He's right, you know

he's right, you know

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Sony knew Xbox made the best controllers

Its better than the Xbox controller tho also no need for baby AA batteries like it's a kids toy or something

As much as I hate Sony currently, Microsoft will always be wrong about batteries. Also who gives a shit about what the worthless fat slob has to say about anything?

Trust me, xbox wanted to do away with batteries last gen.

X1XS will have a charge only controller, no more silly changing batteries now!

>OG Xbox controller
a fatass piece of shit only bodybuilders could properly use
>360 controller
hardware issues every now and then (loose battery box, faulty bumpers, terrible charging cable design that fucked itself), terrible Dpad and wireless models couldn't be used on PC
>Xbox One
made of cheap plastic, unnecesary rumble everywhere, still uses batteries for some reason, bad Dpad, terrible bumpers that feel like cheap shit and are noisy as hell

the fact that Microsoft sells you their rechargeable batteries instead of including them out of the box like Playstation controllers is the cherry on top

>a fatass piece of shit only bodybuilders could properly use

Manlet subhuman detected


no they're 100% right about batteries. the dualshock has the worst internal battery of any device i've ever used. i had a brand new ds4 which i barely used because my ps4 was at home for 8 months of the year whilst i was in university for the last 2 years and it doesn't last more than a couple hours. i literally charged it 2 days ago when i was playing god of war, played a couple hours of gow and it went from 3 bars to 1 bar in that time. it's fucking terrible. AA is the way to go. they also give the option for their own battery packs as well. but it's sony what am i arguing you shitters defend anything proprietary of its sony.

>a fatass piece of shit only bodybuilders could properly use
I weigh like 110 pounds and don't have any problems with that controller. I'm referring to the Duke by the way, not the more common S controller.

I get its ok to have the option but just fucking why

>xbox is more powerful
How though? and what games will it have to demonstrate this?

Who on earth would consider the batteries in the DS4 a plus when the controller genuinely has worse battery life than a fucking game gear

lol how it is better

>controller looks like other controller

>and what games will it have to demonstrate this?
FIFA, which constitutes the five best selling games of both the PS4 and the XB1.

obvious tranny bait is obvious

>How though?
you pretending to be dumb?

> and what games will it have to demonstrate this?
literally every game that will come out. i will buy whichever console runs cyberpunk 2077 at higher resolution and framerate at the end of the year.

controller looks like a chick wearing a neglige

>built in microphone.

>Still has angular fucking triggers and buttons.
It's trash.

The PS4 controller had no battery life. A charge lasted for a total of 2 or 3 hours if you were lucky. 360 controller could hold a charge for several days at least.

yours doesn't lasts for 6-7 hours with a full charge? lmao, dilate


I bought my Dualshock 4 a month ago and I thought it was defective. I kind of played about 3 hours a day, then 3 the next and the console was already telling me to connect it. What the hell?

>he doesn't know

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>poorfag who doesn't have an elite series 2

>like its a kids toy
it literally is.

Wireless controllers were a mistake.

Give me back my cords you assholes!

I don't think I've ever taken the charger cable out of mine.

A series x controller plus a rechargable battery kit will cost the same or less than a dualsense

quote me

>using a controller on console

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Pics of twitter-posting should be a bannable offense.

Just..... Plug in the usb cable, user

>Buying elites when they both have massive construction defects that still aren't fixed to this and is utterly unacceptable for the price Microsoft is asking for them.

Why is there always a 50/50 split between wanting AA batteries and wanting a rechargeable battery?

ironically I use my elite controller on my PC more than my xbox lol

damn I can't believe my perfectly functional elite controller was secretly defective all this time.......

to this day* I just bought the newest Xbone controller and it works fine.

>you pretending to be dumb?
No im just trying to understand these fucking buzzwords that keep getting tossed around. I've seen a lot of claims of various power gaps

If this console war is going to be power (Xbox) vs speed (PlayStation), I’m going with speed. I don’t give a fuck about muh graphics if I have to play at 20fps

You either don't use it very much or you're the 1%.


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are you going to link me the crowbcat video next? It's ok you can still do it.

