Turks aren't bas

>Turks aren't bas...

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left guy looks like "gamer in 20 years" image lmao

...sed on what?

edrogan is many things
based is not one of them

Confirmed for absolute dogshit taste in games.

>"Great game boys, great game."
>"Erdogan, what's that in your hand? Is that Bloodborne?!?"
>"Of course it is my boy."

Wtf I love Turks now

Erdogan is our nigga

No they are not you fucking roach just because you made one good game series.

Turkish president is also an authoritarian despot

HasanAbi is crying on Twitch about Sanders dropping out. RIGHT NOW. GO CHECK IT OUT.

wtf i love erdogan now ?!!?

where do they hide the antennae?

Hello, Based Department?

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Red pill me on erdogan? I am very keen on current affairs and politics but this guy has kinda slipped past me a bit.

Wanna-be dictator that wants to restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire
Supports terrorism in Syria
Is a whore for NATO / the west

Man, look at the dev on the left.
Shitty haircut, shitty sideburns, shitty tee+jeans combo.
This style brings me rights back to what game dev teams looked like in the 90s/2000s. It's great.

>restore the glory of the Ottoman Empire
>whore for NATO / the west
Howndoes he reconcile those two fucking things??

Well he's working in a studio living his dream being recognized by world leaders and your...?

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My what?

Despite his accomplishments, the guy really has to lose weight and start exercising. Nobody should be growing up looking so grossly overweight, and it's very unhealthy for them whether you want to hear me saying this or not.

i've been there, that building has a roach infestation

Attached: Turkpedo.webm (450x360, 1M)


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who cares, where's the koksal baba endorsement


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Looks like the kind of place where women would get filtered out fast.
Feelin good about Butterlord

What the fuck is the context for this webm?

How do Turks feel about the byzantines being there and represented in three different factions?
do they just larp as khuzaits?

I thought they were Romans

Cyprus and Constantinople are Greek
that is all

ITT: Butthurt failed army coup conspirators

they just pretend they don't exist

Don't listen to them my fellow BLACK brother, they are filthy white dogs. Death to all e*ropeans and crackers man.

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shut up gayreek or i will kill you like it's 1996 inchallah

By take over Izrael role in middle east

ataturk was the only good roach

I love Yas Forums

What I mean is, empires are rarely beholden to others as a whore or otherwise. How could he be both? And as for Israel, they are not a whore to the west at all. The west bends over backwards for them though.

>turkpedo, i was thinking about a pedophile
>was a a torpedo

is not what i want but i am not dissapoint

Apparently Talesworld is state funded and people have been complaining about it for years

I'd say turning yourself into a modern Sultan is pretty based

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Some of that Warband money definitely went to funding ISIS in Syria and the ethnic cleansing of the kurds, why else would they release a game that had less features than vanilla M&B?

Part II when?

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He wants something is is trying to get it by sucking dick


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Turk economy is based on Mountain Blade.

Reminder that during the Gezi protests everyone in the studio expect two people got arrested

based Political Officer and Cousin of Local Government Functionary

this but first time to take a bath

I understand. He should realise he is building castles on the sand if he thinks that an empire can be built on other peoples largesse or by their will.

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what game?


Obvious Warband

No idea that Warband released on PS4. I thought Bannerlord was confirmed not coming to consoles?

*Endless Zorbas the Greek loop*
Constabtinople 23 made from Gyrosoft
The year 2023 has arrived.
A herd of fucking ugly turkroaches are rushing from the mainland.
Crime rate skyrocketed!
Greece is ruined!
Therefore, the Greek government called Zeus relative, "Nikos"
For the massacre of the turks, Nikos is a killer machine.
Wipe out all 82 million turkroaches!

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Who's the dude on the left and who's the dude on the right and who is the Turkish president and who is Talewords Company and where's Metu University and what's a Bannerlord and what players and good luck for what?


They made a 70 year old islamist grandpa play pubg

>Erdogan is many things
Hopefully dead soon

im so proud of my leader

you're 30 years late bro, country has fucking 4th generation turkish immigrants

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