Why do people think gatekeeping helps? You're honestly harming your gaming community

Why do people think gatekeeping helps? You're honestly harming your gaming community.

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The only people who complain about gatekeeping are the people who that gate was supposed to keep out.




We're done here.

This user gets it.

Your fucking wrong lol


I agree with her, you shouldn't have to prove your worthiness to write a story, but if your story is shit you should be criticized by it

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Literally have sex.

Because it does. Gatekeeping is a remarkably good thing most of the time.

Get the fuck back to Yas Forums. I'm not afraid to say that.

Heaven has a gate, hell is open for everyone.

Who will have the better community?

You should have to prove your worth before being handed an IP though.


>Comic book tweets
Go fuck yourself

Nailed it.

Did you know that the Yas Forums moderators are all gate keeping literal trannies in their own private discord?
You have to have the Yas Forums pass and a clean post history without any racism and transphobia.

Amazing. Brave. Based.

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Damn, OP btfo

gatekeeping is always a good thing


All these people suddenly defending gate keeping just because its a pissed of feminist.
Reddit is entirely about gate keeping.
Youre all gay tranny faggots

What's the Yas Forums discord?

fair enough

he wasnt asking about her "worthiness"
he just wanted to know why she wanted to write about it, when she's clearly not interested in the subject

Whoa, are you telling me that people who moderate a forum need to not exhibit bias?
And you think this is a bad thing?

Here, just kidding I suck cocks lol


someone post that comic where they are playing a card game and invite a girl

Is no one going to point out

You're delusional. People were gatekeeping long before faggots started to whine about it on social media.

They're not some fucking judge who needs to be impartial idiot.
They're there for the soul purpose of cleaning up gore, porn, and gay shit from blue boards.

fpbp /tread



Also isn't the modern comicbook industry just a medium to push hyper woke ideology?

Kinda like people who write stories about preexisting character shouldn't. At least if they want them to be good anyway.

>People were gatekeeping long before
I'm not disputing that.

>your fucking wrong
Learn English retard.

Dana truly don't give a fuck about comics let alone She-Hulk, a character she's about to destroy on purpose. Her only goal is to upset certain people, and even better for her when she's getting paid to do so.

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...and making sure people respect the rules.
I don't think you're the one who gets to decide what they do.

Then why do mods consistently allow threads about trannies to stay up for hours and they delete perfectly good discussions???????????

God I hate women so much. Waifubots with pregnancy when?


Also, gatekeeping is good, healthy and necessary.

Love gatekeeping. I want to talk to meta autists who know tons of cool random shit, not some teen who just got into the series and whose sole input is port begging and asking which entry they'd like if they enjoyed (the one entry that caught on with normalfags). Having a series become too popular makes conversation impossible in public forums.

Good, I hope gaming dies and returns a niche community. Not everything is meant for everyone. Not everyone is a marathon runner. Not everyone is a watchmaker. Not everyone is meant to do everything, and partake in everything.
"inclusion" is a profoundly toxic subculture, the people who think enjoying a thing gives them ownership over it.


Why do trans people trigger you so badly?
Also, go to the archive and show me some "perfectly good discussion" threads that got deleted. I guarantee they're all shit that deserved to be canned.

>did you know that mods are fags?
Wow, you have completely destroyed my perception of reality with that hot take that could have only come from a newfag.

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>Yas Forums discord
Imagine being such a fucking low int normalfag that you don't know how to use an IRC lol

Any of them have cute dicks and feet?

I think the staff uses both, not sure why though

After the chink, American, German and nigger genocide.

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will she have more likes from that tweet or comic book sales?

Sorry, sir. You do not have an appointment.

Gatekeeping is what people do when they are powerless to do anything. Nerd hobbies have become a massive industry. It's now pop culture and, thus, has fallen under the sight of profiteers. Basically, gaming and other profitable nerd shit no longer belongs to the nerds and gamers. In that sense, she is 100% right. If all we've done our entire life is consume nerd shit without ever settling our roots into the medium itself, we are only consumers and our voice is as strong as what we consume, so our complaints of fake nerd this women that get invalidated by the fact that we don't have a say past the money we put on what's being produced. Anything else is just frustrated complaining.

This help me understand better why the kind of fans that dwell here are starting to double down on degenerate shit. It's the new gatekeeping tool. They got videogames, but if you retreat further into fetishist degenerate porn shit, it's still a niche scene that nobody want to be part of, like what nerd shit used to be, so it gives them a last haven of isolation from the dang ol normalgays.
Until, of course, they start cracking down on it.

>look I'm correcting people on an anonymous image-board
I bet you're mom is proud


Gatekeeping kept females out. Now that they infest anything they turn everything into cancer. As you can see, it helps tremendously.

Why do those retards keep getting into twitter arguments?

Gatekeeping is bad when it comes to fans interacting with fans, but is absolutely NECESSARY that it be the people who are actually learned and invested in a thing have the final say, gatekeeping in this regard is an absoloute must, look at Marvel comics right now, there was no gatekeeping, idiots took over, and now THEY are gatekeeping, it always goes like this with people who have control, or you get;
>someone joins Thing, likes it well enough, doesnt really go farther than "like"
>"this needs to change, I dont like X aspect of Thing"
>takes control or is given it because listening to "fanboys" is apparently not something you should take seriously
>changes Thing
>people that are devoted to Thing no longer like thing
>"well youre just incel crybabies racist nazis etc who dont like change"
>thing is now broken and noone cares, once fans lament the breaking of Thing and noone listens
>person that started this doesnt really care and moves on, they never had that much interest anyway, they were just given the reigns because they asked for them and called themselves a fan, and turning them away makes you X, Y and Z derogatory term

It happens way too often. You can call people fanboys and shit all day, but at the end of it all they are the people that should have last say on anything as they are the people that are actually going to stick around and have knowledge of a thing and most likely to act in its best interest rather than their own personal one.

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I bet YOU'RE mexican. spics always get mad when you correct their english.


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Pack everything guys we're done here.


Your community and your favorite franchise will never grow if you continue to gatekeep and support eliticism. Ever wondered why certain franchises die and never grow and are always stagnate? Because it sold like shit. Imagine if the community was actually nice and not snobby nerds mindlessly keeping them out because, "muh normies" and actually let everyone in. You should be kind and welcoming to everyone in all shapes and sizes and encourage them to like said franchise and grow from there. Gatekeeping kills franchises. Prove me wrong.

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Nah, its a quality check. The lowest common denominator will pull the community down to its level, eventually. You need to filter retards out. Gatekeeping is so effective because even a weak attempt at gatekeeping will cause people to self filter. Retards will complain and expose themselves, and enablers will then conplain in their defense and get filtered.

Not knowing the situation, I feel like everything she said there was correct. And if she's doing a shit job, then it's Marvel's fault for hiring a woman.

Imagine what the dude who made this looks like.

gatekeeping is based

Probably better looking than you


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>gaming community

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not only brave, but stunning too

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