OW / Overwatch on its last legs

maybe that PVE expansion will save the game!

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I miss when naturally became competitive instead of letting a company dictate what games are competitive.
We use to make our own rules for competitive play, we preferred when games didn't get an update every two weeks to change or enforce a "meta."

We didn't need 1st party support, hosted our own servers, ran our own LANs, we used to be grassroots, eatsports ruins everything.

Yeah, I agree that grassroots is the only way to set up a long lasting esports scene.

Blizzard has a long history of destroying their own esports scene specifically because they try to control it

they'll come back for overwatch 2

>shadowburn quitting again

hahahaha didn't win in tf2, didn't win in overwatch, won't win in valorant
he's getting old

>Competitive overwatch

tf2 outlived overwatch :o)


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because people will obsess over that person and pester them to play it

These people play the game for a living, by being "pros" in blizz's meme tournaments and/or by streaming it for twitch donations. Even for the streamers who aren't actually quitting a team, it's much easier just to announce loudly "I'm not playing this shit anymore" then to just stop and have a million messages every day saying "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING OBERWATCH REEEEEEEE"

This game never had a natural e-sports scene anyways. It was all artificially created by blizzard. They secured large investments and paid people to play the game. The scene did not grow on its own, and in fact it started small and ended small. Despite all the money pumped into it the amount of views even the biggest tournaments and streamers were getting was pathetic. It is okay for a company to set up its own professional scene as long as there is organic interest, but there is none. I can briefly compare it to a few other games:

Dota 2
>Valve initially hosted one big tournament a year, but it broke records for views and spawned dozens of major and minor tournaments across the year that all easily got 6 figure+ viewers.
>Moved on to sponsoring majors and the international, with all of them still getting many views and even minor leagues that had previously unknown people trying to play and win
>Community overwhelmingly supported it with views and buying the battle pass

League of Legends
>Had a system set up by Riot, similar to Blizzard
>Tournaments got an insane number of views, record breaking, 6 figure plus streams
>Largest LoL streamers got a shitload of views, many of whom were pros or former pros
>Supported by the community through views and merch sales

Fighting Games
>Many of them grew completely organically with no support from companies until recently
>Driven at first exclusively by passion from the community that supported them via views, donations, merch sales, and even entering the tournies themselves (open brackets)
>Now have support from companies, biggest tournaments still easily top 6 figure views

The key thing in all of these is that there was a fanbase that liked the competitive scene. No one likes competitive overwatch. No pros, not spectators, not the average player.

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You forgot the most important point: OW is boring to watch. I'm amazed they fooled the esports organizations into buying their spots for 1 million dollars each, specially when they made them change their names to resemble American sports teams, like California Cucks or Indianapolis Incels (all of them composed of gooks, lol).

>The """"""cs killer"""""" turns out to be te ow killer

Whether or not something is boring to watch is up to personal opinion. However, the viewership numbers of Overwatch from release to now prove that people don't watch to watch it (and thus probably find it boring).

one might argue overwatch is boring to play as well and the game would've ended up like Smite or Paragon if not for Blizzards reputation at that time and the hype around them making a shooter for the first time redefining the entire genre as they did with starcraft, diablo 1 and world of warcraft.

>redefining the entire genre
>dune2 clone
>game not made by blizzard
>EQ clone

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why didnt dune2 sold millions and eq becoming a money printer for over a decade?

i wonder if star_ will leave now and suck tf2 cock again

Dune2 sold like hotcakes (taking in account the number of PC players at time) and EQ did print money for over a decade (before normalfags jumped into this "gayming" fad and the MMO genre).

Do you have another retarded and ignorant question?

Let me respond to both of your points in turn.

>why didnt dune2 sold millions
Because, ESL zoomer, there was no digital distribution or easy international marketing for video games then. No online multiplayer. Dune 2 sold an astounding 250,000 copies within it's first week at a time when breaking 100,000 sales was considered extraordinary.

>and eq becoming a money printer for over a decade?
It's still running, still getting expansions, still has subscribers. You really are a retard ESL zoomer, huh?

>implying he won't just join valorant like the rest of the OW streamers
Doubtful. Best case scenario, he'll make a couple of diabotical videos and just jump the Valorant hype

I hate that Reddit has this retarded "time since this post was made ago" so it's impossible to see when any of those posts were actually made.

Yeah bro, everyone jumping ship at the same time is nothing to worry about.

they aren't playing just for fun bruh

it doesn't matter the game, if you want to be pro you have to practice constantly. once they stop practicing every day they can't just jump back in.

Rude, maybe he's just a zoomer.

>why didnt dune2 sold millions and eq becoming a money printer for over a decade?

re-read that sentence this ESL fuck shat out and fuck off

>TF2 killer

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How badly will OW2 crash and burn?

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holy shit just get good

>PVE expansion
lol I had forgotten about 'Overwatch 2'
Riot is about to fuck over Blizzard big time

It will underperform but, thanks to blizzdrones, it won't be a complete blunder.

