Why would you play XIV Shadowbringers when Shadowlands Alpha is days away and will BTFO Shadowbringers?

Why would you play XIV Shadowbringers when Shadowlands Alpha is days away and will BTFO Shadowbringers?

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With how shitty 5.25 was I'd be tempted to play WoW instead but I deleted my Blizzard account in order to liberate Hong Kong from China.

Theres nothing to do in XIV except wipe to enrage on Eden's Verse.

shadowlands looks like complete SJW shit.

>Raidfags seething over casual life content
>WoWfags desperate to stay relevant
>Meanwhile I'm filling out my fish collection and getting comfy and crafting my own furniture
They could gut the entirity of combat out and I couldn't care less

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a little history lesson:
>wow legion looking to be the biggest wow patch ever
>xiv still recovering from 3.1 shit
>constant doomposting in threads, everyone in Yas Forums convinced it was over
>point to 3.4's release being close to legion's release as yoship getting desperate
>expect 3.4 to have some massive changes, shiny new stuff to compete
>nope, still more of the same, with just the same square enix polish
>"xiv btfo lmao"
>months later, fanfest threads take literal minutes to reach bump limit
>xiv subs who dont even know of Yas Forums just keep on trucking, keeping the game healthy for stormblood
>cycle repeats in stormblood
>only this time blizzard shit the bed so much in 2018 it just made xiv and blizzard's other competitors more attractive
its unironically only wowfugees who want the game to be more than it is
the only fear atm is that corona may just delay the next patch, not that there's nothing to expect
xiv will still be the same, year after year
please unsubscribe if you dont like it, please, pretty please, with cherry on top

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>please unsubscribe if you dont like it, please, pretty please, with cherry on top
Fucking this.
I'm tired of people asking for it to become more like WoW.

I think it's funny that WoW players dread new patches while FFXIV players are devouring hype monsters for new patches. What a duality of man instance there.

>Revenue goes up
>Amount of content goes down

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n-no it's not real content that's getting removed, n-no one liked playing the game but e-everyone likes the new umbrellas r-right

it's sad that you have to reply to your own post

Nice projecting, tranny.

never even played or looked at wow, pathetic how these delusional fags yell out wowfag at any form of criticism

It's sad that you simply cannot fathom that there are multiple people who actually hate seeing the game continuously getting pushed under the rug when it's generating more revenue than ever
ShB's core expansion will be remembered as the best to come but so far every single one of the follow-up patches have been lacking

>hit an 82k direct crit with Full thrust

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>You're welcome, bro

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People who stick with an MMO for more than a couple of months typically become invested in it. But the value of your investment in an MMO is always at risk. There are a few different ways in which this is so.

Part of the enjoyment you derive from an MMO is derived from the community you play it with. Other MMOs are a threat to that community as they can draw the people you play with away.

Part of the enjoyment you derive from an MMO is derived from its systems and content. The success of competing MMOs can cause the developers to adopt or change the systems and content they deliver. This happened to a lot of MMOs a couple of years after WoW launched. They changed or, as some have described it, 'dumbed down' their content to emulate WOW. This made people who enjoyed the previous MMO paradyme very unhappy, many old school MMO players never adapted and harbour resentment toward WoW for its influence on the games they used to love. WoW itself may be the biggest example of this effect, but it is not immune to it.

As the subscribership of an MMO falls it inevitably sees less and less reinvestment and eventually becomes just another 'free' to play cash grab. Competing MMOs are always going to be a part of the reason people leave a game.

So after investing time into a game, enjoying a game, making friends in a game and in some cases becoming emotionally dependant upon a game, people feel the need to protect and defend what they have in that game. Then when they try other games, rather then looking for things to enjoy they look for things to dislike, because other games are a threat to what they already have.

Its difficult to please people who are looking for faults. The global timer, the anime style, the ARR MSQ are all potential faults for those who are looking to find them. Of course they are also potential things to like or love, but again, that has to be what someone is looking for.

