Why aren't handheld PCs more popular?

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overpriced and low power. Might as well buy a nintendo switch for way cheaper

They're called phones

because they are extremely overpriced for extremely underpowered hardware

Bought one of these a few days ago, still waiting for it.

Because I can get a decent desktop for the same price

With that logic you might as well get a rattle. Cheaper than a PC and more fun than a Switch.

ive been thinking about getting into that, what are some good rattles to get

Too expensive for what it's worth. I would rather build a PC or buy a laptop.

lack of GPU driven mobile chips.
GPD (from OP picture) says they have high hopes for the new Intel Tiger Lake APU´s for some nice mobile handheld devices. Otherwise there is no hardware to begin with.

This one's fucking kino, no rattle can compete. It has a badass cloud on top without the gay final fantasy shit.

i'll admit that one's pretty sick, i'm just scared i can't handle it since that's more of an enthusiast model. i'm looking to get in on the ground floor of the great art as a beginner

Expensive as shit for something you can do with a RPi

I wish there was one without this ugly gamepad (plus I already have countless USB & bluetooth controllers). And no, not the GPD Pocket 2 since that one has a worse processor.

>The Shitch can't REMAKE3
>GPD WIN2 can
llooooool nintendies are pathetic

Because they're insanely expensive (more than what a solid mid-ranged deskstop build would cost). And they've got weak specs.

because windows phone died

>running it at low specs
might as well play it on the snoystation 4 famm.

Mainly the price, and Android devices do emulation well enough as is.
I like GPD's moxy, but their stuff is super niche.

What model of PS4 can I fit in my pocket and take to work?

I’d only buy a gpd win 2 to emulate ps2 games,not worth it for the price

Our battery tech is fucking shit, and its no changing anytime soon. Its not profitable to make a long lasting reliable product


This is like asking why a desktop version of the Game Boy isn't popular.

Why wouldn't you just steamlink your phone?

To avoid latency issues.

Hardwire your pc to your wireless.

>rattles in the handle
absolute fucking garbage. fucks up your leverage and hinders the torque you need to really rattle

All the current products are shit, the minute someone releases something that doesn't look like cheap Chinese trash i'm all in.

I get the feeling these things run for like an hour and a half before shitting themselves

>your pc
I don't have a pc

Are there any laptops decent for gaming? I don’t need something super strong but can at least play something made a few years ago at a decent frame rate. I thought about building a PC but unfortunately it seems like it will take forever to get parts.

This is just my opinion so take it well salted, but anons really should spend a little more than 8 dollars and look for a higher quality rattle. You're not a little kid anymore so it's unlikely that you'll break it.

You guys don't actually buy rattles do you? Is this an actual thing.

>2012 + (2.82842712475^2)
>doesn't have a rattle, or even a casual interest in rattles

Damn, that's pretty good. I hope the Alienware UFO happens. Although with supply chains beinh all fucked up due to wuhan flu, i doubt it's gonna happen soon.

Yes, but unless you travel a lot (work or whatever) there is no reason to buy one.

>mfw anons actually starts buying rattles
Plz don't start, this is another wave of autism we don't need.

Why are you bringing games where a nog can steal it?

If it is as shitty as gaming laptops, then i'm not gonna bother.

they're basically just shitty windows tablets with keyboard/joysticks built in

>he doesn't have children
Are you one of these "zoomers"?

it's not 2007 anymore, we have phones now.

for me, it's the Cry No More
see that button? yeah it flicks the beads around
other rattles can fuck off

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The fuck are you talking about? I have zero nogs at my workplace, maybe like twenty in the entire county.

Im very ugly and i have horrible social skills. No women will date or much less have my children. So no, i don't have kids.

I mean I was thinking about getting into programming so maybe remote work?

>not having a rattle to own the libs epic-style
Get on my fucking level son

>handle with squeaker
>clear handle so we can see overly colorful beads
>soft ends so you won't hurt yourself or others
>non-descriptive cloud character

Get this zoomer trash out of here! All you need is a ball with a hard handle and some beads. I don't wanna see any of this nuRattle shit anymore.

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Being ugly and having bad social skills won't stopped whole generations of men during the last 10000 years from finding a panther. The only thing that women never forbid is the people who delete their own off-topic posts on anonymous imageboards (they can smell it).

Because they end up being expensive and shitty. Its usually just easier to buy a psp or ds and mod them (a lot cheaper to boot too).

>getting a rattle
>not getting maracas

>All you need is a ball with a hard handle and some beads
What a casual, my dad just threw one of these inside my cradle.

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based esl-kun

I don't know, I always wanted one but never found one in my price range available when I had the money. I've been thinking about just building one with a raspberry pi since I like my retropie so much.

I literally can not find a basic rattle online anymore

Windows itself requires decent hardware to run, and games just add way more complexity. Mobile X86 just runs like shit.
I think a better idea would be an actual games store for android
Imagine if Steam had an android store or egs and it had crossbuy. Hundreds of indie games already have android ports, and if they came up with a warning that some games require controllers and can't be played with the touch screen, similar to the VR only warning it already has, that would open up the door to a shit load of classic ports like Half Life, Quake, even Skyrim could probably run on most modern mid-teir phones with a decent port.

I would absolutely be willing to get something like this, but I need more power. If it were able to play Remake 2 or Monster Hunter World then abso-fucking-lutely. Of course emulation would be important as well. Would play Berwick Saga through PS2 emulation.

Because I just run steam link on my phone to play some comfy games in bed
Those things are autistic as fuck and can't really do anything well, a fucking gaming laptop would be better than that

Shit design, I prefer ring-based rattles that offer different handling and can be stacked for a stronger effect

Look for used business laptops with dedicated GPUs, stuff by HP or something. You can get a 2014 HP with a Nvidia Quadro, 16gb ram and an ssd for like 400 bucks here. Look around on ebay/classifieds.
Don't go for Lenovo, their prices have inflated like crazy.

It can play REmake 2

>needs a button to move the beads
>literal casual
What are you, some sort of baby? Get a manual rattle like a real man

>lowest settings
Yeah, no it can't.