How much of a shitstorm do you think Square will have on their hands when the gaming community at large realizes that...

How much of a shitstorm do you think Square will have on their hands when the gaming community at large realizes that they pulled a Mass Effect 3 with the FFVII remake?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying they wont eat it up

I havent seen a single review that even brings up the time jannies and most of them actually praise the games plot

>the power of Japanese “developers”

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>cherry picking
No, this isn't cherry picking. The game is full of low quality textures.

Shit like this is how you know they've had this game in development since like 2006.

There will be no shitstorm outside of /v and maybe some of the subreddits that now infest it. Thinking otherwise is pure delusion. The people who played the original will eat it up out of nostalgia and the newcomers will buy it because FF is a massively popular ip and they want in their library.

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Why are boomers clinging to old stuff and unable to move on?

This, these are the same people that made nu-star wars billions.

Here's one the normies will understand.

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You guys are still mad over tifa huh?
You do realize all the porn is still gonna have her be incredibly stacked right?


I would be a normie nostalgia buyer and I will not be buying this game due to the time jannies and the fight scene.

Faggots will eat that shit up and say it was the best turd they ever had. Stop deluding yourself into thinking that any consumer base at large actually has standards.

They all got the game for free and Square specifically told them NOT to mention that it's not a real remake "because it's a spoiler." Publishers set terms and conditions all the time. Gamestop gave the game a 10/10 and outright lied about the changes.

Here's a review from someone who actually bought an early copy with their own money. And look at how the fanboys downvoted him to oblivion, because the game HAS to be good so he HAS to be lying.

I swear, the sheeple are not going to believe any of this until they see it for themselves, and by then Square will already have their money.

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I love how I said outside /v and you respond to me as if this isn't said board.

Glad someone liked my jesus post. I thought it was pretty accurate.

Dude. Normies know and they don't give a fuck. Give it up.

I only came here for hype my man. Glad I saw the spoilers.

Take your meds schizo.

They should start deleting FF7R threads


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the demo wasnt great to begin with


My impression was more like this.

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You dont speak for me

>they pulled a Mass Effect 3
ME3 didn't retcon anything though.

>I don't want to play anymore because of the...low poly

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I liked it and more importantly, it successfully fooled the normies into thinking this was just going to be FF7 except bigger and more exciting, not Nomura's Kingdom Hearts leftovers disguised as Final Fantasy VII.

When they see what Square has really done to this game you are going to see review bombing and petitions. And then you will have the gaslit schizos who will rabidly defend FF7R saying it's perfect and that everyone knew exactly what they were getting.

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Ok that should be fixed

The game is fine, some won't like the ending. No shitstorm but Yas Forums keeps crying for several years. The end.
There's your spoiler. Just doomposters like who think this is going to be vanilla XIV again.

Even better

>inb4 30 gb patch on trash pile texture

>Cloud has a future vision epilepsy episode
>Aerith seems to be in knowing about future events
>Time Ghosts shit haunting everyone to keep the plot in line

Time ghosts aside, why is SquareEnix like this? Why do they blow their load so much? Here is FF7's overworld theme

In the remake it starts playing right away at the shitstained slums for no reason other than heavy handed nostalgia that completely misses the point of the original. When you left Midgar the leash was taken off you and you could breathe a little, yes I know Kalm is a cutscene hell, but for a brief moment, you had a massive climatic rescue/escape/witness tons of people die and the game soothed you into the overworld theme. Your brain was taxed and you just had to take it all in.