Has any other game devolved into a shitshow like OW did?

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>PVE expansion
been out of the loop for a bit, but heard that they will add WoMann vs Machine as a new game mode, besides new characters and maps what is the selling point?

>maybe that PVE expansion will save the game!
Lol no

Did they ever release a level editor?

Because, in general, Fallout 76

>Ever mattering
The game is supported by diamond and blow players. No one ever cared about what masters did since there was nothing they did that was impressive enough to take to the lower levels
>Watch how awesome a team that aims good and talks good does
>Okay any tricks or anything
>Nope, they play exactly like you, but better
>Okay, nothing to see here. I'll just play the game

From watching Overwatch I've learned that asians have an absurd lack of self-awareness and are all the same type of dumb and obnoxious, no matter if they were born in Japan, Korea, China or raised by their parents in English born in Australia or Canada
Seriously, what the fuck is up with asians, there's barely any exception to the rule

Well, devolved into
Fallout 76 started out as a shitshow.
Launch Overwatch had some minor issues but was a solid game iirc.

>copy TF2
>decide you want to make it competitive
>proceed to not copy competitive TF2's most popular gamemode 5CP
>instead this supposedly competitive shooter's choice of preferred gamemode is the set-up where one team always has a map advantage

People have been insisting OW is shit since its birth. TF2 has something far more resembling a fall from grace in that regard.

>but was a solid game
When? The beta was utter shit.

>be asian
>have committed or commit now several atrocities
>be openly racist, specially against black people
>get away with it because the world's scapegoat is white people

Fighting game tourneys is honestly my ideal tourney to watch. Commentators are usually more casual and shoot the shit (though more big sponsered ones have the commentators be more reigned in, I don't like ones where it feels like they're commentating a golf tourney). Usually grassroots and have a strong community vibe to it, prize pools aren't usually too big, only a few hundred to a few thousand at best. They barely really make a profit, a lot of them do it just because they care about the games they play in there a lot.

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>muh esports

>overwatch is dying
suck my ass

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On the flipside, esports helped CS:GO become a far better game than it was on release. It's just that right now the economy is a fucking mess and Volvo are slow to readjust it.

valorant looks very cheap, like some bootleg chinkmade version of another game, yet "pro players and streamers" are all flocking to it since it's gonna be the new big thing
It's funny seeing corporates and brands dictating what games should do and how they think and act and just about their every decision, since they need to prioritize a "career" to survive amirite

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Maybe he'll make another Basically video in 2 years.

It’s hilarious how much the devs crushed and tech or abilities that cropped up too. Have to keep the skill ceiling low for the kids! That’s sure to make for a great esport!

Valorant's pretty good in terms of streamability, but I'm probably not going to touch it, even if they release a deathmatch game mode. I'm so damn tired of Hero Shooter games.
At least it can't be worse than r6 siege in terms of the creators' decision-making.

Valorant is the game that has the closed beta only for streamers, right?

Fuck I'm dumb. Let me try this post again
>go right back to your cointainment you retards
Hell the fuck no. This is just in about 100 - 150 posts, and that's not even the worst of it. Jannies do jack shit about all the shitposting, fetishposting, and e-celeb bullshit, electing instead to sit around with their thumbs up their asses

Everything I heard about OW competitive scene has been absolutely awful. How in the fuck would anyone in their right mind be a OW competitive player? I've heard Niggas like samito make more buck simply streaming and dunking on Niggas live on twitch than he did playing it competitively.

I doubt the expansion will help ow in any way since every time they add more characters they fuck the game more and the expansion is suppose to bring 5 new characters at once.
I can't wait for the shit show.

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I saw how shit esports was going to be when they killed Genji superjumping. Literally only got people hyped and no one disliked it. It was pretty hype, but then the patched it out and then knew there was nothing worth watching in the game. How dead would Smash Bros be if there wasn't wavedashing to enable stupid shit? They neutered any ability to make the game crazy interesting.

>It's still running, still getting expansions, still has subscribers.
Generating money doesn't mean it's generating good money. Everquest is not the example to use regarding an old game that's still drawing in money. WoW generates and has always generated more than EQ. EQ at its peak is likely factors lower than WoW at its lowest.

Blizzard also didn't make the MMO casual. There were several jobs that began before WoW came along. Actually, EQ Online Adventures does a good job exemplifying that, so Sony gets a bit of credit there too. It's just EQ never made WoW money, ever.

Some journalist mentioned that the ow team had a laughable document explaining the e sports plan comparing to dota2 and lol and they were charging a fortune for a place in it. He just shits all over them during the entire interview

It's in closed beta for streamers, and viewers who get access keys via twitch drops.

Honestly if you described Valorant purely through gameplay to me I would say it sounds interesting. It's literally just the unbelievably bland choice of art direction that drags the game done.