>So after investing time into a game, enjoying a game, making friends in a game and in some cases becoming emotionally dependant upon a game, people feel the need to protect and defend what they have in that game.

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Good thing they give you the choice to "skip the grind" for those who don't want to experience the kinos or players who just want to do comfy coop

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>play an mmo
>a final fantasy mmo
>pay to skip story and how your job works
I dungedit

>there are multiple people who actually hate seeing the game continuously getting pushed under the rug
only if you're a raider. you're the minority and not the catering focus of the game.

Soul vs Soulless

Your gesture of boycotting dying publisher games has clearly worked, user!

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>why play garbage when you can play shit?
I'll just stick to EQ and FFXI

JRPGs vs WRPGs in a nutshell.

>Play game for gameplay
>Gameplay sucks
>Constantly told gameplay is better at level 70+
>Buy skip to level 70
>Gameplay still sucks

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i cannot stomach daily time-gated progression shit. so fucking irritating. and on top of that every dumbass kid that has few enough brain cells to tolerate being around the mongoloids of that game can grind their face into asphalt for 4 hours to clear a +15 mythic and get a free piece of raid-level loot every week. fucking broken ass dumpster fire game. as for FF, never played it, never will.

How comes FFXIV's NA servers always feel full while WoW's NA servers feel dead? I thought WoW had millions of subs.

>t. didn't savage raid

Are e5s and e6s really such fucking walls? It takes forever for e7s to fill just for my weeklies. I waited all evening to fill and end up disbanding because apparently the easiest fight of the tier is too big brain for some cunts.

>buying the level skip
You were just asking to be suckered. If it wasnt SE it would have been someone else.

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you don't have to beat e5s or e6s to do e7s. it's just e7s is aids

E5 filters the absolute retards, E6 filters out those who were just barely able to make the cut for E5.
That's like 60% of the savage playerbase right there.

Are people finally realizing how shallow XIV is now that they have way too much time on their hands to play it?

>lodestone the guy
>10k+ hours of playtime invested

why do people play so much and always keep expecting the game to be fresh each time

Based Theodoric
Has the madman ever NOT made a sensible post

>calling expansion a budget expansion
>looking up hours played
Wouldn't a veteran understand quality drops better than new players then? I don't get what the lodestone hours have to do with ShB feeling like a budget expansion?

Yes, same thing is happening to Warframe.
Irrelevant to the complaint faggot
The most based OF poster thats for sure

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I don't have a mental illness of the same spectrum (Gender dysphoria, OCD & Aspergers) so I'll be skipping those like I've skipped many others that came before it

>I'm tired of people asking for it to become more like WoW.
Should have said that on the reboot when 1.0 players were sending feedback to Yoshida without knowig that he had the team mainly play WoW to figure out systems to port over in the new engine before nuking Crystal Tools then. Better yet you're better off wishing the guy in charge of XIV wasnt a WoWfag and a Diablofag that visits Blizzcon every year.
And in the end both suck patch wise. WoW has a big time gap between them before they splurge on content that sucks and is easily digested while XIV makes constant updates cause they part out their content which is easily digested and just as shallow as WoW.

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I did the first four with public groups and they're okay. But it doesn't excuse every other mission quest and dungeon being fucking terrible. It's like when Destiny fags say their game is worth playing for the raid. It's not a good excuse for everything else being shit.

Why is the new ex so trash

>relic can be done in 1hour
Is this true Yas Forums? Is this the shortest Relic step ever?
Isn't it just ShB's Odin?

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>get told FF14 is good
>play game
>story is good but gameplay is boring as shit
>finish story and gameplay is still shit.
Wow is dogshit but ff14 feels like stale bread fungus in comparison. I don't get what people see in the game.

>And in the end both suck patch wise.
well all MMOs are like that so if you don't like it then pick another genre.

What job did you play?

The modern Baby's First MMO. Remember when WoWfags acted like that too when they were the new "Baby's First MMO" fags? XIVfags are just the modern equivalent, pretty much take a WoWfag and slap some JP paint on it, not much of a difference outside of that.

