Why is western stuff almost always goblina tier?

Why is western stuff almost always goblina tier?

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The 3D porn artists with any talent, skill, or drive become animators. The rest become Daz ghouls who make crappy renpy VNs and upload creepy imagesets to exhentai

Why not stick to 2D then? I imagine it would be much easier to make than 3D renders

uh, no? dicking around in daz is about as easy as posing models in garry's mod. it takes a couple years to draw people as fappable but dragging and dropping other peoples' models is ez.

That's not even goblin tier, you idiots are just using this for any and all porn games these days.

Well never mind then

I there anything similar to snow daze? I cant get into 3dcg at all

that is 2000% goblina tier, take a fucking break from cooming holy shit

>ICSTOR is abandoning in it
ohnonononono AHAHAHAHAHAHA

does that still work? thought it got nuked ages ago

>it's not a goblin. it's... it's just not a goblin. it's not. stop calling it a goblin

Attached: my wife is 100% a goblin.png (75x83, 19.27K)

>jewcat's game
Bad Dragon for your ass

Isn't that pretty much the typical loverslab or nexus face?
The truth is, most people suck at art, so they'll be even more terrible at 3D work

It stopped working for like a couple of days and was brought back.

the slav ones are funny at least

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It's all daz3d shit, western """"devs"""" don't know how to make models themselves.

>tfw Jewcat won't finish hypnolab
Literally exactly my fetish and it's dead in development

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Have you seen the taste in women your average joe simp from the street has? People would pay a million dollar to let the hunchback of notre dame shit into their face if he was just female.
Western men regardless of race are complete fucking simps and disregard any demand for heightened aesthetics in their females.

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>take a fucking break from cooming holy shit
Stopped reading right there holy shit

I mean the general premise of corrupting and fucking the family. I dont know about any dev drama other then that the end of snow daze was fucked up in code and I had to find a work around

this is what you'll be fapping to in 6 months

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Why not use anime style then, it's even easier to handle than the uncanny shit they make.

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t. weeb, who thinks he's not a simp

>general premise of corrupting and fucking the family
Like 80% of wegs fall into this caregory, even 2D ones

This is your brain on coom.

Isnt because they all get the models from the same place? isn't it just the same shit making the rounds?

News #19 - Update and Apologies
Hello everyone, it’s been a while. First of all I want to say that I’m sorry for a lack of communication lately. I knew I should make this post sooner, but I didn’t exactly know what I wanted to do and I had to consider all the options with myself and some of my team members. I know that probably a lot of you started to hate me, but there’s nothing I can do besides saying that I’m really sorry. To be honest I’m burned out again with working on Milfy City. I was thinking that taking a break again could be a solution, but to be honest I know it’s not. I’ve learned one thing in the last few years of creating games but I’ll write about it later in the post.
What about Milfy City?

When it comes to Milfy City, I’m considering creating the last two BIG updates to Milfy City. I want to finish all characters' storylines which the player could already start to not leave any started story unfinished. Let’s call it version 0.9 and 1.0. I’ll probably make version 0.9 a little smaller so you can guys get the content sooner. Probably with Linda and Sara's complete storyline. Everyone that has supported or is supporting me now, since the beginning of this year will receive those updates for free.
What about the release date?

I don’t know, and I don’t want to give any exact month or day because we know how it could end. I’ll post the news always at the end of the month with current progress.
Current progress bar?

I know that in its current form it’s not really helpful and related to the truth. There are things that are not on my side to do so I can’t really tell how much time other members of the team need. I’m thinking about changing it to a general percent of completion with separate boards, like renders/programming/writing and testing.

What about the future and after completing Milfy City?

I’ve learned one thing in the last few years of making games. (Maybe too late…?) In order to finish the game as I want, without being burned out I can’t make more than 4-5 updates. It’s just who I am. I like creating new stuff and new characters. It’s exactly then, at the beginning when I feel passion and I love creating it and I can work even all day without being exhausted. So, I decided that my future games will be separated into episodes. (For sure no more than four/five). No more creating versions 0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 .etc Because in every next version I became less and less interested in the project. I’ve already got a great idea for the story for my next game. But, for now only the programmer is working hard on all the mechanics that I want to implement.(There’s a lot :D) In regards to Milfy City he has nothing else left to do until I create renders. So, I have to finish my part first in order to let him start working on it. In the meantime he’s working hard so we’ll be able to release the first episode MAYBE even at the end of this year.
I want to apologize once again for the lack of communication lately, and I’m hoping that there are still a lot of people waiting to see Linda, Sara and a few others characters again :)

Reminder that he's only responsible for rendering stuff. Writing and coding are done by other people. This is his 4th(?) game that he dropped

Yes well I'm just getting into WEGs and have only played Incestual Awakening and Snow Daze to completion, hence why I asked for recommendations

Even though he's swimming in Patreon money? What the hell?


drawing visually pleasing anime takes just as long, a look at deviantart anime inspired art will show you what it looks like when you just try drawing without putting any work

Not always

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Yes. See
Not the first time he's done.

