How come berserker classes are never balanced? They're either weak and gimmicky or they're OP and braindead easy

How come berserker classes are never balanced? They're either weak and gimmicky or they're OP and braindead easy.

Why is it so hard for game developers to make a blood-thirsty, rushdown character.

Attached: 1560771934589.webm (480x480, 2.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>hi user, for the game later, can i bring a friend over?
>euh, is he a cool guy?
>yeah totally.
>sure, i guess.

What an autistic faggot!

Attached: 1554098384293.gif (500x370, 888.59K)

THat's what you get for inviting niggers to your house

>even those subhumans live better than you

Attached: 1521879140681.gif (338x314, 1.21M)

>still believing in the subhuman meme

Why do niggers love bobbing up and down so much?

but he behaves like subhuman

Don't pretend white people don't do this shit when someone insults Trump on CNN.

That just looks like someone who lost a lot of money on a bet.

They don't you fucking nigger retard.

So to people with disorders (which he may very well have). But we still gotta count them as human.

The only whites who are doing that are melting the fuck down over Bernie getting BTFO.
4 more years faggot

They do, skin color doesn't dictate action redneck.

so do white people

and that was just from a 30 second google search

Sports encourages niggedry across all races and borders. You're nuts if you think people fighting and breaking shit over it is a racial issue.

No. No they don't.

I'm guessing he bet all his child support money on the losing team.

Yas Forumstards out in full force today, too retarded and driven hate to see that this is fake

Uhh, they literally don't.
Your mistake was falsely thinking race is only skin deep. Race determines intelligence, size of brains, level of violent nature - all kinds of things are genetic, thus determined by race.
So yes race does determine behavior.

the madden one is just some guy being salty as fuck but the other 2 videos are 100% fake like the nigger in the OP

finger stepmania players are casuals

None of those videos depict OP's video, where the nigger destroys SOMEONE ELSES TV in rage. Only a negro thinks everything in the world belongs to him and his to do with as he pleases.
These enraged whites you are referring to are destroying their own property.

>environmental storytelling

Sure thing. I'll bet crime statistics are all totally false too.

Cuckolds out in full force today, too brainwashed and indoctrinated to see that it is obviously very real.
It's baffling that you would even think it's fake, the owner of that house is clearly upset that the nigger broke his TV.

buzzword time
great job moving goalposts, friend

this was staged by a famous instagrammer but carry on /vpol/

imagine getting your worldview from staged viral videos

>if i do it then everyone else does it too

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why did you need to bring trump in this matter?
there's a bunch of compilations of white fat boys raging because of videogames lmao

>Blacks destroy their own property in fits of rage over sports
>Asians destroy an entire city in fits of rage over sports
Blacks, are you even trying?

Attached: riot5[1].jpg (640x712, 74.26K)

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When you're entire organization is ran by white people they just might.

Every single day, obsession over blacks and whatever the fuck they do
You faggots are pathetic

this video's staged right?

actually niggers are statistically more inclined towards aggression and violence.
It's genetic.

>tfw my rapties made this nignog seethe

motherfucker Bonobo was president until yesterday

Attached: image-2020-04-08-15-13-10.gif (450x450, 776.26K)

Attached: Asian Father.webm (711x400, 964.81K)

you clearly dont live near nigs. or have never seen a video of them ever

fuck yeah based dad

play berzerker songs
you won't, pussyfaggot

yes niggers are subhumans

Him grabbing his homie by the neck and shoving him out the door looked pretty convicing

t. budding neonazi who only consumes videos Yas Forums shows him


name 5 games

Okay retard.

goddamn he was given a 2nd chance after the first hit to not hit it again and he STILL decided to break it.

His name is Funny Mike and heres his prank youtube channel full of totally real freakouts

>getting mad at someone else losing a game

That first one is hilarious. The way the old lady falls over after being shocked is great.

pokemon 1
pokemon 2
pokemon 3
pokemon 4
pokemon 5

Its considered highly disrespectful and degernerate to dye your hair blonde in Japan. Kid was a delinquent and the dad had enough of his bullshit.

Yeah that asshole would get his shit kicked in if that was my shit he took a sledgehammer to

You actually left your crusty jizz infested basement and met a black person you'd realize they're just like any other person kiddo. But no, stay sheltered.

>destroying your own property is on the same level of faggotry as destroying others property
Please post hand.

t. literal child

I keep forgetting that japanese dudes dont have kids until they're like late 30's or 40's. That father looks like he's 65 with a 15-18 year old kid.

I dont know if it's based or Cringe to have kids that late. You cant even say to enjoy thier youth because you know he spent his 20s/30
s grinding at some job.

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I buy weed from black people all the time, it's the main reason I leave the house

>one game policy

Clearly fake. Ps4 doesnt even have any games installed on it.....

niggers gonna nig

I love how he just pushes that little pussy out of the way without even thinking about it.

I love the NFL vid so much. Every time I get frustrated in a game I use his lines

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I've always loved that playful digadigdigadoon he does at the start and 2:16 is kino.

Bitch if you try and fuck up the shit I worked and paid for your ass is grass.

t. literal child who just got his first job

genes do tho

>thought people having kids in their 30s was weird when I was younger
>turning 30 in two weeks
>want literally nothing to do with kids

>"dont make me assume my ultimate form!!"

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