Are you still playing it?
Why haven't you hacked it?

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I did hack it. I put literally hundreds of games on it and then I never touched it again.

Started Apollo Justice earlier today on an emulator

>Are you still playing it?
>Why haven't you hacked it?
i don't need to

No because my New 3DS battery is fucking fucked. Goes from a full charge to INSTANTLY shutting off without the blinking res light warning after playing anything for five minutes.

Then fuck off loser.

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I've hacked about 3 3dses already, it's piss easy

>Hack my Switch
>only thing it can do that my 3ds cant is play shitty indie ports and emulate a few N64 games that run better though their 3ds ports anyway

But user, it got an eshop release. You can just download the 3DS version.

Just buy a new one lol

yeah but it's kinda tedious but it's easy

I am installing Kid Icarus right now, and the uncensored version of Dragon Quest VIII

I still have games I want to play on it but I honestly haven't really used it since like 2017. I've had a hacked one since the Gateway days though

>sucking Nintendo dick this hard
Joycon drift doesn't exist! MY DSlite hinge isn't broken!

Can someone point out a guide or explain to a retard how you suppose to download and install pirate games after free shop’s death? I haven’t touched 3ds in a year , so I don’t know much about it. Oh and some torrent sites would be great.

I once found a list of thousands of CIAs through reddit, look for 3ds cias reddit and you'll come across some links, too lazy to search now

>shitload of revisions
>each one has some problem or retarded design
Bravo nintendo. Honestly it was kind of dissapointing after DSLite. UI is slow. I regret getting XL, because some titles look slightly stretched or font is fucked in some points. Then there is whole TN vs IPS debate. Battery life could be better. 3D and cameras are meme.
Fantastic library after hacking.

thanks for the tip homie

Do it the original way by downloading CIAs, putting them on your SD card and installing them.

Yeah I like to use mine for mostly Brain Age and Scrabble.

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No. I did.

i havent played mine in a while, but I wanted to express my gratitude towards the anons who helped me hack it a few months ago ! cheers

Last time was to replay Luigi’s Mansion 2, because I had no memory of playing it the first time.

New 3ds is the best model but needs a new battery every three years and Reggie ensured they were a limited release in North America.

bruh do you just have your preferences in a lot of different formats ? im noticing that i see you post em a lot

Camera was a meme but 3D can be great and generally improves the visual clarity.


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Yeah. Not to make it about me, I just like sharing interests.

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>haven't touched my o3ds or n3dsxl for 2 years
Last things I did was play mh4u and the ace attorney series

fair enough.

I have a majora's mask save game I never finished and haven't touched in 4 years. Should I delete it and start fresh?

I have hacked it, haven't done much other than download other games to play

is there anything MUCH COOLER you can do?

Is SAmus Returns any good?

It is such an amazing difference playing Luigi's Mansion 3DS and Luigi's Mansion 2. Really emphasizes how much Nintendo has a, "it's gotta be small and simple" mindset when it came to their handheld games, and people just accepted shitty gameplay decisions just because the graphical difference must mean the handhelds can't handle console gameplay. Fuck Nintendo partocularly for their 3DS titles where they just stopped giving a fuck.

Yeah, I meant a 3DS emulator

It's okay. It was my first Metroid game I ever played and I thought it was just okay. I don't see why all the hype around it. It's not bad, not that good, it's just average.

>Thinks the New 3DS released in 2012
>Uses Wojacks
You really give me nothing to work with when you already thoroughly embarass yourself.

Has no games just like the vita. If you want a portable gaming device get a laptop.

Is the og luigi mansion port good?

I love metroid as a whole but yes it definitely lived up to my expectations. Have you played metroid before? Probably shouldn't be someone's first metroid game

Am I the only person who liked the 3D? I had it on 100% of the time.

lol same

Are you still playing it?
Nope, I already beat all 3DS games that interested me. Everything multiplayer is just obsolete.
Why haven't you hacked it?
I hacked it and I had a great time

I'm pretty sure there was something wrong with it. Didn't you require screwdriver to change memory stick? And in all models second "analog" is piece of shit.

I don't keep up with 3ds hacking, is there an easy way to pay ds roms yet?

It's called hyperbole you 90 IQ fuckin' American fat ass. Go eat another five tacos you fuckin' cocksuckin' piece of shit. Dumb fuckin' mutt.

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change your battery
its worth a shot, i personally enjoyed it

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>Calls me American too when I've been spelling shit like colour and flavour correctly
Keep going, I'm laughing out loud in real life at your plight.

Fuck you, cocksucker. You're not even human.

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What's hyperbolic about you claiming the New 3DS released eight years ago? Just sounds like you're ignorant.

Keep guessing, you hilariously seething retard. There's 21 more countries in North America.

t. moron who thinks someone's actually talking about a million years of time passing when they use the expression to exaggerate their perceived impatience

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Why are you so angry lol

Ohh my god he ACTUALLY lives in Weimerico LMAO, FUCKIN' LOSER! FUCK you!

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Yes! I'm playing mh4u. Im mew to the series but loving it.

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Gotta buy from China.
Good luck.

>Why haven't you hacked it?
dont wanna brick it. How do i hack it? Is it easy to botch? I am an imbecile keep in mind

>Yas Forums lingo now

You just need to know what firmware your 3DS is at. Don't ask me what your firmware is. Only you can know. Likely the most recent firmware if you've gone online in the past half year.

At first I thought this was some Alienware laptop in a case

Yes I still play it. No I haven't hacked it because I already own all the games I wanted for it. Anything else I'd pirate would be shovelware shit anyway.

OP Here

My battery still works fine but I bought another one

Also, fuck Nintendo, I already bought several games and buying them now are more difficult to find it expensive

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just hack it my dude

My backlog of good 3ds games, which I bought are painfully long. And bought plenty of game for the system, so don't want to hack it.
Even though I've been playing on PC since I was a kid, I really liked the DS, and sad how many good series died because it got hacked so easly. Also, a lot of the games I never finished on that because I had so many options.
I also realised that I am contradicting myself.

Been replaying EO2u and playing some Shovel Knight every now and then

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