
patch in an S+ for beating the game without special items already

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that's one yummy screencap brother HH

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Sir, you're KINO

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>why yes I do think Voth is unreliable compared to nu-Jill, how could you tell?

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How the fuck do I do inferno on S rank? Even when I played on easy it took me like 90 minutes to finish the game with 0 deaths.
Not sure on what I'm wasting so much time

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who cares of that
fucking corporate cocksucker

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nice touch that she's using the Bizon in her RPD model that Claire can find and eventually upgrade to from RE2make's RPD.

I propose a toast! *ahem*

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they literally got giga chad for carlos

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Well if you want S rank inferno you have to use bonus items. I don't believe it's possible without.
For general advice you don't have to bother killing shit bar a few enemies for convenience, you'd be surprised how many enemies just de-spawn when you progress in the game. You also need to pick up way less shit than you think as well, the game throws more than enough ammo at you in the immediate vicinity.

Absolutely. Fucking. BASED.

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>Nemesis is fun but wasted potential, not enough classic-style encounters
>intro is too long and scripted, makes replays a chore
>the city environments look great but are far too brief
>sewer looks identical to RE2make while having a much simpler layout, same with NEST 2
>warehouse area is a dull mess
>puzzles are practically non-existent
>zombies have been significantly dumbed down from RE2make, limb/gore system is barely functional so it's better to just shoot them in the head until they die
>zombies are also more annoying to fight because of no counter items, the dodge isn't a straight replacement and they didn't change how zombies move/attack at all
>while hunters are cool, their instakill attack is poorly telegraphed, and can happen even when you're at full health (unlike other games)
>Carlos steals too much of the spotlight, he takes the RPD from Jill, and gets a whole extended hospital area which is the second largest map of the game
>Nemesis doesn't show up in the RPD or the Hospital
>the last hospital section where you fight off enemy waves is tedious and out of place, a poor copy of RE4
>final two Nemesis boss fights on Nightmare/Inferno are bullshit, can easily get stunlocked to death
>Jill has a massive delay on reloading after firing for some reason, and since you can't dodge while reloading it can get very frustrating
>Pale Heads are lazy, just zombie reskins taken from RE2make's Ghost Survivors mode
>QTEs feel totally out of place, the fact that they only show up at the start and end of the game adds to that
>when you're allowed to knock out Nemesis to get drops is arbitrary, in some sequences he is invulnerable with no explanation
>no ink ribbons at all
>game design is very reliant on autosaves/checkpoints, lots of "do it right or immediately die" moments
>didn't fix RE2make's janky AI/door interactions, if anything it made it worse and gave the player tons of opportunities to cheese enemies

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this post says "im a gigantic faggot from stinky brazil" for me, anyone else?

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they made all the mercs a lot more likable this time

>Funny shitposters nitpick the game for flaws.
>Funny the same shitposters finished the game 18 times already, don't you think?

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yeah, I guess they are a bit unreliable

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already platinumed but still actually hype to replay this on that new PS5 controller
adaptive triggers gonna make Carlos sections operator as fuck

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How do I get brain gainz like this.

I cant seem to find 3 files and it is killing me

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>implying 99.9% can
on inferno at least. That mode ain't playin.

Did you look everywhere.

I really liked him

agreed on most points. Still an entertaining game I'd say. Get it on a sale, user.

I wanna post my RE reaction images but I reset my PC yesterday and have none and my fucking downloads folder where I have my minuscule supply of images is organized by date only when choosing file to send and not when I'm actually viewing it on my PC and I have no idea how to fix it. Fuck Windows 10, based Nicholaiposters though

really? cool

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I guess not


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I had 55/56 for 4 playthroughs and then found a fucking note after the final nemmy fight just after you climb the ladder

Omg here's Valentine. Quick lets duck into the photo room with the item box before she sees us.

>lmao hey guys look, jill came to work again with her stupid costume

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Better Jill

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redpill me on dualsense 5

fuck this is such a cool design

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Zombies (muffled laughter in the room) Of course I believe you. I'm writing it in my notebook with that invisible pen umbrella dropped off.

I think to summarize the number one criticism of RE3make would be:

>it's too fucking short

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>tfw I think her uniform looks cool
Probably because I have a thing for berets. Also I wish they would have kept her long hair under the beret with just the strands of hair out from the original

I hate this game so fucking much. How did it go so wrong so quickly after re2?

yep, i still liked it tho.
i really wish for some free DLCs soon.

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I like the costume too even though its not identical, I like her identification tag on the shirt (thats new right? i dont think that was a detail in the original)

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the length of the mian game is fine
it's the severe lack of costumes and modes beyond the difficulties that's a real shame
like really costumes are the easiest things in the world to patch in, just do it already

>How did it go so wrong so quickly after re2?
Different teams

belt bags too

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>the length of the mian game is fine

It's incredibly linear and is basically on rails after the power station.

Pretty sure it's new

Pretty much yeah, the game is good, we just needed more of it.

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>adaptive triggers like the xbox one elite controller
>hd rumble
>longer battery life
>lightbar reduced to rim around touchpad
>create button instead of share button, probably does the same stuff

essentially DS4 with better QoL features

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>hd rumble

reminds me of as a teenager when i would dick around with the battle suit jill figure in RE5 to look at the rendered cunt and labia an animator put between her legs.

>resistance threads hitting bump limit all the time
>RE3 dying so fast not even shitposters want to post here
bros what happened?

So every RE once you get past the "first area"?

Kek this doesn't happen in the main game

sounds based

they're calling it 'haptic feedback' but it's the same deal

Inferno difficulty
no pay2win cheat items
S rank
Wish me luck

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Just beat it. Very underwhelmed. Like half of the original game is missing.

Re2make was nonlinear throughout and re3's "first area" is done with in 45 minutes on a blind playthrough

resistance gets updates
meanwhile we haven't even got a day one patch

>headshot a zombie
>squishy and fizzing sounds

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it's almost as if RE is shlock

Damn shame they didn't get Hannibal Burress to play Tyrell

>be a buff foreigner living in Japan
>get picked up Capcom's cast agents

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This new Jill turns me on.

The REmake one looked and sounded so satisfying, how do they ruin headshots?

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It was probably removed.

Last 2 boss fights are the cheapest most fake difficulty shit ever