the HD rerelease that came out on XBLA and PSN,

>hey capcom we want a NEW darkstalker
>okay here's a rom you already got for free on the internet lmao what you dont want this ?
>darkstalkers cancelled forever loooooooool

Ah yes, just like it's our fault MML3 got canned. We didn't want it enough.

You got numbers for that?
Hell even if you do, that doesn't invalidate my point, especially when you take modern-day sales into context. You wanna compare 3rd Strike HD sales to Darkstalkers HD sales?

Fighting games that aren't based on hyper-successful properties aren't worth the resources to develop anymore

Even with all of the casual-friendly mechanics being introduced, casuals just don't buy fighting games that aren't MK, SF, or licensed shit

Sales speak much louder to shareholders than people talking online, senpai.
That was mostly because Inafune left Capcom desu

ding ding ding
fighting games are niche, and it's not financially viable to develop shit for a specific niche of an already niche market

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the model of constantly making fighters isn't sustainable in this market, especially when companies are now, unfortunately, expect to fund major tournaments at the same time. Capcom had the best fighting game run of any company, and if any where to try expanding out again, it would be them.

MML3 was Inafune's ultimatum if Capcom didnt given him more than he could get inside the company.

No because they don't matter. They're not even real fighting games

eSports was a mistake
when do we get to ban developer/publisher-sponsored tourna-
based death plague

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As someone who thinks most new FGs are financially unviable (see ) this is clearly bait. Ignore and move on, folks

09'er detected

>no you have to play my irrelevant non fighting game

> Obligatory "Wha Happun to Capcom/Where's all the fun?!" Thread

In somewhat Cronological Order:

Capcom Fighting Jam Tanks+ Other expensive flops leads to the great Fighting Game Decline of the early Aughts = Street Fighter and Marvel vs Capcom are the only franchises to make it past that (and we know what happend to MvC after that).

Capcom's new MT Framework + Move to 3D games + Hit Or Miss games during PS3/Xbox360 generation = Only 5 Franchises making it past that.

I miss it too, but Capcom are the only ones to blame for having their entire portfolio devolve into SF/RE/MH/DmC with an occasional Megaman game.

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FGC peaked in 2009, after that we slowly slid into sponsors, company tourneys, and simplified games, and it was a fucking deadly combo. Look at the MK scene for Christs sake, what a disgrace.

>games made by the same people as Street Fighter and that influenced Street Fighter are irrelevant
zoom zoom

when they whittled down their overall library to only the most focus-tested, normalfag-approved series.

I just want re-releases of the entire right side, that's all I want. Ive given up on new installments on any of those games so I'll just take a half-way decent remaster at this point. They make run RE, SF and MH into the ground after that and I woudnt care.

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OP here

Forgot to include the dissolution of several of their unique development studios in the GC/Xbox/PS2 era+several key personel retiring or going to start new companies.

How is 09'er even still an insult? It's been an entire decade

If I decide it's not a fighting game then its not a fighting game. Period.

>Sales speak much louder

Yeah, and repackaging a low effort middle finger as a response to people claiming for a new game and not even telling them thats to gauge interest can be considered tone deaf at best and spiteful at worst, "sempai".

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I want a new Darkstalkers, I bought Darkstalkers Resurrection on release year, and I would buy a new Darkstalkers game DAY ONE if it released. I'm not like these Capcom "fans" that say they like all these cool games they used to make yet only play Street Fighter

the invidivual games aren't that bad but holy shit is SF bad as a series, just look at all the workable concepts introduced in SF4 that got thrown out in SFV
I'd say it shouldn't be that hard to ask for the same game but better, but there's still glaring issues in these games that have been iterated for five fucking years minimum

>How is 09'er even still an insult?
Because the heyday of fighting games was the 90s. That's where most of the legacy is. And newcomers are often ignorant (often willfully) of that legacy when they run their mouths.

When arcades died

Capcom should team up whit Arksytem to make a new darkstolakers in the GG/DBZF/GranblueVS engine.
Hell they acualy did make a game together at one point.
The Sengoku basara figther.

This is the nw "Platinum should make X."

Well ARMS did well enough for a new fighting game IP. I think Capcom could stand to market their games better. Bamco is able to do it with Tekken and SC. Even SNK has been getting their act together with SNK Heroines somehow being a big success given how much of a budget title that was.

Arc, not Ark
and there's no such thing as the "GG/DBFZ/GBVS" engine. It's just Unreal Engine

what capcom actually needs to do is have 8ing make a new game

when the soul was gone

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I know its unreal but i am just saying they already have all the code and booth companies have experience using the engine.
It would take less work than making a brand new game as they can literally just take the existing code and adapt it for a dark-stalkers game.
Gran-blue versus already plays similar to a cpacom figther. Just make the gamer faster and its basically dark-stalkers.

they know the only thing legendsfags want is to complain, seeing as how every game in the series flopped before any of you niggers were even born.

How does Capcom add SOUL back?

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I miss Darkstalkers. I mean, you think they would if nothing else at least have Morrigan and Felicia as guest fighters given they're still popular enough to keep showing up in Marvel V Capcom

Jedah in MvCI is actually pretty soulful and works as the character should.

Just shit out a Rival School fighting game and make a tie-in Visual Novel with high school drama.
Boom. Money.

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I wish the VN mode from the Rival Schools update on ps1 was translated.

Its thanks to the boring taste of the American FGC

I'd assume tone deaf, ""senpai"".
You're part of a very small minority.
This guy is 100% fucking accurate, "ArcSys should do X" really is the "Platinum should do X" of 2020. I don't even get the hype, ArcSys peaked fucking 15 years ago with pic related. Why do you want modern ArcSys to make a dumbed-down version of Darkstalkers or JoJo or whatever?

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If Streets of Rage 4 is a success I could only imagine that it would be worth Capcom's time to try a new Final Fight. It's the one other franchise they kept dipping into since it has Street Fighter ties.

Do you play on fightcade?

when arcades died

>arcades died
>fighting games remain a niche genre

When did "Capcom games" come to mean ugly pseudorealistic art styles and the occasional Megaman game?

MK has always been a disgrace

because you don't want to cannibalize your main product since it needs a good playerbase to stay alive
back in the arcade days the more arcade machines they shat out, the better, every fucking year they made new versions of the same game, nowadays they just update the main game

Updates and patches ruined the market.

Every fighter Arcsys does that isn'y thier own original IP tends to be over-simplified, id prefer them not touch existing IPs.

This however, is the answer.

>Bamco is able to do it with Tekken and SC.
Tekken is almost entirely reliant on its arcade market and took years until it got a console release. SCV flopped hard and put the series on hiatus for six years for a reboot that undid the damage to the canon and while a success it started off slow.

>Even SNK has been getting their act together with SNK Heroines somehow being a big success given how much of a budget title that was.

Let's not mince words, their games are incredibly cheap and a huge step back graphically and mechanically from their titles from their Playmore and only make back money because they're cost effective. KOF14 was an admirable effort just to show that 13 and 12 didn't kill the franchise but SnK Heroines was garbage outside the novelty factor.

When e-sports started turning a profit and the arcades died. From there it was just stupid to produce products that compete against yourself. Hence Produce one 1v1 and one crossover/team game.

When they jettisoned the last of their fighting soul.

I'd love a new red earth

>that gif
is that... 8 man?

Blame the seventh generation

Didn't SnK have to flatline as a studio and get bought up by the chinese in order to come back from the dead? And this is on top of cellphone game whoring?

SNK just couldn't go any lower.