Cyberpunk 2077
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who cares
that would be funny if you could enslave them as sex workers haha
gay af
>sex workers
why not just say prostitutes or even better, whores?
It died in my head when they became 90% women.
No, they’re called sex workers. That’s it. There’s no other term for it. Calling them the terms you used is degrading.
I know who I will be exterminating then
>game is set in the dystopian future
>has tons of real problems run rampant like insane drug use, etc. as is typical of cyberpunk
>degeneracy has thus greatly ramped up in this world including more prostitutes, etc.
What exactly is the problem? This is perfectly realistic. You can't be mad about realistic medieval games having black and trans people or whatever in ancient Scandinavia but also about there being major moral and societal degradation in the near future.
>gang that protects sex workers
you mean any real life pimp? They treat their ho's like shit but they still protect the goods. People will buy damaged goods, but not broken.
Being a whore is degrading.
>black ex-hooker now pimp portrayed as a righteous and fair employer
>violent clients only consist of white males
>nigger pimp got killed by white corporate asshole's white hitmen
>dead whore now has a death cult following
>ALL nignogs are good and dindu nuffin! - you can't generalize them, that's racis!
>ALL milk-bags are bad, because a certain number of them did unimaginable bad things to minorities only!
>politically correct 2077
>sex workers
I hate twitter
Just another gang.
I think they’ve degraded themselves enough user. Like I don’t think you can degrade yourself any further than being a prostitute. Does it matter if you call them what they are?
Actually, it's because prostitution is only a subset of all sex work. In the same way not all construction workers are welders, not all sex workers are prostitutes.
Their job is literally about being degraded lmao
>Defending sex workers for free sex.
Good idea. Can my characters be part of the gang so I can aquire fornication? Else I'll just kill them on sight.
>There’s no other term for it.
False, Whore and prostitute are also acceptable.
That's been the name of the trade for centuries.
>you mean any real life pimp
More like a real life simp.
Why is twitter always like “sex workers are important too”? I can’t bring myself to respect anyone who sucks cock for a living
You mean I get to kill whores AND simps? Now that's based
The real world already has gangs protecting prostitutes, how is this new?
Is Idubbz part of the gang?
mafias who run brothels protect sex workers from the law and abusive johns.
Selling anything of yourself, be it pictures, videos or dirty panties makes you a prostitute, you're selling your body.
Its not illegal for a woman to be a prostitute in my country. Its only illegal for the man to seek the services of a prostitute.
I've actually used this before myself in a p&p game, where a local crime family taxed prostitutes on their turf and in exchange they received protection.
This isn't the Voodoo boys gang, what are you on?
thats sexist
I think getting your face jizzed on by 5 dudes while they call you filthy names already kinda degrades you. Just a little though.
Makes sense.
2020 already had similar gangs. Pic related. Fuck it even had crazier gangs like a bunch of killer clowns or people who modify themselves to look like the fucking Kennedy family.
Yas Forums is going to throw an autistic bitch fit over this though.
I'm so sick and embarrassed at how utterly pathetic and cucked white people are. Women are beneath men. Stop worshiping them. They not only don't deserve it, but they don't even like it.
So what will this game be like? Just Deus ex HR with more character customization?
Well I think the logic behind it is that they want women to be able to go to police and say they are being forced to be prostitute without having to worry about getting arrested
im ok with this.
independent sex workers have some protection. neat.
What country
That's the most dumbest feminist garbage concievable.
>simp gang
Isnt that just the killer-prostitutes from Sin City?
Is that from borderlind
That gang is made up entirely of women.
Indeed, except they aren't protecting the women as such, just the business and cash flow. It is pure pragmatism, not this pathetic leftist narrative. Whores do not matter, they are easily replaced.
Nice, a gang of pimps
Why do you niggas keep pretending anything in this game is going to be portrayed as "degenerate"? It will at most be extremely surface-level "criticism" that at least 1 person will still be offended by anyway.
So pimps? Is that what they call pimps now?
As if I needed another reason to not but TrannySpunk77
Which is feminist garbage. These whores use that as an excuse to scam people out of their money.
iDubbbz gang.
Can't be any more degrading than what they do every day.
Why is the person that inspired the group named after a real life murderer?
