/Comfy Animal Crossing/

Post dodos and have fun

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fuck it im gonna go play ori

Hey is there a feng shui/luck system in this game? I haven’t caught any rare fish vs the person I’m sharing my town with. She has shit piled in her room and I’m minimalist, so I think that might be affecting it.

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1. does the first fallen star signify the start of a meteor shower
2. how long does a meteor shower last
wanna know if it's worth it to host it

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le jojo meme haha

Very cool


If these constant spam threads achieve nothing but dodo codes, it can be perfectly done one /vg/. Fuck off with your spam shit.

Anyone got Celeste
I need my rocket

>3 threads already

its literally one autist trying to get AC banned off Yas Forums

>A-user why are you rubbing my face like that? Stop. Haha, that tickles!

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God I miss the megaphone, can't fucking find anyone after connecting my entire island with everyone just wandering around the place.

Anyone have good nip prices I'll give you some iron if you let me drop by

there's discussion and other things, do you think people are just dumping their dodo codes? There aren't even any in this thread.. Does this really bother you that much user? Go find a game to play or a thread about a game you enjoy to spend your day on. Don't waste your time being whiny

I'm don't like elephants buut...

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My place is a complete wreck at the moment, Dunno what to do with the hills, everything needs to move somewhere and terraforming and plotting plots have been a monkey pawn wish.

Been visiting a lot of anons lately, and I'm impressed by how nice most of them have it already.

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Fuck off

What do you even use them for if you are literally drowning in tickets because of online trading?

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>Post dodos

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Get ready boys.
I didn't buy turnips this week fuck.
Please someone let me buy turnips before tomorrow
also I need a few hundred thousand bells fast. What's the best way to get bells in less than a day?

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idk but god online trading sounds so fucking tedious

Who’s dumb idea was it to have the egg event at the same time as the cherry blossom one. I’ve seen like 2 Sakura items and the rest has been stupid egg balloons everywhere

Get your tiger-face tees here. Also have a full suit, monocle, moustache wardrobe available as well at ables.

Code is 140N2

Tips not needed but cherry blossom DIY, computer/scifi furniture/wallpaper/flooring, as well as roses/mums/lilies appreciated.

Mind your step with the flowers please.

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I don't like these threads either but some falseflagging faggot retarded shitposter keeps making them anyway. Every "comfy animal crossing" thread is him

Good for him fuck animalcrossdressing

if you get 300+ you could go full jew on nip exchange

what are you gay
I'm gonna sit on your face

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every thread

I’m gonna piss on your flowers

Im not getting the tiger poster unless it also comes with the Elephant issue for free

Do any of you guys have the fox mask or any of the Japanese masks? Also looking for a lucky cat. Setting up a big Sakura festival in my town and gotta get it just right.

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Don’t be a cry baby, this happens with every new game release. Then when the first month or so is over it goes to generals.

>Acquired and built all of the cherry blossom items
I’m free. It’s finally over.

not to mention theres literally like 3-4 threads going at a time, 2 are usually bitching about the game, not discussing it. There are like 50 threads on Yas Forums at once, this is hardly a fucking problem. Smash needs its own board, then there will be room for everyone

generals belong in

This, have to talk about Jill's redesign for the 34,938 time, Bannerlord Steam all-time players, or Post YFW the Doom Eternal (song) plays for the first time.

>farming miles to unlock all the different individual terraforming components

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Video games belong to so stop crying


on my very last Nook ticket too

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So I'm planning on making my basement a fruit-based room. So far I've amassed an Orange End Table, Wall Clock, and Hat; an Apple Rug, a Pear Wardrobe, and Cherry Speakers & Lamp. If anyone has any spare DIY, or if I can drop off some materials for something it would be great.

i'm expecting updates to add more ticket-exclusive shit

>game released a few days ago

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I've been putting off playing the game for 10 hours straight
please help me

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Anyone have more Lobotomy Corp designs? I saved this guy's stuff, but I need more and am a shitty artist.

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>3 threads

One has over 500 posts so will drop soon. One is just a reaction post to it still selling and isn’t a general. The other is this thread.

>no giant potbellies
whats even the fucking point

psshh that's barely 16k miles

turmips for 523
Dodo code UH8M3


Is that the one that’s a tribute to AC Granny?

>sold 2.5 million worth of turnips for 4.7x profit
>can pay off my entire house plus all costs of infrastructure and layout changes with millions to spare

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I know it's not a lot but after I unlocked terraforming I dumped all the miles I had on things like the inventory expansions and hairstyles so I had less than 100

I only did it because they were there. But I'm really only using the cliff and river functions.

read the whole post before replying

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I'll give you mine user, find me ion the other thread

i have hyacinths and hate them because the colors are dull, i prefer the boldness of pansies (great phrase desu)

>hacyinths anything but irredeemable shit
planklet detected

yellow planes look better than blue because it spices up the appearance while still keeping the color scheme

That’s 681,000 Bells worth if you buy Bell Vouchers, but that would be kind of tedious and you sound like you probably don’t need the money.

no sorry user, blue is definitely the best

isn't there red airpot

>plane with blue/blue/white on blue water
no thanks

Why are you putting it off, do you not like the game?

>blue plane on water
this is dumb

>10 villagers
>no audie amiibo exists
feels great

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blue is shit tier, makes the entire plane look like one giant blob against the already blue water. learn color contrast faggot

Tarantula island if they still spawn. Other than that if you just bug/fish hunt you can get roughly 15+k per inventory

>blue plane
>on a sandy yellow beach
>on a green, tropical island
Water has shades, waves, and whiteness from the foam. Are you seriously trying to claim that it's just a flat blue, still color just because you're butthurt you don't have the best color?

Nigger, the /vg/ thread has too many posters there. Shit goes by at mach 5, hits bump limit in an hour and there are useless 1200 posts before its dead. If Yas Forums threads about ac gets thrown over there it'll be a bigger madhouse.
Also gif related, its (You)

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