Party heals together before battle

>party heals together before battle

Attached: 1586321232288.webm (854x480, 2.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:

are those fucking jellybeans? why?

Ok boys what we huntin today?

is that thing that puts its head up like a proto-snake or something??

Specific ones for reptiles packing with the nutrician they need. Probably not even sugar.
like dog chocolate buttons when dogs can't have real chocolate.

>fat ass lizard eats all of the turtles food and stomps on the other lizards head

me on the left

Attached: 1583628856386.webm (384x480, 2.92M)

>party members change as the game goes on

Attached: 1515479093083.png (1290x725, 1.46M)

it's a tiliqua


>tfw clips like this inspire retards to buy more exotic pets, causing countless neglected pet deaths that would've been avoided if the faggots who collect exotic pets wouldn't be such narcissists about it by making whole youtube channels dedicated to showing off their possessions

ah, I see. thanks

it's a blue-tongued skink. Demolition D famously owns one.

Attached: 1024px-Centrailian-Bluetongue-skink.jpg (1024x490, 195.14K)

The turtle and the one in the bottom right got cucked hard.

Attached: 1484966990277.png (372x508, 238.79K)

Attached: Daisy's Destruction.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>the one on the bottom right
he noided

Do there exist non-mammals with high emotional intelligence?
kek @ the filename

they're heckin cute

for me, the noble turtle

prime visual demonstration of why Mario Kart is unfun.

Attached: 1582902579843.webm (640x800, 1.04M)

>you get a cutscene of the bad guys all chatting together

Attached: im putting together a team.jpg (1784x1300, 514.7K)

>Green Iguana


>Big Iguana


Attached: Pet.webm (720x402, 1.33M)

to be fair the third one already looked like a tranny to begin with

Attached: Dads.webm (360x360, 2.88M)


Attached: 1384597407060.gif (550x400, 82.38K)

>Erenwhale broke out of her containment thread

Attached: 1566552611084.png (500x481, 262.57K)

Healer and Tank are eating peacefully
>DPS shits stealing shit from others and staring shit with each other

Attached: 1581396901935.webm (640x800, 1.96M)

good fukcing dog

absolute fucking beast

Attached: dsa.webm (720x720, 2.9M)

Why did he do it, lads?

Attached: 1582851689801.jpg (512x317, 55.76K)


Attached: blyat.jpg (468x500, 35.23K)

Retard wife

nice bird doc

>Party is ambushed
>The path to escape is blocked

Attached: BLACKED.webm (700x394, 1.71M)

Maybe birds, maybe sharks, they seems to be peak evolution.

>the champion is unqualified for the quest

Attached: asdasd.webm (450x360, 2.95M)

>game is unforgiving

Attached: FF Output1.webm (960x960, 1.48M)

how does one acquire this power

w-what happens next.

coom in a femoid

Not from a Jedi.

she's right, fuck zoomers

>XxInceldestroyerxX takes no prisoners

Did he fucking grill that cat?

this has always needed the Souls' YOU DIED message

game ing

poor ratto

>party members can also use mounts

Attached: 1577312082597.webm (388x690, 1.73M)

I don't believe in god but seeing shit like this makes me wish there was hell for motherfuckers who like to abuse animals like this


Dad powers are insane.

Once again, cats display greater sense of self than niggers.

>Game is Yas Forums

Attached: 4chan.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

>cut legs and arms
>now its a snake

This is why niggers and arabs hate dogs.

>enemies have a wind-up animation before attacks

Attached: 1564181130166.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

Best thread on /v\ right now

him chompk the leaf

I didn't mean it in a fedora tipper kind of way, I have no problem with religious people, it just pisses me off when edgy cunts abuse animals for their own entertainment

>a gamer girl joins your server

Attached: 1584536793598.webm (1000x563, 2.96M)

>top left
Wizard, hails from the land of Blue, master in the mysterious school of Blue magic

>bottom left
The wizard's familiar

>top left
Warrior who has been in a few too many battles and has mild dementia

>bottom right
Monk, needs to get his meditation on sometimes and prove his devotion even in the middle of a meal

Iguanas are assholes. They're such an invasive species that the Florida governor gave a kill on sight order last year.

>fucks her
>flings her off the tree
for what purpose

>enemy guards a precious item

Attached: 1580163422707.webm (480x600, 666.04K)

as it should be