>Cyberpunk 2077
Yes, that's basically what pimps are.
Why are those lolis laughing at cyberpunk 2077?
I want to bash these whores' heads in for laughing at me like that
you wont be able to kill anyone you want to, I promise you you wont even be able to draw your weapon in places with non-hostiles. Only during scripted events where non-hostiles are present but there the bullets will probably just go right through them
Shame it's going to be an all female gang with an SJW agenda.
If they're doing it for free, I guarantee you that they're not getting sex either.
If they're not doing it for free, they're just glorified pimps.
You mean pimps?
The black guy who made the original board game is unironically based.
I feel sad that I discovered it so late and never played it in PNP. I played Shadowrun and Mechwarrior RPG, but not this.
>*slaps cybercock at her cheeks*
Nothing personnel brats.
As long as I can betray them or take them down i am fine
I want to purge the city of all degeneracy
>"The Mox refer to themselves as “those who protect working girls and guys” from violence and abuse."
>girls and guys
I'm not sure how I feel about this considering the logic behind it.
>Historically, most sex workers worked in brothels and red light districts that did just this.
>Only where prostitution is illegal where you have shit like pimps that would exploit sex workers
>As an organized gang, wouldn't the workers they're protecting be affiliated with that gang?
>And wouldn't said gang expect kickbacks for risking their lives?
Why not?
>*teleports behind you using telemodule*
not so fast, misogynistic scum. I am the cyber-protector of women!
>*unsheathes cyberkatana from neo-tokyo*
have at thee!
>*slices you in half*
Sorry to burst your moral bubble but Mike Pondsmith didn't write that part or even the book its featured in.
sounds like a perfect libertarian solution, it's not like trauma team is gonna protect you
For some people things are never enough
Can't wait to shoot them all to death
>Game about a shithole future has weird shit in it
God you people are fucking dumb. Did you think it was going to be about upper middle class suburbanites?
>Mike Pondsmith
he did edit it and have final say over its inclusion tho lol
Fucking hate how mouth breathing gaming journalism websites have to make a fucking artical over every single fucking thing like this?
Game has a female main character? "GAME EMPOWERS WOMEN WITH MAIN CHARACTER"
Game has a literal fucking non humanoid character with no gender because its like a fucking robot or something? "CHARACTER IN GAME IS NON BINARY!"
Its also ignoring that, even with places that legalize sex work, sex work is really fucked up.
Forced prostitution and human trafficking still happen in places like Germany and Netherlands where that shit is legalized.
I guess that could be cyberpunky, though I'm annoyed at how women and numales are trying to change "whore" and "prostitute" to "sex worker" to try and make it sound less demeaning than it really is.
>sucking dick and swallowing loads
i was just a hologram, brat
>*teleports cyberdong behind you*
nothing personnel, ass.
My understanding is that sex workers isn't just a reference to prostitutes but generally anyone who uses their body in a sexual manner to make money. So it includes strip dancers, masseuses, camwhores, instagram e-thots who aren't strictly speaking whores but who work in the same field.
But yes it is also a term whipped up by cunts who let men fuck them for money but they don't want to be considered prostitutes because that has a negative connotation, so they insist on being called sex workers, because they don't do it out of necessity but because it nets them a little money on the side with which to buy expensive shit.
I mean you have to see it from a woman's point of view. Women have the undeniable upper hand when it comes to sex. They get to pick and choose from a number of potential mates who are all desperate to get their fuck on. At that point, putting a price tag on sex is just good sense. When you have something that everyone wants, and have complete control over its distribution, you don't just give it away for free.
Isn't it enough that you can be X gender
They seek to be bred.
this is cyberpunk faggot, no one cares about whether or not shit is degrading. do you not know what cyberpunk is?
Ah another thread reaching to 500+ posts which is seemingly related to a game but actually shitflinging over irl social issues shit
fucking this, animeposter on point for once
It's a bit different, this sounds more like a crime family running a free range brothel than a pimp.
