>Ludonarrative dissonance
>Gameplay loop
>Game feel
>Character action
stop trying to fit in, redditor
EDIT: Thanks for the upvotes!
redditfags don't even say le anymore
>Yas Forums memes
omg so reddit
And they come flocking in.
No problem!
Edit: Thank you for the gold user, that was mighty kind of you!
It's been like that for years.
Do you just spend your days here looking for that one occasional thread that is still good?
>Do you just spend your days here looking for that one occasional thread that is still good?
Get some help OP. This thread isn't comfy at all. Threads should be kino. Threads should be filled with soul. This thread is soulless.
i spend hours of my day posting soijaks
what else would I be doing?
>that one occasional thread that is still good?
Yea i make those
Moving on to other boards.
Slower, less shitposty, less buzzwordy boards.
Autism thread?
How do I divorce buzzwords from my vocabulary?
Overrated/underrated are real terms you artard
>Moving the goalpost
They're still meaningless buzzwords.
Stop using them, stop talking to people that use them nonstop.
If you can't tell what is a buzzword anymore, you need to take a break altogether from internet lingo.
>Yas Forums's mascot is just an angry wojak guy
Why is this board so uninspired?
I tried /s4s/ and it moved at a snails pace and the few threads I went in were just full of tripfag schitzos
This artist is a god, I wish he drew more often
Not really retard
>i went to Yas Forums 2.0 and it was full of shitposts wtf
Did you even TRY a board with a real subject?
have sex
Yes, they are. Not to mention that 99% of the time people mean overlooked instead of underrated, which makes it even more meaningless.
good when used appropriately
nothing wrong with this
good when used appropriately
good when used appropriately
>Ludonarrative dissonance
pretentious cancer
no one ever says this and there's nothing wrong with it if someone did
>Gameplay loop
good when used appropriately
>Game feel
kinda meh could express yourself better
shit description of a game feel :^)
this is a good thing
this is a good thing
too often misused but not inherently bad
this is a good thing
>Character action
kind of a clunky term but it gets the idea across when you don't want to call it cuhrazy action for some reason
>immersive sim
>spectacle fighter
>Fuck nazi trash.
Add "reddit" up on the list and it'd would be a good start.
Monitoring this thread
No retard why do you think I’m here this just sfw Yas Forums
Is Yas Forums beyond salvaging at this point?
It’s still a real words while the rest aren’t you sperg and they have meanings just because your autism says otherwise don’t mean it’s true retard
>thread about buzzwords
>heeeelp me Schlomo the nazis are coming to get me!!!
take your meds schizo
>It's just a game
Did the jannies give up? I keep breaking the rules and won't get banned and these threads always stay up until they get 404'd.
Almost all the boards are shit and suffer from the same issues here.
Being real words doesn't change the fact that they're useless buzzwords.
Because effort and creativity are redd/i/t
Is this the cunny thread?
will you pedoomers go away
>Gameplay loop
There are actual quantifiable terms, you weird man, even if the first two get abused somewhat
At this point the way that every single thread even mentioning Lovecraft develops as a neverending repetition of "HEY DID YOU KNOW THE MAIN THEME OF LOVECRAFT'S WORK IS THE ALIENATION AND ISOLATION OF HUMANITY AND THE REJECTION OF ANTHROPOCENTRIC EXPECTATIONS REGARDING THE WORLD AROUND US? IT'S NOT JUST TENTACLES, YOU KNOW?" is becoming almost uncanny.
Abnormally cyclopean, even. Maddeningly hideous at a scale the human mind rejects in its accursed loathsomeness
Lovecraft is just SHIT writer
I see more and more of these threads popping up. I'm glad some anons out there agree this place is reddit shit and becoming twitter shit
This but unironically.
Unironically a forced meme by reddit
You need to go back
You're part of the cancer
And don’t forget people asking the cat’s name.
this thread started out bad, but somehow it became the best thread on Yas Forums
I wonder how that happened?
That's the end of the doujin. Back to playing REmake 3
The only r*dditor here is (You).
>durrr it’s buzzword buzzword useless
Yes you said that already you fucking retard is useless and buzzword all you can say
you know calling things reddit is just as bad if not worse than any of those right?
Good taste in porn, have fun with RE3
Nice going outing yourself
based dump user
Cope trannoid
i don't understand the issue with "comfy". the rest of them sure, but comfy has been around for decades and is an apt descriptor for many games
Ah I keep getting those stupid bootleg south parks to
Yas Forums - Video Games
Name three (3) games that 'comfy' describes.
Only faggots/queers/mentally ill men in dresses use it
this whole thread lmao
What the fuck is the correlation? Are you retarded? Imagine seething this much over the word 'comfy'
Imagine outing yourself as a tr*nny.
so anything vidya triggers you?
back to plebbit faggot
Minecraft, Mega Man Legends, Earthbound
You're the one with trannies 24/7 on your mind, pal lmao
All things considered, comfy is a relatively harmless term. I have this feeling that people who use it know they're using an abstract and deeply subjective term, it's like saying "This game is my comfort game. It's calming to me."
As far as I'm concerned it's a lot less damning than the horde of high schoolers, or worse, full grown men ACTING as retarded high schoolers, running around the place trying to categorize things as "Soul" over and over and over again.
Imagine being the type of nigger who honestly thinks "Only [X] does [Y]"