Ready for Rape Ape?
Monster Hunter
Why does rajang have dog feet
So he can hop around in combat like a ballerina when he feels like it.
Brachy first, then gonna hunt monkey.
Funny because Rajang is actually the easier monster of the two
First question, is Kulve going to be coming with the festival tomorrow or is that confirmed for coming later down the line? Secondly, what style / arts do I use with insect glaive in GU?
Horse shit. Brachy is still susceptible to trap cheese. His last phase is just wall bang until dead.
Rajang’s only major disadvantage is that his fight is shorter for his capture animation.
>mfw running DB5 in the guiding lands and everyone's carting but me
It doesn't matter in guiding lands.
Lmao you clearly haven’t solo’s raging brachy. And to suggest trap cheese...lmfao
it matters psychologically
Looking to get back into the game after a solid break since Iceborne released.
I used to be a Dual Blade main, then moved on to Hammer but I feel like Hammer is a little bit one-sided where it all boils down to clutchclawing all day. I love the mobility of the hammer. What other weapons would you recommend that can dish out solid damage and be very mobile like the Hammer?
>he needs DB5 not to cart
>in a fucking multiplayer
seething nonreplier
In guiding lands it makes sense to go full offense with fortitude to turn into a literal destroyer of worlds for the next 50 minutes
>mfw like 3k damage on a single ZSD
Disagree. Furious isn't that much worse than regular jang, but regular jang is a shit fight. Raging brachy is easier than regular brachy (still as easier fight than regular jang) since he's bigger, less agile, and you can wound the legs. I have no problems with raging brachy.
Maybe if he still had the explode on hit, but instead the slime drops into a puddle you have time to react to.
while that sounds awesome for going solo it's a bummer if you're in a group and miss one or more damage windows because you got carted and have to raider ride back to where the monster is
Safi blast/poison SNS is a mini hammer with Timed Perfect Rush. Playstyle is wall banging when there's a chance. I don't have to worry about randoms dying either with wide range and free meal 3
>but isn't SNS considered a healing weapon?
You can fit in plenty of offensive skills with the raging brachy or Brute Tigrex armor.
Rajang supports you and your choice to become a woman
I like Monster Hunter when it kind of feels like we're just doing our jobs instead of being some Marvel super hero style character, I hope the next game in the World style goes back to the MH roots a little now that they've got a new generation of players hooked and don't need all the fireworks and shit
You're on a quest for your housekeeper and you enter this area. What would you do?
>whacking uragaans face in near a wall
>decides he wants to change areas as hes close to death after roaring
>shits out a bunch of rocks against the wall to flinch me then explode
>What other weapons would you recommend that can dish out solid damage and be very mobile like the Hammer
Switch Axe. A ton of mobility options built into the combo strings. Still has some clutch claw related abilities, though to a lesser extent than the hammer, even if ZSD is arguably more broken than spin2wins. Powered axe mode is essentially the same for tripping the monster as hammer for knockdowns, and after the trip you can unzip the sword mode for pure DPS. Needs power prolonger and arguably evade extender to function on full power.
I'm an idort :)
holy shit I got filtered by the Greatest Jagras, do I just uninstall the game?
his vomit almost one shots even G Rank players, he's meant to be pretty hard
Haven't fought Raging Brachy, I assumed he was just a constant enraged and would thus be explosive. Does he really just leave puddles? I'm assuming they start at yellow instead of green, at least. Fucking Velkhana is filtering me, so I can't get to the fights I actually like. Starting back in at G rank may have been a mistake.
>running HB3, DB3 and actually upgraded armor
>the two other guys cart twice each against Tempered Black Diablos
>cart zero times yourself
>do both furious jang and raging brapshittios
>they are even worse than expected
I really hope you are not actually looking towards that shit, especially furious "we removed the only good place to attack on shitzones and can't tenderize: the monster and made it even more hyperactive enjoy your time waste lmao"
1 hour 42 minutes.
He does explosions like regular brachy and bigger ones too. He's not as lightfooted though and doesn't dance around you. In 4u raging brachy's slime on his body would explode when you hit him, making him a special hell for blademasters. In iceborne, when you hit his reactive slime, it drops to the ground as a puddle before exploding. As long as you pay attention, you can react to it.
Furious rajang wasn't that great
Normal rajang is harder
>less agile
u wot? It literally never stops moving in enrage
>and you can wound the legs
Doesn't do shit when untenderised front are way better zones than tenderized legs
>Normal rajang is harder
it's not
>Fucking Velkhana is filtering me
Keep going at it, Velkhana might be hard at first but once you get the patterns down you can evade most of the attacks easily, you can even Clutch Claw Velkhana in the midst of some attacks and be safe
Wrong. I died to brachy once but not rajang which says a lot.
Velkhana only has 1 attack that can hurt you when clutch clawing its face. The very first encounter I just spammed claw on face.
>Rape ape
>Complete push over
Nothing in World will ever be challenging compared to old MH, not counting 4th gen.
Haven't really tried clawing it much, I'm used to fags that fly way too much being just huge hitboxes. I'll give that a shot.
If the fight didn't take place in the hoarfrost reach I wouldn't think that
Its starting area is fucking wall bang central and you can mount it pretty quick
You get more openings with the falling ice
It only becomes slightly more challenging when you move to the area above it because the tremors but the fight isn't hard
it's not hard but no fucking way normal rajang is harder when you can just easily wail on its ass the whole fight
>you can't like Old World games and World
epic shitposting, nigger
He's complaining about flashy anime shit and the most recent Nintendo MH game has Hunter Arts and Styles.
both posts I replied to are made by nostalgiafags who either lying or simply can not accept the changes.
fuck off retard
>monsters about to happen
>busted arm leaves me with one hand
What can go wrong.
>replying to /mhg/ retarded shitposter
are you this bored
You replied to me, retard. All I said is that I like the overall atmosphere of the old games and want them to bring that back, pretty much everything else about World / IB I wholeheartedly enjoy. Stop just assuming shit you mouthbreathing cumgargler
Just unlocked and fought this guy for the first time. Pretty fun fight, different enough from regular Diablos to catch me off guard.
Could he take Nergi?
you really aren't missing anything unless you're a metaslave and need brachy gear
Play HBG with shield. Lock on cam and pew pew. I saw dude with disability attempting speedruns like that.
when does disgruntled rajang come online?
0:00 UTC.
i already fought him
he fun
15 minutes
Whoever made brute wyverns not trip on hitting legs really needs to get fired and infected with corona
how the fuck do you stop them? I was working one of Anja's legs for ages with Savage Axe before realizing it straight up didn't do shit
Bloodbath is the best fight in the game to 1v1.
I play with GL and they fall all over themselves
1 hour 15, day lights saving