>Lich King kino
>PvP Vendors are back
>Classes are once again based and full of fantasy
Is WoW, dare I say it, BACK?
>Lich King kino
>PvP Vendors are back
>Classes are once again based and full of fantasy
Is WoW, dare I say it, BACK?
>Lich King kino
>announcement trailer turns him into a jobber for Sylvanas
I installed the client to see what's new. First thing I saw were vulpara deathknights as a preorder bonus. Fuck this trashfire.
>implying that's the end of The Lich King
It's pretty much GUARANTEED that Bolvar Fordragon (or some other version of the Lich King) will be a raid boss in SL.
far too little, far too late.
>shadowlands turns LK into a loot pinata for the second time
Wouldn't surprise me in the least
shadowlands will be about us helping LK to come back by remaking the helm of domination and frostmourne mk2 so he can kill sylvannas
>Bolvar Fordragon
>classses still shit
>devs don't respect players
>enjoy Brand New AP grinds
>QA staff still fired so nothing will be implemented well or balanced
>heres some more microtransactions
We'll see. The writing isn't exactly stellar either way
>Ner'zhul has been completely forgotten despite being the OG Lich King
Hope they at least give some clues to him still being there. Wrath just completely ignores him, save for one line that apparently has to be disregarded according to the writers
They're hiring a lot of testers and shit. Go apply.
Alright, I'm unironically watching Shadowlands carefully, but I've been burned by Blizz way too many times before. Last "good" expansion was MoP, and each following expansion had one big flaw that made me quit for 6+ months. Still haven't come back to BFA and I think so little of Blizz that I don't believe they can ever design good content again.
Plus the writing has been shit for so long that I don't think I'll ever be interested in the story ever again.
Nah, I'd rather have a real job that pays well and not live in my car
I don't really care about the story as long as the dungeons/raids and classes are good, which they have been even through BfA
>lichborn death coil self heal again
>no GCD change removal
>class changes tied to permafactions that will be difficult/huge grinds to switch out of (most being the difference between strong Single target or aoe damage)
>LK has nothing to do with the new areas/regions, only baited in the intro cinematic
>No improvements to faction imbalances/broken racials
>No discussion around the covenant talent system, which has already been touted as a massive change to how game progression will work
>Giving a shit about the PvP minigame at all still
By all means, keep giving Blizzard money.
Keep telling them "I paid for this game, because I like shit expansions. Please make yet another after this!"
>Shield Slam is somehow a class defining skill, despite having always been prot only
>still doubling down on Ignore Pain
just bring back HS and Cleave, it's not fucking rocket science.
>dungeon/raids and classes were good through BFA
The features look good on paper but I can’t see Blizz stepping away from the grindfest model they’ve had in place for Legion and BfA.
t. didn't play bfa
>sylvanas just waltzes alone into ICC without any oposition and solos the god damn lich king by herself
The cinematic told you everything about the quality of the expansion
>Volley (Talent): Enables the Marksman Hunter to rain arrows down on a targeted area over a short period of time. It also empowers the Hunter with the Trick Shots buff, causing all their Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire abilities to ricochet and hit up to five additional targets for half the damage for the entire duration of Volley.
at least they're attempting to bring mm back in lone more with the kino legion version. it's been a fucking dead spec all bfa
I solo old content all the time. Why can’t she?
Who even gives a fuck? If any character can be brought back to life through an asspull plot mcguffin then why would it even matter if sylvanas died. Who gives a shit about a story that only exists to rotate cheesy fan desires around with no respect for long-term consequences
Why dont plot relevant characters just rez at the spirit healer?
The whole point of the expansion is stopping her and whatever has her hopped on super death magic steroids
>game is still shit
Yeah nobody gives a fuck chink shill faggot.
The guy that stood by the child prince in Stormwind from Vanilla up to WOTLK.
Yeah everything about classes is still ass. Introduce another terrible artifact grind that will punish you for switching when they nerf the shit out of a covenant.
>Legion mm
MM fucking died with trick shots and vulnerabilty.
Wake me up when Blood can DPS again.
kek didn't they say that Bolvar would be the Khadgar of this expansion or something? Did they walk back on that too?
shit game
shit expansion
shit OP
The point being to stop her changes nothing. The fact that she has this source of power, that the writers can just decide what means on the fly, is bullshit. You can have her walk into any major character's home and off them, and then just hand wave it with the excuse that she made a deal that gives her great power. It's fucking weak
brainlet. legion mm is the best spec they ever developed for any class, ever. literally perfect. i got a rank 1 parse in nighthold with it, i was obsessed with mastering it, i fucked with all the leggos and tier set combos. it was easily the most fun i've ever had with a spec after playing every expac. what they did to mm in bfa was a travesty
You must not be aware of how crippled this game has become on all fronts. Gearing is fucked by insta-gibs and weekly chests. There is enough daily mechanics and time-gated bullshit to make your eyes bleed, The community is naturally worse than ever. I could go on but it frustrates me to think about trash. Neat class changes, but they aren't nearly enough to save this game from the madness it has succumbed to. The game needs heavy system overhauling, mainly flat-out DELETIONS of terrible features that people have been vocal about despising for years, but Blizzard is very stubborn.