>t. whore
It's called pimp's
how can anyone stomach the thought of having sex with a woman who has had dozens of penises inside of her before you? it's fucking maddening
I don't mind this being in the game. I mean, it gives me a viable target in the game to murder.
as a former escort/prostitute i can tell you right now that while it not not be the most physically demanding job (unless they want you to ride them), it is pretty emotionally taxing. Imagine letting disgusting unnatractive men penetrate your mouth and your ass. now imagine pretending to be into it. now imagine pretending to be so into this despite how disgusting it is, you have to fake an orgasm convincingly. now imagine doing this all the time. if you think its easy you are more than welcome to try :)
I don't understand why this would even deserve noticing at this stage. "game has thing for flavor" what big news!
>Historically, most sex workers worked in brothels and red light districts that did just this.
Do you think they did it because it was their dream career? They had madames instead of pimps but it was still much the same.
so pimps?
Sorry, I have actual skills.
Only virgins care about virginity.
>getting triggered over a word
cucks, they like sloppy seconds, used goods.
Literally taking a shit right now :3
its ok to admit that you cant do it because its too hard user
I don't care about what random number gender you can be, I just want to see something already.
So a guy's normal dating pool of post wall women in the modern world?
Post memes.
I did not drop out of high school so no need to degrade myself like that for money
Well acting is a skill.
Name me one thing since "personal responsibility" their marketing department did right.
Protip: you can't
>Yas Forums
Why don't you just leave? We will all be happier.
stay mad virgin
I know who to kill immediately on sight now.
Making Yas Forumsincels angry
so you admit that it would be quite hard for you to do because of how degrading it is correct?
well duh im a tranny
I saw the last thread that greatly triggered all the resident spergs but reminder that in Neuromancer, one of the most genre defining works of cyperpunk, the main female character is a killing machine and worked as a prostitute
It really is not that far-fetched to imagine a collective of cybernetically enhanced prostitutes who band together to protect each other in a futuristic setting.
I'm not a purity fag but I don't want some nasty whore with a stretchy vagina and VD
Cool another game I won't be playing. Witcher 3 was shit anyway. All games past 2008 are basically swj propaganda and many before that were feminist propaganda.
>so you admit that it would be quite hard for you to do because of how degrading it is correct?
so being able to degrade yourself as much as possible is a skill now? pffhaha ok, if that helps you cope.
right on sex work friend
It's what you call a fucking pimp. He owns the prostitutes and will protect his property. It's just the pc version of saying it.
You say that like it's a bad thing
Disgusting sex is just called sex for guys stuck with 30+ year old women.
>t. actual cuckold who cries about his crush fucking other dudes
So they’re pimps?
Will that Yas Forums gang be in the game?
Can't be more degrading than getting fucked for money
>gang that protects sex workers
Pimps? Or are they morally running around trying to save hookers?
the only one here coping is the one too afraid to admit he wont let sell himself for money because it would be too emotionally taxing. Being able to continue doing something despite the fact it makes you feel like shit takes a considerable amount of willpower, more willpower than you have apparently since you cant even manage to do it once.
underage detected, project moar
I remember news about a group rampaging trannies vandalizing and trashing a women's support center because they refused to help them. I guess you could call that a gang attack.
I fell violated enough when I pay taxes. I'm not going to pretend prostitution is a respectable dayjob. It's a form of begging.
>sex workers
They mean whores lmao
"Sex workers"
>implying sex is work
Get the fuck out. Girls have it so easy. Can make millions of dollars easily just selling their bodies
Post boipuccy
you were never going to have sex with a woman anyways user i dont know who you think you are fooling with your sour grapes incel posting.
I concede all points. you managed to place yourself in a situation where your only option to make money is to take on a job so degrading that almost nobody wants to do it. congratulations.
>dating a whore
Can you be my transgender gf?
posting nudes gets a person banned
all jobs are a form of begging. every day you go to work as a wagecuck and you beg and plead your boss to gift you a little tiny salary that isnt even close to what you should be making for your labor, but you convince yourself it is to sleep ok at night. like the good little wagie that you are. just like i had to
This is what you get when you replace slav(e) labor with rejects from failed CA studios.
Get woke go broke slavshits.
>dirty panties
>your body
ok retard
Aren't they date for living?
A gang of women pimps? Ooo so progressive
>Can make millions of dollars easily just selling their bodies
So can you. Just head down to a truck stop. Make a hole in one of the bathroom stalls.
Why so bitter?
Who hurt you?