Classic games that are genuinely shit

Well Yas Forums?

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Metal Gear definitely fits the bill.

Metal Gear Solid aged better than 95% of 5th gen games

Both Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid aged well.

Half Life
Pro Skater
Mass Effect
God of War
Final Fantasy VII
Mortal Kombat
Baldur’s Gate II
Pokemon R/B/Y
Majora’s Mask
Sonic Adventure 2
Last of Us
Silent Hill [PS1]
Tomb Raider
GoldenEye 007
Perfect Dark

Pokemon RBY, but it depends how you look at it. Amazing concept, horrible coding

metal gear solid still has a great story but anyone who thinks it still plays well is a blatant nostalgiafag

Oh and The original Super Mario Bros

99.9% of the time the people who make lists like this are beyond casual and should off themselves immediately.

It’s the opposite, most retarded journos include outdated trash on their best game lists solely for influence. When that’s irrelevant. There’s a separate list for most influential games, best games have no relevance to that. Yet journos still argue that these outdated games are good solely based on nostalgia faggotry or influence

that user who used a guide to beat mgs1 probably made this shit

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Those "outdated" games are better than modern garbage.

I honestly wish I could just kill every journalist who gets paid to write effortless shit like this. As if this retard played all 20 of these games recently to compile a fair list. Sherman was right.

>Resident Evil

Opinion discarded

Maybe if your a nostalgia ridden boomer faggot. Most of them objectively aged like dogshit.


Fuck off, journalistic piece of shit. Your words have no power here.

Yeah they don't even have an awesome button or scripted set pieces or a copy paste open world full of nontent. How outdated.

Instead they have awful graphics, awful controls & run at 20 FPS

Yeah the graphics aren't even realistic and when I press a button the main character doesn't instantly magnetize to the nearest object, they actually expect people to learn 3D space in order to play a video game. Good thing we've moved past such archaic design.

Needs MGS1 & Tekken 3. The PS1 is dogshit & most of the games are horrible now

OoT is the most overrated pile of suckage ever made. That's basically every zelda game though.

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your favorite game. you play may favorite game.

Baldurs gate and Dragons Dogma

I've played more vidya than the entire rest of this thread combined and I agree with all of these.

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controls and framerates have objectively gotten worse in modern videogames

People who have only been playing games released within the past 20 years are missing the context for why the game was so highly rated.

all of them
Old bad new good

Baldur's Gate. It's genuine, irredeemable garbage.

I actually beat it the first time this year and had a lot of fun with it. I think its just contrarianism

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All classic and Adventure-era Sonic games
All Mega Man games except Legends 1 and 2 and Misadventures of Tron Bonne
All Resident Evil games except Code Veronica
Crash Bandicoot 2
All FF games except FF5
Earthworm Jim
Anything made by Treasure
Any shmup
Quake 1
Metroid NES

>All Resident Evil games except Code Veronica
The worst opinion I've ever read.

holy fucking b8

>Earthworm Jim
who hurt you


everything single thing he posted is the worst opinion ever, I’m pretty sure he’s just trolling, nobody, not even a zoomer, could possibly be that wrong

Sonic Adventure 2
Mass Effect
Last of Us

Yes, and?

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Lmao, Sneed at the bottom

the favorite games of everyone in this thread

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opinion immediately disregarded

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I love dbz

I very very much disliked most of the snes' platformers. The only one I still remember fondly after going back and replaying, was kirby super star.

well thats because kirby is just so lovable no matter where he is

Half Life

Games can't age if it was shit then it's shit now. Beowulf is still good. Prove me wrong you can't fuck you

Sonic Adventure 2 doesn't belong on that list because nobody who isn't autistic really thinks highly of that game.
I also don't believe you can call anything on 7th gen consoles like Uncharted a "classic".
Not until this November at the very least.

The rest I'd call beloved or highly marketed.

>pro skater
whew, glad you didnt say pro skater 2, because that shit is my jam still

>Mega Man Legends 1 and 2
I'll give you Misadventures but Legends 1 and 2 have aged like milk and eggs.
It's actually amazing how a game series with garbage gameplay, music, graphics and plot gets carried by its characters so hard it somehow managed to have an autistic fan base.

Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. Especially Tooie.

>bomberman bad cuz no multiplayer
into the trash it goes

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>who hurt you
Earthworm Jim by having Dark Souls level difficulty and not having a password system

>I've played more vidya than the entire rest of this thread combined
playing like 10 games is nothing to be proud of.

Seething boomers

Play the Special Edition.

every single one of them

Yep, all of this is accurate. And i grew up playing N64 & PS1. These are unplayable now

It’s the worst Zelda game made up till that point.

Technically true, but the games are made retard proof difficulty-wise. Nobody cares whether Leaf Seed works properly, because the "difficulty" is a non-issue whatever you do.

Planescape is the only correct thing on that list

>Anything made by Treasure
Seethe more

People who call themselves journalists who aren't actually journalists. is there anything more vile and useless than a video game """""journalist"""" this is news to this faggot, this Joseph Walter.

Zelda games quality went upwards consistently until Wind Waker.

bullshit, mario kart 64 is still one of the best games ever to this day
mario tennis on the virtual boy is really fun, too


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Mega Man 1 was pretty shit. Original Metroid was also pretty lousy and the series didn't really find its magic until Super. Skyrim is a buggy piece of trash that people only remember for modding the fuck out of it.

You can fuck right off with this one.

>last of us counts as an old game now

Dangerously based post

Secret of Mana
>I've sucked more cock than the entire rest of this thread combined and I agree with all of these.
fixd that for you
Mass Effect does not count as a classic and Half Life, as well as Baldurs Gate 2 and Planescape are fucking great Games you twat.

Wtf I hate those games now!

Golden eye is that game. No crosshair. Ridiculous n64 controls.