How bad will the backlash for FF7R's new ending be?

Do you think it'll rival ME3's controversy? Or do you think the game will get away with it.

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You're deluded if you think it's anywhere near ME3.

nonexistent outside of this shithole. keep coping, though. maybe you'll finally get a switch port if you screech loud enough.

That one guy who spams threads whenever he's made about something will single handedly make 300 posts a day crying to create the illusion of a backlash.

If it was released in say 2010, then definitely.

Based. This isn't 1926 anymore, Japanese haven't made good video games in well over a century.

It will taint discussion of the game forever. Completely independent of the quality of the game, good or bad, this is what people will talk about.

They won't get away with it because it disappoints both purists and newcomers to the game for a simple reason: the story just doesn't make any sense anymore.

Looking forward to your
while posting some screenshot of some literal who faggot on twitter with 34 followers.

Everyone here seems to be coping super hard today.

No i do not think it'll be the same level of ME3, but it will taint discussions involving FF7 forever. People already don't have high expectations of square enix and this will only keep it that way.

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