Draw vidya

Why don't you draw something with us? It's not like you're doing something else anyway


Attached: mywife.jpg (800x600, 85.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


draw tiddies

Attached: kanna.png (800x600, 40.08K)

How do I get good on drawing?
>Inb4 git gud

get a mentor

literally just keep drawing nigger

who drew the dicks picture

Me, I hope you like it

Don't let her snort that shit

Attached: getIMG.php.png596.png (800x600, 17.12K)

thanks user

Attached: sketch.jpg (800x600, 22.56K)

Gain proficiency

>not the dub

Attached: sketch.jpg (800x600, 59.31K)

read /ic/'s sticky and ignore the board completely
try to 'build with buildingblocks' with the most simple forms first. then apply some perspective.
instead of doing hyper realistic shit try to simplify the things you see in simple buildingblock forms. Doesn't have to look like the real thing, but try to get the general proportions right as good as you can

nobody started off good never ever ever and its ok to be worse than other people

Attached: 6646771.png (800x600, 12.59K)

Attached: getIMG.php.png597.png (800x600, 11.81K)

this one is cool

Attached: drawing.png (814x618, 139.11K)

this is how I imagined Lammy to look as a human. Why can't we bring back emo girls?

Attached: 1555572660311[1].jpg (393x700, 37.75K)

Attached: tigerspeech.gif (800x600, 80.07K)

Attached: downyetrload (2).png (798x598, 113.05K)

I drew my fumo from 2hu...

Attached: sketch.jpg (800x600, 61.91K)

Attached: sketch(258).jpg (800x600, 93.15K)

but where are the creams?

Hell with that, where's the chubby Lammys?

Attached: getIMG.php.png131.png (800x600, 9.14K)

Sounds convincing.

but what if lammy is already my waifu?

uma delicia

Attached: sketch(1).jpg (800x600, 56.4K)

Attached: getIMG.php.png (800x600, 11.7K)

Attached: sketch(216).png (800x600, 9.15K)

What compels someone come to a drawing website when they can neither draw nor write?

Attached: lazygothmaysketch.png (800x600, 6.51K)

Be a le epic boy shitposter.

I always love the action comics parodies

To piss everyone off to get attention.

Ah. The "I'm Only Pretending to Be Retarded" gambit. Classic.

Attached: sketch(248).png (800x600, 4.03K)

Then draw more poils

Attached: getIMG.php.png598.png (800x600, 10.95K)

To make people mad but nobody actually gets mad so you sockpuppet and pretend that someones getting mad.


Nigga I'm on a phone, this shit hard.

I've tried multiple things and it simply won't work with my tablet. Oh well there's always the draw thread.

It's much better than a mouse though.


Attached: 6645844.png (800x600, 8.85K)


what's the thread's theme lads?


Holy based

Attached: sketch(531).jpg (800x600, 67.66K)

Too bad she's the worst idol of the four

Attached: getIMG.php.png599.png (800x600, 10.45K)

>What *ignores spamfags* compels someone *ignores lazy text requests* come to a drawing website *memory holes jimposters* when they can neither draw *ignores spamfags again* nor write??
SEETHING niggers can’t deal with a simple drawing.

gave me a laugh, recognisced it just from the face

>paste link
>doesn’t work
>still doesn’t work

Mad about the truth, cuck?

Based retard thinking that question applies only to himself.

works fine for me

isn't it 41% now?

Taking big juicy meaty tiddy requests

>I-it’s the truth!!
>doesn’t answer the question
Nice to see seething fags make excuses.



Attached: 7671C6FC-24BA-40F2-8CFD-A65E2E986E12.jpg (1872x4032, 2.25M)

It doesn’t for me, it just shows 0 for everything and doesn’t send drawings.

she's meant to be a brown late 90's early 2000's emo girl right?

it is now gondola hour

check the dev console for errors

>no response
What wrong kiddies, ready to start seething the fuck out and spam up the gallery??

>this general statement applies to me and me alone
>you're the ones deflecting!
Okay retard.

>still not answering the question
>desperately trying to create a new problem

Attached: rbo.png (800x600, 7.85K)

>NO U!

You never asked a question based retardbro. Feel free to make an argument any time.

>still not answering
>n-no u, that’ll get him!
Come on user, it’s a simple question! Why do you seethe after me, but not anyone else? Surely you have a reason to.

Now this is much better

Attached: getIMG.php.png600.png (800x600, 7.44K)

See Also
>based retard
Can you really only get insults as a parting shot? Simply humorous.

Maybe ask a question then, lil bitch boy.

Draw Angela plz

Attached: 1586373722353.gif (640x360, 1.33M)

first time drawing with a mouse, how did i do?

Attached: Sem título.png (548x468, 12.72K)

I love it because cares.
Every time some based retard goes on a tirade of shit people just sit back and let that it run its course. I mean what, you gonna ruin this site with some doodly lines and blank pages for an hour, oh noooo I wont be able to see that one big titty pic even though this site is fleeting as fuck and it would be deleted anyway so there's no real posterity so you generally save everything as it comes and you can't spam fast enough to get it deleted instantly lol get real. Get a clue.

You still have not presented an argument of any substance. Feel free to point out where the logical fallacies you shat out changed the intent of my first post.
>What compels someone come to a drawing website when they can neither draw nor write?
Demonstrate for the class why you believe this is a personal slight directed solely at you.

Bless you drawfag.

Attached: file.png (800x600, 33.44K)