>I get its ok to have the option but just fucking why
because whats the point in a fucking wireless controller if you can only play in 3 hour bursts before being tethered to the console again. at least with batteries I can have rechargeables ready, charging one set while I play with the other. swapping them takes seconds.

>only 6-7 hours


The rechargeable battery kit is garbage,its a usb and a 1500mah battery for $30 get you can get 2 sets of 2500mah+ batteries and a charge station for like $15-$20

>Series X controller has no haptic feedback or adaptive triggers


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you must know nvidia branding like gtx 1060, 1070, 1080, 1080 ti etc. as you go up in the numbers the card is more powerful so a 1070 is more powerful than a 1060 and so on as you go up in the tiers the way a GPU gets faster is by having more cores. the xbox has 44% more cores than the ps5 which means its more powerful and will run all games better. the cpu is also faster on the xbox. these aren't claims they're objective facts. the ps5 has the same amount of gpu cores as the ps4 pro.

I watched someone try using it for the first time after playing PC for a bit, says it feels unnatural as hell compared to traditional, especially just with camera movement. I've been on the fence on buying one for a good while because of that honestly.

yea, that'll happen if you're a fucking retard

the ps5 is slower too don't delude yourself. the cpu is clocked several hundred mhz lower and will also throttle due to the retarded design sony went for meanwhile xbox locks are clocked. the ps5 can only get weaker under heavy graphical load due to power throttling whilst the xbox will have consistent performance at all times 100% of the time. it will not only have higher resolutions but also better performance.

looks like a ps4 controller but more comfortable
what a fag

it's 99/1 irl, just xbox fanboys defending aa batteries for some reason


Boogie is still relevant?

>xbox has 44% more cores
You don't even know what "cores" mean, faggot. Stop spouting buzzword you have no idea about

the fact that it's type-c shits all over the xbox controller, imagine using batteries in 2020

lmao he's a fucking retard.

No but he's still fat

you are full of shit

Great argument

>The playstation controller which xbox copied looks like the xbox controller
Retard take

If you’re right than I’m just going for the Xbox. What are their best exclusives?

Stick positions are perfect as they are; symmetrical with the dpad above.
The only flaw to me is lack of back buttons.

AA batteries are shit and having to buy them all the time is fucking annoying.
You'd spend less buying a new controller when the Internal battery eventually dies.
Even then, you can play with it plugged into the system.

Cope and seethe

>Xbox. What are their best exclusives?

yes i do. call them stream processors or whatever you want but they're gpu cores. cope harder.

as someone who is a massive tech fan especially when it comes to pc gaming its amazing how massive the difference is betwee both consoles. the ps5 is a massive blunder. it's not like the ps3 which was powerful but hard to extract said power. the ps5 has a weaker GPU, lower clocked CPU and it will throttle under heavy workloads such as avx2 workloads according to cerny himself.

no, i'm not. go and watch any analysis video that isn't done by some retarded shill for either company. digital foundry are usually the most unbiased. the xbox is simply superior. the specs don't lie unless sony literally rewrite the laws of physics and can make less perform better than more. sorry to burst your bubble.

Microsoft invented white color!

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>Stick positions are perfect as they are; symmetrical with the dpad above.

>the option of using batteries
It's not an option. Your shitty controller still uses fucking batteries.

>6-7 hours

Those gimmicks are worthless. Reminds me of the hd rumble Nintendo was talking about when they launched the Switch, who gives a shit about that now?

I'm just pointing your misunderstanding about the term cores, user. Answer me this, XSX have 44% more cores than PS5, howamy cores does PS5 have?

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Internal batteries are a way for a company to sell you on planned obsolescence. Sony would rather have you throw your controller away and buy an new one but MS uses AAs so if you have rechargeable batteries, your controller is practically immortal.
Also plugging in to charge is the most cucked behavior, having to be wired to play. You can plug Xbox controllers in too if you're a cuck, but AAs are objectively superior.

consoles are literal kids toys for kids who don't know how to put together a pc

the PS5 controller has back buttons.


It doesn't. You have to buy that extra.