Play MMO

>play MMO
>no one ever talks to me
>people are the opposite of social and just stick to their cliques
Why did you lie to me Yas Forums?

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MMOs are single player games

You’re about 16 years too late buddy

>play MMO
holy fuck, where'd you find a time machine?
can I come?


Welcome to the world of instanced shit and easy group finders. Your only hope is to join a smaller noob friendly group or clan and worm your way into a clique, which is much harder if you aren't willing to use something like discord. There is very little interaction in the open world in MMOs anymore.

MMOs are socially dead. People don't play them to make friends anymore, they play them with their friends.

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Because you're not playing MMO, everything active today, with exception of WoW Classic, is a multiplayer instanced game

Well actually you can still make friends, you can join random groups in dungeons and stuff and you'll eventually find someone cool.

>tfw chatting with people next to that mushroom rock in Payon cave
I want to go back...

hasn't happened since 2010 and i don't see how it can happen anymore, people just go past you or move away from you

>tfw chatting with people while fishing off Karamja island

Sorry user, but you got to join the discord now.

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I found this out when I tried out Final Fantasy XIV.

>"Come play XIV with us, user."
>"We can have fun doing stuff in-game together, user."
>they never played with me and I wound up just running around by myself all the time
>even after I switched to another Free Company it was the same
>even after I switched to a third Free Company it was the same

Its just like real life user, if you want to be social, its you who has to make the effort into making it work.

Don't sit around solo grinding expecting people to come up and talk to you, take the first step, invite them to a party and start making small talk.

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>It's everyone else's fault I can't make friends!

You do find friends and social groups on MMOs these days.
Most of you are just antisocial faggots and expect people to befriend you instead of being outwardly social.

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>he doesn't have friends

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you're supposed to be doing your quests and level up and not talk to some random loser who says good morning

This hasn't been my experience. If that stupid Latina bitch didn't bother me so much for a relationship when I was seeing someone, and finding out my phone number. I would have stayed in my Free Company. Otherwise it was a lot of fun grinding for mounts, and trying out the various bosses as a team.

You have to be a bit extroverted to get attention. Say shit like "ooh you're so kawaaaiiii nekomate-chan!

this is why i stopped playing albion after 3 days, i really wanted to play and pay the premium, but guilds want just one thing, maximun efficiency

and you're NOTHING without a guild in that game

>act like a woman or a bottom
not gonna make normal friends this way

mmos used to be THE place to make friends online, now theyre somewhere you go to play alone and hope someone notices the nice new robe you're wearing (no one actually cares though)

this is why I stopped playing mmos

much more satisfying just making friends in persona

What are you talking about i bought eso yesterday and made three friends already

Making friends is hard. That's why I'm just playing PSOBB alone. It reminds me of the time when I played PSO on gamecube also alone.

But its easy to do this if you pretend to be a girl


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You're playing them wrong. I have an extroverted Asian friend and he's constantly meeting new people in MMOs. That of course includes the ridiculous number of women that play FFXIV

I'll be your friend user.

>no one ever talks to me
Have you talked to them?

I don't play MMOs but I have to chime in to say you have good taste for starting a thread with a pic of Yonagi.

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>play MMO
>everyone constantly talks/shitalks in nation chat
>know lots of people and they know me
>everyone knows eachother in some capacity
>everyone sees eachother in the daily raid and BG
>server feels like a real community

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Just join a guild; be friendly, find people with tastes alike yours and talk with them.
I find it easy to find friends in MMO's, but not so much in real life.

MMO design seems to have changed. A good while ago the game itself would encourage players to work together. You didn't have quest GPS, so if you got stuck you might have asked others for help and then helped others when they asked. Hell, after giving somebody a hand with something you may just continue playing together for a while. Games could have quests or other hard content (not just end-game) that required a party to complete, so just interacting with people was encouraged. There were also no automatic matchmaking systems which just found people and teleported you to wherever you needed to be. Sometimes you may even have had people act like a guide to some place or questgiver.

All of that is pointless in a lot of modern MMOs because it's made useless by game design, by in-game systems or sometimes even due to the change in culture which goes hand in hand with design and systems, like people just reading some guide online and following the most efficient path at all times and always knowing where to go and what to do.

Other players in MMOs are just slightly less retarded NPCs. There's no point in talking outside the context of a raid or quest or whatever. Then you realize MMOs are just bad, intentionally grindy and dull video games whose sole unique feature is a chat box for talking to said NPCs. And so you quit MMOs forever.

whats a decent mmo to play?

i wish i could tell you a name, but there just isn't an mmo worth playing right now for me atleast

Talk to them then. My best advice for naturally starting conversations is complementing somebody on their outfit or something.

Anyway, now that I'm here, I want to play an MMO where I can go REALLY FUCKING FAST, like with airdashes and momentum and shit, any suggestions? Doesn't have to be open world (i wish there were but they just don't exist at the moment), could be an instance based thing or whatever. I like PSO2 but it doesn't sate this urge, Elsword is shitty and casual now too but it used to hit the mark with some characters.

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Try Tera. It used to be good, don't know how bad it's gotten nowadays.

You're just too old. Mmos are for kids who have no problem making friends anywhere.

Just play a fighting game

GW2 has been really fun for me, but literally only Elementalist. Every other class, besides Engineer maybe, feels super monotonous by comparison. Roller beetles are sick too. I only marginally get why Yas Forums hates it, it's worth a shot at the free to play stuff at least.


I'm stuck on Archeage Unchained. Really like it but it's very PvP/Community focused. If you just want to spam dungeons I wouldn't bother.

Not fast enough for what I'm in the mood for, but yeah TERA is still alright, I play it sometimes. Just dead as hell. If the PvP wasn't fucked up I'd play it more.

The thing is that I want a wide open space to move around in. Also I'm bad at fighting games, I wish I wasn't.

i regret getting it because i got really late to the party, i can't level because the war system

it's just like albion, i like the game but i can't find a guild

also game is ded now

Anyone want to be my bf and play mmos

>with exception of WoW Classic
Ironic you think this, given that WoW is responsible for killing MMOs back in the day.

this was my experience with WoW, XIV has been the polar opposite for me

Most do give you a lot of room to work with, especially the more anime ones like GG and BB. And you can't get good if you don't play user.

>i can't level because the war system
What do you mean? 1-55 should take like 4 or 5 hours max. Leveling is more of a tutorial, but yah It's kinda dead. My server is alive enough to where I don't mind. I'd rather play with like 500 people I actually know that 10,000 people I'll never talk to. You can also level super quick just by logging in and making tax certs.

Random people online are assholes, what did you expect?

For the most part you will be questing which is nothing but cutscenes and single player instanced hallways. The game design is shit for an mmo.

Dynasty Warriors Online was so much like this, the fact you could only talk to your own nation's players (and rarely other nations except for one day of the week) meant everyone was heavily invested in making friends and contacts to play the harsh PvP structure of the game.

MMOs nowadays don't demand you to socialize, you don't need contacts or friends to play or level, and even in most cases, it's only superficial and you never talk to them after.

Fuck I miss DWO so much.

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>1-55 should take like 4 or 5 hours max
i don't know what the fuck i was doing then, 17 hours and got to 30ish and the zone where i was leveling changed to war, went to bed, got up and it was again at war and i just uninstalled it

Holy shit user, that's one hell of a hidden gem, too bad all the servers died, is the jap one still running?

I used to play s4 league as a kid. Don't know how much it changed since then but I remember going pretty fast. It is some variation of asian games though so be careful if you wanna check it out.

>play an MMO solely to approach random people or groups and mock them

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