Now that REmake 3 is a confirmed blunder and RE8 is going back to shitty First-person, it seems as though we're not going to get a game that's as good as REmake 2. Capcom captured lightning in a bottle and even they don't know how to replicate its success. The game is a modern masterpiece and the best example of the Survival Horror genre.

>Impeccable pacing and atmosphere all the way through
>Gripping storyline that builds an emotional attachment to the characters
>Jaw-dropping visuals thanks to the state of the art RE Engine
>Revolutionary zombie gore technology
>Excellent, tense gameplay with a multitude of guns
>Mr. X is the best stalker enemy in vidya and adds dynamism to each run
>A high amount of replayablity
>Extra modes and FREE DLC

This is peak Resident Evil right here my brethren. Enjoy it. Savor it. Because it doesn't get any better than this.

Attached: REmake 2.png (600x600, 161.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sure until they give us REmake remake


It's not a fucking hard math to make.
To make a good resident evil game you need:
>mansion like setting with the steriotypical puzzle exploration around the mansion
>a constant threat (some monster that keeps moving around the mansion)
>low ammo resources
>small inventory so it enables rationing of it
>alot of notes so it fleshs out the story in a good pacing

Remake3 feels rushed as fuck.
Re8 might still be good.

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nice try BR faggot, jannies ban this spamming cunt already.

I hope they make a REmake 2 ort for next gen with more of the cut content brought back and with them fixing those lazy classic costumes

RE3 is good even if flawed. Much like the original.

I'd like them to remake all the old games which had a fixed camera angle
2 was unbelivably good, 3 really isn't bad, just not worth 50-60 bucks, it'll be a nice 25 buck buy

>this thread again
Game wasn't that good compared to the OG desu. I can't forgive them for fucking up the A/B scenarios. It really hurts the replayability.

>not as good a classic RE as 1-3 or REmake
>not as good an action RE as 4 or 5
>caught in the awkward middle ground between the two, doesn't know what it wants to be
RE2make is a mediocre game held up by some cool challenge runs and great atmosphere.

You guys really think Capcom is going to remake REmake?

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What's wrong with the classic costumes? They seem pretty sexy to me. I use them for my regular playthroughs.

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>shitty first person.
God dammit. RE7 was not perfect by any means, but it was the most soulful fucking resident evil game id ever played. It was held back by the limitations of console VR so hopeful RE8 either throws VR out the window or is developed with high-end VR in mind (full 2 hand motion, physics objects, etc)
7 may not have been the most replayable
>first playthrough
>2nd playthrough
>fun with unlocks
But RE7 had THE best DLC out of ANY Resident Evil game EVER.
>banned footage 1 and 2
>ethan must die
>jacks 55th birthday
>Not a Hero
>End of Zoe
RE2 was an amazing game but it lacked that touch that made it truly unique. It was just RE2 running on RE engine, which is good but was too simple. It took no risks amd ending up just being a very hy the book classic RE style game.
RE8 sounds like it will be totally devisive given the leaks, and i hope it is. Because it will just further prove how shit the fanbase is

I don't see why they wouldn't.

No it isn't. I didn't buy it. Why should I waste my money on a game that's barely 4 hours long?

Yea I'm waiting on a sale for REmake 3. Just like any true RE fan I don't give a crap about the multiplayer.

You're just an ingrate. Atleast they had the A/B scenarios in there when they could easily have cut them out completely.

>not as good a classic RE as 1-3 or REmake
Stopped reading there. Get some taste kiddo.

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Capcom are creatively bankrupt when it comes to RE, so I wouldn't put it past them. However I would be shitting myself if I was told to remake RE1 again, competing with one of, if not THE best remake of all time would pile on the pressure like no other.

RE7 is overrated schlock for normies.

>>not as good an action RE as 4 or 5
As somebody who's currently replaying 4 I can tell you it's better at action.

Soo Remake 2 fags Will take the spot of most annoying RE fanboys?Good to know.
>Cut content is only ok for the games i like
OP is a faggot

It's not the awkward middle ground, it's the perfect synthesis. They actually made zombies a threat, resource management is a factor, and it retains the same efficiency strategy when thinking of what paths you're going to take. It fucked up the presentation in some ways but it's gameplay was not the problem at all.

Capcom is capable of such hubris, god help whoever would have to take the helm of such a project.

Use more buzzwords soo i can laugh at you shitter

>It's not the awkward middle ground, it's the perfect synthesis.

claire reuses defaults top, sherry is just a reskin, ada is just her with out her trenchcoat on and not her classic costume, and leon reuses his defaults shoulder pads, there is more autistic nit picks but I just focused on the lazy aspects

REmake2 sucks too.