2d takes time and talent
way more than 3d actualy.

specialy if you going to do animations n shit

Because you are baiting, or have been brainwaseh into only considering hentai atractive.

Dumb zoomer can't even read anymore

whats the current link, exhentai.org? Does the sadpanda extension still work?

I never said anything about drawing, animu 3D posers exist

>never bothered checking it if it was still up yourself
>still asking to be spoonfed
>sadpanda extension

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Because they all use Daz3d to make their shitty VNs. They're all using the same horrible fucking models.

Why do you make these threads over and over and over again? Are you that lonely in life? I worry for you because at this point it's unhealthy.

They're not even artists, they usually use pre-existing assets that they just pose. Which honestly wouldn't be that bad if these games weren't just basic bitch tier VNs. 3D graphics mean iteration, it means you could theoretically put multiple people/outfits/expressions or etc into a scene if you had a game with iterative mechanics, but NOPE basic bitch VNs. Because in addition to not being artist, they're not game designers either.

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MC will never be updated nor ever be finished

tl;dr is a gen x/millenial term, I'm not sure zoomers even know it

>ICSTOR dumps yet another weg after only finishing 40% of it
you just can't make this shit up

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the site is a blank white screen for me still ever since it went down so I assumed it was forever gone

dont hurt me user

Name a none goblina game that lets me fuck my daughter

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try logging in using e-hentai

You peaked my interest, sauce?

For me it's landmommy.

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fuck you user, i downloaded this game in 3 diferent places and none of the work

too bad the game will never be updated after the shitty caroline "update"

any jap porn games as good as touching feeling but with better art?

It's always either Koikatsu/HS, goblina models, a trainer or an RPGM shitfest nowadays, where have the good porn games gone?

Did you unpack and play it in japanese locale you absolute mistake?


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obiviously, is not my first rodeo.
i still get a error when i open the thing

>simp simp simp simp
Isn't it hilarious how pathetically desperate Yas Forums is to "clean" it's image of being a den of autism and virginity that people here desperately eat up and overuse any random buzzword created in Twitter, as if speaking like a hoodrat from them makes you a normalfag or something?
Everyone here nowadays makes fun of "simps" and "paypigs", but you behave the exact same way towards normalfags in general

Except when it comes to asian girls, that's when everyone here reverts to being a beta weebshit.

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is that the full name?

公園いたずらシミュレータ Ver Mako

Imagine seething because nobody likes your shit taste in women

Actually no, kinda. Nearly all of these guys simply buy or copy models from other people. From there they pose the models and render the image. With 2D they would either need a widget or a to redraw the image for every pose.

This goes into the ultimate question of why they always look so horrible: Because that's the model they downloaded.

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But the filename says nothing though.

At least there were two good sex scenes with her, would have been turbo mad if I had played the game and it ended up abandoned before that happened.

How the fuck do people like this 3D trash?

It's not about what women you like, it's about this fakeness that rules Yas Forums now.

But all of these goblina porn games are made by Eastern Europeans
Could you not tell by the shit grammar?

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these people arent artists
they dont make their own models, they just download ready made models, pose them and write cringy incest dialogue

>公園いたずらシミュレータ Ver Mako
this is too pedoshit jesus

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How long before it happens to Cloud Meadow too? Already have devs from it bailing.

I kinda like the shittyness of Daz renders. I would be able to get off easy to a DaZ tier vr game

That user’s from the US, like any other user tat says simp. I don’t know why but people over there just emulate black people slang all the time.

>Probably with Sara's complete storyline
That's the only thing I still care about thankfully.

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wait, isn't saying she's goblin tier even more coom? Are you telling me a girl who looked like that IRL would be a disgusting goblina to you guys? I don't get it

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Yes. Precisely

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sounds based to me

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You may not like it, but this is what peak female performance looks like.


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ok coomer

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