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Fisher Price for the lulz.
But really, why the two tone, sorny?
7 but fuck the blue glow
I'll be gifting the yellow one to the negro shelters here.
>sony releases official design
>sonyroach fanboys who know it's shit, quickly spam edits everywhere
blue glow is poggers my guy
I'll choose the sex controller
8 is cool.
12 is based
rest are cringe
Grow the fuck up
8 is actually pretty nice.
maybe banana no. 5 as my second.
wish the face buttons had color tho
8 > 3 > 2 > 9 > 7 > 1 > 4 > 11 > 5 > 10 > 6 > 12
Yeah fuck the only way for the controller to report error codes and state.
9 but it's all black.
Number 12 is the one that comes with the PS5. So I guess that one
10. girl also.
7 but colorize the PS button like in 9
9 is my second choice
you know what? I'm not a fag. since 12 is extremely cool its out of discussion but
all look cool. 5 is probably my favorite from this image
People don’t actually think this is good, do they? I don’t understand why console R&D or whatever always try to implement gimmicks like the GIANT touchbar and ps icon shaped home button when controllers already reached their peak with the xbox 360 controller. This looks like it’s going in a good direction, at least it’s bigger than the small as fuck ds4, but these gimmicks need to go.
8, or 7 with 9's colored PS logo
Oh God I didn’t even notice the two lightbars on the front holy shit why
post tits or gtfo
sony has nothing in store, and some aborted mcguffin of a controller is basically desperation
nobody ever fucking uses that touch-screen, especially when it comes to games
lol spiderman doesnt even have a cape dummy
7, 8 and 9 are objectively the best.
What, no gold or clear?
8 is cool
Spidey one looks cool too
If 12 was real I'd buy it in a heartbeat
nice hehe, id use that ^^
The one without an NSA Spy Microphone Array
Pro Tip: Im not buying a PS5
Doesn't look very finished to me. Put some varnish on that sucker.
Why would they record you through your controller when they can just record through the devices that also has a gps and you take it with you everywhere even to the toilet?
>choosing anything but 9
You think I'm some kind of functional human being who has a telephone?
imagine winning a tournament with 12
If it functions the same, how could I not bring that?
>Why would they record you through your controller
To control people and force them to change their behavior in their own homes
>no baby trapped in the grips
God of War one looks neat.
These all are horrendous. The least the could do was to release a one tone vintage gray trowback design reminding of the PS1
Post the mlp edits.
>Paid Shill threads all day for sonys failure of an xbox spy controller
don't quite get the mountain dew lights but i like it otherwise
They're all reddit.
The Chad 13 is the Xbox Series X controller.
Whatever kid, keep fighting your console war.
either 9 or 11
Let's just hope Sony gets with times and creates a proper driver. Fuck DS4Windows.
12 has the best d-pad
7 or 8
8 all the way.
Holy shit. Is that the Vita d-pad?
Just give me the black one
I really hope there'll be a single colour model
>no translucent
yo, the dude in this image kinda looks like the g-man
they had to do -something- will all the left over unsold vitas.
Who the fuck is that
It's perfect for playstation all stars br
1, 3, 9 and 12.
>no tranny flag coloration
Snoy really doesn't know their market. That shit would sell out immediately.