Thoughts on the RE films? The CGI ones.

Attached: Degeneration.jpg (600x840, 68.13K)

This is not at all what Resident Evil is. It hasn't been this for 20 years.
Resident Evil is a third person shooter action game with light gun rail shooter spinoffs

RE7 was great. Hope 8 will be similar.

Its not overrated by any means.
Most of the retarded third world monkeys that make up a majority of the RE fanbase hate it because ot has no RE waifus or muscle chris. And ot was largely forgotten by the rest not long after it came out. Which is a shame because its a great fucking game. The characters in RE7 have more personality than every single other RE character before. Except of course with the REmakes. Theyve done a good job of giving real characterization to classic heroes. Carlos has become one of my all time favorites now.

They're pretty cool. Damnation is probably the best

Fuck me he's LIVE!

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Really fun, RE having over the top action is cool to watch, boring to play.
Although, the licker V. Tyrant fight in damnation would be an amazing in game set piece.
Those russian Tyrants are the coolest ones in the entire series.

>leon reuses his defaults shoulder pads
No he doesn't. Default Leon doesn't wear shoulder pads. He's wearing a vest.

Rating the new golden age of Resident Evil.
REmake2>RE7>Revelations 2>REmake3


I meant elbow pads and knee pads I have no idea why I wrote shoulder pads

If RE8 was rumored to start as Revelations 3 and has a raid mode then that's all I care about.

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>Most of Yas Forums in 2019
>Yas Forums in 2020
>Yes, of course it's an absolute classic, a masterpiece of horror game. Every next entry will be trash and we know it.
The reverse jacket is surely out of stock here.

Do you have any proof? Go back to plebbit. Most of Yas Forums had celebration threads 24/7 after the game came out. With everyone gushing over how good it was.

So R7, I agree, it's the best modern resident evil.

isn't it funny how shit demake 3 has to be for this to happen?

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Based. RE7 chads are the best bros

Bitch please when CV REmake shows up they gonna say Remake 3 was a Classic

for me its clairebear

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yea, why wouldnt they when they just did 2 and 3. also they already talked about it publicly

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>RE8 is going back to shitty First-person
Imagine being so autistic you can't handle a new camera perspective
You're just as bad as zoomers calling fixed cameras trash, it's just a different style of gameplay and worked very well in 7 I'm excited to see more of it

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Why can't we have an RE with more backtracking and large maps?

Why does it have to be Large area > Linear section > Smaller area > Linear section > Lab > Escape ?

If it ain't broke don't fix it

The first person segments and the first person mods for Resident Evil 2 feel like Resident Evil 7. Its literally just the same game but instead of a smooth 3rd person perspective you get a clunky fps made for jump scares.

So Yas Forums is filled with shills and bots then, time to completely migrate to cripple, the quality of Discussion is already much better despite it's only being alive for a few months

I had hoped they would have done something like that with nemesis and a light stealth system but that's an impossibly ambitious idea for the amount of time and resources it was given.

let the door hit you on the way out bitch.

The first person camera's strength is presentation and immersion, it makes it feel more like a horror game
The core gameplay is barely different between the two games it's just up to your taste in camera

Of course its a horror game. You know how scary it is when you lose the ability to look around corners with out having to actually cross them

because RE4fags ruined the series

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I remember it feeling inadequate in 7, alot of the fights and the chase segment with Jack just felt poorly optimized for not being able to see behind you.

I'm playing through remake 2 again with infinite submachine gun on easy. Reading through the notes in the orphanage. Dude, this game is so fucked up. They experimented on 10 year old kids, and then executed them later.....

RE4fags saved this series. Cope, jillfag. She got a game again and it blew compared to the old ones.

>smooth 3rd person perspective
Except when you ahve to back into a wall, corner and the camera shits itself, 3rd person is awful and what's this about jumpscares? That has nothing to do with perspective, but game design.

>She got a game again
not real jill

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I understand that some people just can't get used to FPP, for me it's like being there, I can almost navigate with my eyes closed.

I can beat RE2 in under 2 hours. You gonna start bitching about it, too?

Most of the game is designed around the camera with the cramped hallways acting as chokepoints so you're almost never in a wide open space being attacked from all directions, and getting chased by Jack doesn't feel any different from Mr X

Does she do nudes?

They saved it financially sure but the quality definitely suffered with 5 and 6 going full QTE action