Mass Effect

Mass Effect should have been the first and last game of the series

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man fuck this shit thread already

fuck off

Then none would cared about it.

So it gets forgotten by everyone?

Still better than the complete desecration of the franchise and the original concept with ME2 and ME3

It's the best game hands down. There are gunplay issues, yes, but the worldbuilding is a straight 10/10, so is the story. The second game felt the worst as far as story went and the third one told us far too much about the Reapers

based ME1 bro

ME2 is the best one tho

No, we should have gotten better plot for ME3 and a happy ending.

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this, the game play is maybe slightly better in 2 but it destroys the world building

>ends in cliffhanger
OP, you talk like a faggot and your shits all retarded

I pretend that it is and that the killing of Sovereign prevented the Reaper invasion.
Based back

ME2 is better.

Jack was not in the game so I disagree

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It shouldn't have been the last, they just should've stuck with the identity they established in 1 for the sequels. After 1 the series still had enormous potential, but 2 essentially ruined that and then 3 shat the bed and sealed the deal. They abandoned almost all of the RPG elements in favor of mediocre shooter improvements and they drove the story into the ground to set up "muh earth invasion" for 3 which never should've happened.

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There was no Reaper invasion you retard, it was just later used as a convenient and clever marketing tactic to give a fantastical "saving Earth and the galaxy from evil space monsters" climax to the franchise

Sure, if you're a reddit crossposter.
>but the worldbuilding is a straight 10/10, so is the story
Ah yes, every building in the main story made out of beton, the planets full of copy paste and dude the real enemy are all destroying cthulhu mantis'.

It's a more fun game to replay (so is 3 for that matter, 1 is a slog to do more than two or three times), and has better mechanics, but it is not "better". After 1 the sky was the limit, they could've gone literally anywhere with the series, but by the end of 2 the reaper hordes were on the way and a Deus Ex Machina was basically the only possible ending. 2 essentially ruined the franchise.

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It should have been the last in the context of how we know the later two turned out. I agree with you quite a bit. If you turned back time and got lead writer after the release of the first game, where would you lead the trilogy?

Liking ME2 is undoubtedly a red.dit opinion

>Sure, if you're a reddit crossposter.
lmao plebbit slurps ME2 cock harder than this place

>Replaying the series for the first time since the release of 3
>Get to Ilos and the conversation with Vigil
>Remember all the ways ME3 fucked everything up
>Filled with dread about what's coming

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Sure, go to reddit and look up the opinion regarding 2. On pcgaming especially there have been videos posted on the topic.

>On pcgaming especially there have been videos posted on the topic.

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you talk like that insufferable Epic Games Store spammer chink, go back to your hive, insect

your post wouldn't be upvoted

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You sure aren't seething about the truth. Reddit loves Mass Effect 1, so go back there. The fact that you said "than this place" pretty much proves you're from reddit. They really should've nuked the ternal germutt in WW2.

How are you such an expert on what goes on over at reddit?

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you have no proof of anything you're spewing you cancerous cretin

The conversation with Vigil... That, and chat with Sovereign, must have been the two best moments in the whole series. Vigil especially though

You actually made me visit that dumb site for about 5 minutes and from a quick glance it looks like they like 2 more. So at least not everyone in this fanbase is retarded.


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Don't mind me, just filtering some plebs

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Absolutely that too, can't help but wonder what could have been.

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>3 years ago on a Mass Effect specific subreddit
Woah, now you got me. Meanwhile 1 year ago with more likes.

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maybe because that's an actual funny post and maybe because Mass Effect1 is the base of every other Mass Effect game. Anyway, fuck off and stay there dumb phoneposter retard

Also keepers are in every other ME game, your post is not an argument

>after the release of the first game
Well that cements the Reapers into place (which I actually don't think is ideal, this unstoppable power & "ticking clock" on the galaxy encourages contrivances, and I would've preferred just exploring this galaxy and dealing with other events/conflicts like the Geth, Krogan and Rachni, but let's run with it).