>Remake FF7
>Let me just start playing the overworld theme out of the blue
>Also Remake FF7 let me show Cloud glimpses of Aerith dying just in case our audience forgot

Fuck, fuck. Fuck. The more I learn about the remake the angrier I get. That overworld music was just the biggest red flag ever, they have no fucking SELF CONTROL. I don't wanna hear anything about any other Final Fantasy game getting remade or ATLUS getting the idea to remake Persona 3, no one can be trusted. Fuck you fuck you Tetsuya Nomura and fuck you SquareEnix. Now I'm just feeling angry and tremendous pity towards the retards going in blind and getting shit on, they don't deserve it, normies who lapsed in gaming and come back to gaming for this shit are gonna be so mad and confused. The fucking blueprints for a remake are right in front of you? And don't get me started on Nanaki getting party member status robbed so they could waste the budget on a Sephiroth boss battle that never happened to setup TIME GHOSTS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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this is massive reach. the textures are referencing FF7OG

Remake still shit

>reviewers love it and have given multiple perfect reviews
>it's obvious that everyone is going to hate it!!!
>everyone must agree with me and not the reviewers, right? fuck square!!!!!!!!!!

They promised people one thing and gave them something they didn't want, while also underdelivering on many other aspects of the game.

Not only is this game a betrayal of the original's story to feed Nomura's ego, but it also makes a very poor case for being an episodic release. Midgar is very detailed, yes, but it's actually very small compared to other modern games and is basically the same layout as the original, with some areas being stretched out and padded up. The game has tons of filler just to make sure the content sucks up enough time to be considered a full $60 release, even though they have $40 of real content at best.

>reviewers love it and have given multiple perfect reviews
Come on man, would you really trust any official review for a SE game?

A couple of them tried to, but couldn't due to spoilers, but USA Gamer and IGN both said that the plot went off the rails retarded and left a bad taste in their mouths.

Most of these gaymers haven't even played the original so they don't give a fuck about Nomura shitting on the original. The ones that have played the original are too up Square's ass to ever call them out.

>There will be no shitstorm outside of /v

Have you been to any part of the internet that talks about FF VII outside of Yas Forums?

>ME3 didn't retcon anything though.
existance of catalyst is biggest retcon in ME series

i have seen you bitch and moan about this game for weeks now with the same images and filenames for them. what is wrong with you?

>implying most reviewers made it to the wacky edgy ending.

Is Jay RPG /ourguy/?

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Take your meds schizo.

Just finished the story, still need to tackle challenges. Ask me anything.

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give me all the enemy skill materia spells.

tell me what kupo kid does

how was fighting the soldier 3rd classes?

/r/ing a drawfag to edit this pic but the panda is a time ghost and child as cloud and the animu girls as the rest of ff7 party members

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Enemy Skills i got: ice aura, self-destruct, soul siphon. There seems to be Bad Breath you can get from extra challenges.

Kupo Kid is a special merchant that sells rare stuff like extra SP items, a key item to a fetch quest and what not. You pay with Moogle Medals you found both randomly and fixed spots.

Soldier fights were ok, nothing to write home about. Basically stronger grunts. Had more fighting the big red robots that turn to blue roller scatters after the armor is blown.

>that minimap
what's the point? What is even the point?

How bad have they mangled the whole Shindra building?

Tell me about the loveless theatre

It's easier to navigate in towns and more complicated layouts

Not at all. The building that gets destroyed is an illusion and the whole fight is.

I don't trust any reviews for games after The Division, but review scores are usually a sign of whether or not the general audience will enjoy the game. RE2Make got amazing critic scores and is constantly praised (and guess who was shitting on that game for weeks before its release, only to never say a peep about it again after it was released to the public?) Yas Forums

It's as if it has become mandatory for all games, regardless of genre, to have an exploration killing minimap.

thanks bro. really appreciate.

There were posters across the city and some npcs said how they were looking forward to see it and how pricey the tickets are for good seat

You like Dog? You LOVE Dog, huh?? Well hang on there, I'll go ahead a remake Dog for you using modern techniques and technologies!

Here it is! Dog Remake, faggot!

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Ah, what a time to be a time jannie

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It won't be nearly as big as you're hoping it will be.

My only hope is that all the the ghost shit was worth it and they have some cool stuff for the next game.

It's Nomura, of course not. It only gets worse from here.

Cloud loves Aeris

At least the core game should be fine.

I love Yuffie

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