SE couldn't care less what 40 people think, they will start caring once hundreds of thousands of people voice the same thing.

>relic can be done in 1hour
>Is this true Yas Forums? Is this the shortest Relic step ever?
Unironically yes
The relic weapon consists of a one-time story with a solo instance. The total amount of time it takes to complete this is probably 30 to 60 minutes depending on whether or not you intend to watch the cutscenes. All subsequent relic weapons can be bought for 1000 poetic tomestones.
Relic armour drops from the new EX trial which very clearly just was a previously scrapped project they quickly unearthed and put together; despite being a new EX trial it has no unique music (It just uses the generic Shadowbringers dungeon boss theme), has no mount drop and no crafting materials that can be used for housing decorations/minions/misc. items like all other EX trials tend to do.

>SE caring regardless of the number
This is Japs we're talking about, you could have the whole playerbase bitching and they'll be stubborn and keep to their ways unless the whole company was close to dying.

Can I run demo or some acc before buying monthly fee in ff14? I have Linux and I wonder if game will run in my shit laptop. Classic works in about 30 fps.

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>Is this true Yas Forums? Is this the shortest Relic step ever?
Not sure if it's the shortest first step ever, but without cutscenes and doing the solo duty you can get it in about 15 minutes, then the ones after with 1k poetics. And it's just one step. No upgrades, just the base weapon.

Compare that to crafter/gather relics where you can upgrade them twice, BEFORE getting the final first step weapon which takes a few hours to do .

Hand/land shit is still more involved than combat stuff, which goes for all of ShBs postgame-patches so far.

as a friendless neet im actually interested in WoW deep dungeon

>anons being ungrateful for this expansion
Just fuck off to WoW all of you

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Not a fan of WoW's artstyle.

I believe there's an unlimited trial that lets you play until level 30 or something like that

We got the FPS cap reversed because there was a 100+ page forum thread complaining about it.


There's a benchmark and free trial. If you're running on Linux, use proton.

They only care if its an easy fix honestly. Reminder that even the missing races and Eureka threads got massively ignored regardless of them hitting several hundred unique posters. FPS caps, UI changes and the like they'll respond to but outside of that? Nope

I played in no order Samurai, Dragoon, Dark knight. There is no amount of hotkey gameplay that is going to make going through a sterile world full of invisible walls and interacting with no one enjoyable. There is no amount of hotkey buttons that are going to make corridor dungeon with no exploration fun for me. FF14 feels like a world in a glass bottle, the animations (especially jumping) just feel tanky slow and awkward. Its got some nice vistas that absolutely no one will even interact with. Its like everything I hate in modern mmos like WoW x2.

And this is made worse because I love final fantasy as a series. I want to like this game but its ass aside from the story.

>I want to like this game but its ass aside from the story.
Sounds like you fit the demographic of XIV except you're not willing to let the story glaze over the story.

>Play RPG
>Wtf why is this an RPG
It's like bitching you shoot a gun in a FPS. You're not going to like a game in a genre you're not into.

>i hate WoW i swear
>im totally a Final Fantasy fan
Fuck off WoWfag. Go back to your furry den of degeneracy.

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what are you talking about

>Its got some nice vistas that absolutely no one will even interact with
what are hunt trains and treasure maps

>strips away meaningful stat interaction
>play as we say combat rotations
>classes streamlined to play nearly the same across roles and subcategories
RPing in a Private house doesn't make it a RPG.

People complained about inventory space all the way back to 2.0 and they said it was impossible to expand.

Fast forward to Stormblood and they gave everyone more inventory slots.

so invisible walls and corridor dungeons are the things that make the game an rpg

Nearly nothing in this game works like a RPG. You have a static gear path, static rotations, the only thing that matters is doing big damage regardless of your party role to the point that you're a Red/Blue/Green DPS and content is designed with no thoughtful puzzles or need for utility in mind as that would require more balance. Calling XIV a RPG is wishful thinking.

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