Basically the most important thing at this point is to establish that the Reapers CAN'T just zip over in 2-3 years of FTL. If they can, it essentially *forces* the ending to be some sort of Deus Ex Machina like we got in 3, since they are too powerful to stop conventionally with such little time to prepare. If we put this limit in place you can even leave 2 mostly intact story-wise, just make it that the proto-HumanReaper is an attempt to resume Sovereign's work to open the Citadel relay. ME3 could've been something along the same lines, another Reaper plot using previously unseen agents to try and re-open the Citadel relay since it's the only realistic way for them to come. I know this next bit would never happen, but I would also like to see some sort of MAJOR difference depending on your actions at the end of 2 with the collector base. If you keep it, perhaps you start the game still working with Cerberus, and if you destroy it you start with the Alliance. These paths could have crossover and chances to "switch" but I would hope they diverge enough to lead to wholly different ending paths, like the amount of difference that you would see in something like SWTOR depending on which faction you start as.

This is just one possible idea though, you really could've done a ton of totally different things after 1, and the possibilities get even wider if 1 hadn't included the Reapers at all. Basically as long as you:
-keep RPG elements
-get rid of the "Reapers are driving over" problem
-actually make choices matter throughout the whole series
basically anywhere they went could've been amazing.

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Because Youtube and online websites are a thing? You often hear how reddit worships games like FNV, ME1 etc.
>le maymay
Look here The most liked shit there is Andromeda related, the only 2 liked shit is regarding TECHNOLOGY stuff while they love ME1 for being ME1.
Are you autistic?
Yup, can't even meme, sad!

based user making these mass effect 1 incels seethe

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>Yup, can't even meme, sad!

Wtf are you talking about? I'm not even german, you dumb chink rat

stop replying to your own posts

How do you find out about what happens over at reddit from Youtube?

You've already been through the worst of it m8, the disappointment isn't going to be "worse" this time, just try and enjoy the ride for what it is.
t. 20+ playthroughs of the series

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Nope, fuck off zoomie

LMAO, lovely delusions you got there ME1 babbie. ME2 was the peak. Bioware knows this, the fans know it, everyone knows it except you. Let go retard. The only thing that could improve ME2 is if it had ME3 combat and a form of Mako exploration that isn't a bunch of soulless copypasted planets.

Reapers were a mistake and drew karphysn is a dumbass coward that jumped ship to swtor because he couldn't come up with a logical conclusion to his mess.

bonus fun fact: ME1 fanboys are fucking terrible at video games. I've seen some of the me1 fanboy webms posted here, it's embarrassing stuff. Gamer girl-tier gameplay. I don't even know why they pretend to enjoy video games.
go back to your hive reddit

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based and makopilled
but seriously though, fuck doing more than one or two 100% completion runs of Mass Effect 1, just knowing i'll eventually have to take that damn thing up the steepest mountain in the universe to grab every single piece of ore and Turian insignia is actually giving me anxiety

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horrible zoomer troll actually enjoys horrible zoomer trash games who would've thought

concession accepted

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No it should have been a trilogy, the second game just should have done something with the plot and the third game should have looked completely different


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Interesting take user, thanks for going into detail

You're fucking wrong. Fuckng scan planets for 3 hours, it's so much more fun than exploring. Yay there's limited ammo now when the first game had lore that made ammo obsolete. Yay less armor and guns to find yay less upgrades. Yay you can't even drive the mako fuck mass effect 2

it's time to stop posting, Chang

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Don't actually engage retards. Just mock them.

couldn't even get into the second one. Them smashing players against the plot wall, resetting things right from the start was a great mistake.
Should've kept rolling the story from where they've left it.

based and ME1pilled

>tfw 10+ playthroughs
>always play default maleShep
>always Garrus/Tali squad through the whole series since they're the only two squadmates who stuck with you through all 3 games

At this point doing a ME trilogy playthrough is an yearly tradition for me

How is that in any way funny?
>Anyway, fuck off and stay there dumb phoneposter retard
Why should I go back when you're clearly from reddit? Also imagine sitting 24/7 infront of your PC. Man you redditors are subhuman, no wonder you hate right wing people.
>Also keepers are in every other ME game, your post is not an argument
But this is obviously 1 as seen by the shitty graphics and the Saren comment.
>haha look r/Yas Forums xD
You do know the chink EGS shill is a germutt, right?
Because Youtubers and websites talk about what reddits favourite games are and this gets posted here? Never seen the Reddit votes FNV and Dark Souls pic?

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>>always play default maleShep
Is this not the standard? Anons here don't actually use the god awful cc, right?

In me2 literally all the other defaults are shitskins

>moon shines
>no water for all of that to happen