Rule of Rose

>there will never be a remake of reimagination of the story of this game
>with better controls and gameplay

such a shame. the game is unique and touch on risque topics.

Why they don't make these kinda games anymore?

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jews probably

We get it, you want to fuck children.

The game is so clunky its almost unplayable. It's a shame because I really loved the atmosphere and plot

There are MUCH better 6th gen horror games yet retards put this one on a pedestal just because physical copies are rare.

>doesn't give examples

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could you imagine the rage bait media hysteria if this game was made today? no way could a game like this ever exist today, because the game industry wants to pander to moralfags now, where as back in the 00’s pushing the boundaries was the thing to do

I could never stand the main character. She is infuriatingly spineless.

No one is saying that it's the best, it's just very unique and interesting.

the fatal frame games are better, so is kuon

Eternal Darkness, Forbidden Siren 2, Fatal Frame, The Suffering off the top of my head.

>so is kuon
Debatable, it's just as janky and feels very low budget even compared to RoR, though I really like it.

Attached: kuon (2).jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

These are all great games, but none offer the experience of RoR, you can like more than one game you know.

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Hi, Fatal Frame sucks ass and Rule of Rose is much better. Thank you, goodbye.


1. Who cares? The game is out there, just play it. Besides, a new game that is similar to it would be better than just re-releasing the same thing.

2. What comapny does Rule of Rose even belong to, anyway?

Oh my, does the game emulate well now?

And how is Playstation 2 emulation today in general?

Would love a reimagining of it in the vein of the Resident Evil 2 remake. The art direction,atmosphere and the story is top notch,a real work of art.

It has always emulated decently enough.

>And how is Playstation 2 emulation today in general?
Good enough.

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I am envious right now

>t in the vein of the Resident Evil 2 remake
What's the matter with RE2niggers? It wouldn't fit at all, this isn't a TPS with horror elements.

>in the vein of the Resident Evil 2 remake
so trash with surface level resemblance
fuck off

Just meant a similar value of production.

I got a Playstation 2 just so I could play Forbidden Siren 2, I still can't believe I was lucky enough to find that game for dirt cheap. Does that game still hang?

And what kind of a computer do I need for proper Playstation 2 emulation?

This is a good question. It belongs to Sony in Japan but it belongs to Atlus in America and 505 games in Europe?

>Based on the original story for RE4

What could have been.

I thought Rule of Rose was developed by Capcom


>Forbidden Siren 2
For that one you have to use software mode which means you can't play at super high res, still playable.

Alright, thanks for the info.

No, it was made by Punchline, a very small developer that was absorbed into Marvelous Entertainment.

You are thinking of Haunting Ground.


rule of rose has nothing to do with re4
haunting ground and devil may cry came out of the re4 projects

Is this game actually good or is the appeal just the little girls?

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The game is good and full of soul.

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The game is full of Crazy thots not even worthy to be touched with a stick

the gameplay is awful

Forgot to say, I used to have a g4560 and 750ti and it worked well for these games at 1080p.

If u like daddy issue mkultra thots with anger problems and autism yeah its for u

My mistake, I was thinking of Haunting Ground.

Underrated classics died off along with AA games.

It's clunky as shit to play but there really isn't another game like it out there.

It's clunky and flawed, but it's unique and got tons of atmosphere. Barring distances, think of it as the same kind of experience as Pathologic

I absolutely see indie game development reaching Playstation 2 levels of graphical fidelity this decade. I see these kinds of horror games coming back.

Heck, you can look at indie horror games made in Unity by small teams. Some of them have insane amounts of detail that developers in the 6th generation could only dream of.

Rule of Rose is unique and the only themes modern devs want to touch are how to make tons of cash and onions boy political artistic statements about being pathetic

and there's nothing wrong with that

The problem isn't just graohics though, but talent and all the time consuming stuff, like making unique assets for everything so the game doesn't look like it was made with stock assets, these will always be hard with a small team.

Could an indie studio make a spiritual sequel or remaster? It wouldn’t be as good but would be better than nothing.

3rd person indie horror games are extremely rare because it's much easier to make a 1st person game
dont need to make any models or animations, just have a camera flying around in a haunted house with jump scares

>Why they don't make these kinda games anymore?
Seriously? After what happened to IT do you think anyone else would risk it?

No, it's because it's such a unique game and a genuine modern tragedy. Very few games pull off what this one does and, yeah, it's clunky, but so is SH2. These games aren't great for their gameplay nor, in this case, for it's scares but for their story, atmosphere, music and as an artistic endeavour.

I remember seeing the review of a game back in 2006 where you play as a cute girl in a dress through an orphanage or something, it was a horror game and you had to escape some faceless kids, is it this game? Because I can't remember the name of the game, I remember a cute girl in a white dress being the protagonist, of I remember correctly she worked at that orphanage.

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Game development tools are getting more efficient and easy to use all the time. Again, I have faith that there will be a Japanese style third-person indie survival horror game with themes that resonate and have something to say that will be the talk of the town within the decade.

SH2's gameplay is considerably better.

>there will never be a remake of reimagination of the story of this game
good, stop wanting remakes you insufferable fuck.
let the industry make new stuff

all horror game threads are borderline unreadable now with all the retards wanting to remake X game for the 10th time

No, it's not. Better, sure, but not by much. Not so much that it'd make a difference.

remember when they showed the first sekiro teaser and people thought it was going to be a kuon sequel
sekiro was great, but i'd love to see from make another horror game

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you forget
>wanting to remake X with the RE2 gameplay even if doesn't fit the game at all

He's posting on Yas Forums. of course he wants to fuck children.

sry ngr boomer, the remakes are masterpieces

you should feel ashamed even posting this ironically

>Japanese indie

Japanese STYLE.

That does remind me: I see a Japanese indie scene growing out this decade.