I want Sylvanas to become Death itself at the end and get away with everything. The salt will be delicious
Sorry, ActiBlizz shill, but I'm not going back, nor are any of my friends. Even if you bend over backwards to suck your own cock.
This is the first time I'm not buying expansion on launch. Imagine how shit the game can be to make me do this
You have mental problems, go back to your containment zone.
>those Warrior changes
>this man redesigned Hunter including making survival a meme melee spec
>he played WoW with a Wacom tablet instead of a mouse
>I have autism so it was good
No. Braindead spec. Too big a divide between ST and AoE Made the rotations for both boring. You only got high parse in Nighthold because it was add and patchwerk heavy. There’s a reason you bring up NH and not ToS
>bring "Back" Devotion, crusader, concentration, and Ret aura
>dev aura is already in game
>crusader aura is already a passive for paladins, and a few other classes. an equipment for groundmounts
>Ret aura is reworked to be a passive already in game
>concentration is back for pvp i guess?
Did they bother to add any features yet? You know, a race or class?
>>Lich King kino
I bet you liked the fact that Sylvanas overwhelmed Bolvar like nothing
>>PvP Vendors are back
so? Still unbalanced pile garbage game. If you honestly still care about arena or pvp in WoW you need kys.
>>Classes are once again based and full of fantasy
autism at this point and the alpha will show how retarded you are
tl;dr kys
>be warrior main
>got spell reflect baseline
>got intervene baseline
>got upgraded shattering throw baseline
>got ignore pain baseline
>got shield block baseline
I got everything I wanted except for stances.
Too many races already nigga
>Classes are once again based and full of fantasy
I give them a week before they take all my curses again, decide that each spec should get just 1 or 2 dots, and start asking, "But do you really NEED an infernal?"
>thinking Bolvar "swing da hamma" Fordragon is the real Lich King
Soon we'll see Arthas "Delights in the irony" Menethil back. He claimed he could see darkness before him, and he might be in the Maw, awaiting us to pull him out.
I don't get why people are freaking out about it. It was utter shit for a vast majority of its lifespan.
i did well in tos too i just didn't get a r1 parse, so what. the rotation was sublime, so satisfying and perfectly designed, it was so comfy, st and aoe was so nicely intertwined
>"new" expansion
>all they did is restore content they removed for no fucking reason
i remember having too many abilities in MoP and 3 abilities in WoD.
SL won't be good.
They can only bring back abilities that are useless outside of leveling.
There are two possible approaches to class balance.
Either, make every class the same, or, make every class necessary.
If they add meaningful class abilities, that will make some classes stronger than others, causing some classes to be left out. The way to counteract this is to use the other approach, to give every class one unique thing to make it necessary. But WoW has too many classes for that to be possible now. And they probably wouldn't want it either.
>giving Activision Blizzard money in 2020
>hopefully it's the old armor-boosting devo aura or something instead of this shitty aura that gets worse the more people you're with
>crusader aura is neat, especially in bg's, though it would be nice if it was always on for you
>ret aura is fucking retarded, agreed, should've just been an actually decent thorns or a harmful aura
>if conc aura nullifies pushbacks it would be neat since they're barely noticeable anyway
The real crime is Seals still being dead and BoM and BoK being stuck in one spec in a shitty form.
Fuck legion mm, what a snorefest, I much prefer the current mm, especially since I ran serpent sting for added fun.
I really don't know
>implying Bolvar didn't have the most important part of being the Lich King; The helm of domination
Why do people pretend like Arthas was the reason that LK was powerful, and not the other way around?
>Almost no new features whatsoever
>The expansion is literally "We promise to fix everything in the game"
Not like there's much else to do considering Shadowbringers is going the way of BFA
Frostmourne was just as important as the Helm of domination, if not moreso.
From what I get from these unpruning:
>Severely buffed:
Very buffed:
++Disc priests
++Shadow Priests (Power infusion, flash heal, offheal utility)
++Resto druids
++Surv Hunters (Arcane Shot and Kill shot baseline as melee finally becomes a melee/ranged hybrid)
++Mages get fucking ALTER TIME back, as if they needed more offense and defense in PvP
>Not buffed much:
I predict the return of Turbo Cleave and filthy ele shaman + caster tanky cleaves.
ActiBlizzard tards are the worse
NuFans starting in WoW don't seem to understand how the Lich King works. It's a possessed suit of armor, no matter what the narrative "council" retconned or asspulled in compendium lore.
Sylvanas literally destroyed the head. The part that controls the scourge, and fragmented the soul of the Lich King himself. This is a huge deal.
Except we're spending all the expansion time in Bastion with space owls and a Ravenloft theme park for the dead instead.
current mm is a fucking dead spec, you literally can't be useful in 2 target scenarios, you can only do st, or 3+ targets, it's astonishing to me that the spec is even in the game in its current state
better than any gimmick like Islands or Garrisons, user.
I would love for nothing more than for the game to be engaging, rewarding and just fun again so I can play it again
...but I know that will never happen, at least not until the current people in charge are fired