The collector’s set for the US is called the Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Works Set and it includes a...

>The collector’s set for the US is called the Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Works Set and it includes a copy of the game alongside a 250-page art book with a slip-case and that’s it.

>The European collector’s set comes packed in with a physical copy of the game, a stunning steelbook case, a sound selection vinyl that matches the Monado’s design, a digital download of that same music, a poster featuring the same art, and the same 250-page artbook from the other collection.

>NoE and NoJ shitting on NoA once again

it's not even funny, they always win. always

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>tfw Canadian
fucking hate it

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Why do you westerners change the name of games all the time? What was wrong with Xenoblade? And why do you say it like ZEEno? It’s pronounced ZED like dragon ball z

>it's not even funny, they always win. always
that's not true, we get fucked hard pretty often, you muricans get a lot of cool shit that we don't

for example, you can still buy new in box old square enix games from square enix murica, we don't have anything like that in europe

Just preorederd the european version but I still don't know if the artbook is hardcover or softcover.

what stops them from releasing same version for both regions?
they want collectorcucks to pay same game twice?

>things that will just sit on the shelf and gather dust
Yeah, no thanks.

They're forced to buy useless shit, we're not.

>60 dollars for a remaster

the pegi logo automatically makes any box of a game look like absolute shit, so that really makes everything it included irrelevant
that being said, the Japanese edition is somehow the worst one of them all

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What is it with retarded Canadians and currency exchange? Do you retards not understand that 1 Euro to a European or 1 USD to a burger is not the same as 1 CAD to a Canadian? You’re not paying twice as much because your currency is weaker, the only loss you eat is the provision the bank/exchange charges to sell you the currency, which is like 1%.
Every fucking game that comes out, there’s droves of you fucks screeching how the game is “$80”. It’s not fucking $80, it’s fucking $60, you just pay in a different fucking currency. And you’re not even getting shafted, $80 of your shit dollars are less than $60. The europoors are the ones overpaying.


>Implying $60 is more than $80
Fuck off you dumb retard. We will keep complaining about us overpaying and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

Yeah but we only make $15 minimum wage for an $80 game, Americans make a $10 minimum wage for a $50 game that’s not fair especially since most games these days that are made in the west are made in Canada

the fuck are you talking about. PEGI is god tier

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They know America will be the largest consumer for this game, like every other game in the franchise since the first one. They want more Europeans to get involved with a franchise.

you picked the one example where it's acceptable, a cover where almost everything is green and it's rated 7
now, have a look at the xenoblade box, which has not only PEGI, but also fucking USK

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Woah so this is the power of european design

>wtf why do import luxury products not magically cost less in my weaker economy?
Do switches cost $40 in Ukraine? No, because that’d be retarded.

>he’s still going

So the murica version comes with a download code instead of the cart?

The only cancerous ratings logo is USK
fucking krauts

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Europeans love corporate branding, look at how many PlayStation logos they plastered on final fantasy they ruined the box

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NoA sucks. Why do we always get shit on?

This is Japanese revenge for the US allying with the USSR, orchestrating a false flag attack in Hawaii and blaming japan and then sending foreign aid to communists to colonize Manchukuo and Korea

>Americans make a $10 minimum wage
Minimum wage in America is still 7.80, some states just have an independently higher wage.

I guess I'll have to accept it and get the lame ass american version since that's all I can get.

>paying for the sins of our grandfathers
At last, I truly see

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No seriously. Go to Japan the quality of their products there is 10 times what we have in Canada even for the same brands and companies. Their 100 yen shops carry barely any made in China crap everything is made in Japan. They just don’t care about the west, that’s why the English dubs for games are always so shitty with no effort put into them. They don’t give a shit

fuck the big green crout shit, pegi alone would be acceptable

I hate this thing so fukcking much

I thought it was revenge for occupying Japan under false pretences in order to control the entrance to Inner Earth?

Maybe it wouldn't happen if americans actually bought JRPGs?

Because we used to pay $60. Then our dollar dipped below usd and the price went up to $80. Even now that it’s back where it was when games were $60 they’re never going back down from $80.

That’s why leaves feel salty about it. Simple as

Ah, yes, Zednoblade. Sorry for making that mistake user.

now show the US box

Can’t you read? It’s pronounced like the letter Z

>europe forcing Americans to import to get the real edition

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I've been to Japan and you're right. Also, older people refuse to speak English to you while the younger generations will actually talk to visitors.

I'm surprised the NA version doesn't have Shulk plastered all over the cover so the Smash Kiddies pay attention to it on the shelf.


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Yeah it’s shit, we all know that. Westerners always try to ruin what Japanese made because their jealous that even after getting nuked they still became superior to them

Some complain about the numbers being different but the real issue is that our economy was fucked before this pandemic and the exchange rate is the easiest way to communicate it. You might get children talking about muh higher minimum wage but raising that doesn't help anyone and just fucks over people with jobs that are already above minimum wage

It fucking pisses me off. I'm tired of getting shafted by them when it comes to Xenoblade. You can't even get your hands on a UK release in the US. Nintendo UK is sold out, Amazon UK won't ship to US, and GAME says they will but you can't actually input a US address for shipping. Fuck them, man. I'm not buying the US release. I'm going to end up needing to pay a UK scalper. I know it.

cute frog user

Why the fuck did they add Chronicles to the title? It makes no fucking sense and adds nothing of value. I wish they had removed it for the DE and never use it again.

the NA cover should look like this honestly

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>Tfw have 2 euro pre orders set
Will get one and sell the other one to cucked muricans

I am more mad about the fact that someone added fucking Chronicles to the title

every single PEGI logo is acceptable, they look fucking great

>americans stealing our stock of kino LE's

You can't even do that, though.

The guy at BookOff is an old guy and he tries to speak English with me but I go there pretty often.
I don’t speak English there except with my girl so I don’t know how locals would react to me speaking English.

it's worse than the other boxes, what is your "dilate" supposed to mean in this context?

We can't though.

Why not

It’s pronounced kseno, you’re both wrong

Because Nintendo UK is sold out. Amazon UK won't ship to US, and GAME doesn't actually let you input a US shipping address.

mail forwarders and asking yuro online friends to ship you one are two methods to get one

not angry enough


Westerners always pointlessly change things that make no sense and the majority of the time the original title is a lot better. どうぶつの森 actually makes sense, animal crossing doesn’t like the animals cross the street? I don’t get it, Biohazard turned into Resident Evil, get it? Because you’re in a residence and an evil scientist infected people to turn them into zombies. Woah

Stop being such a zednophobe

>expecting *Nglos to know how individual letters sound

The Xenoblade 2 art book was hard cover so that one probably is too

No it’s ゼノ not クセノ
Yup exactly

Maybe if you're Russian.
X at the start of a word always makes the 'Z' sound, it's just the rule. Not to mention English already has 'xeno' as a prefix.

>Its not just the logo floating in white space its SHIIIIIIIIIIT

Ship it to me, I’ll send it to you :^)

I don’t know why you’re acting so autistic about this. Xenophobe is pronounced like the letter Z also Not like the letter C

it's softcover

The UE version was soft

A 3D render (bad or good) doesn't mean it's automatically good user

There's a reason people prefer the classic Amano logos for FF.

don't even start

pic related, EU/JAP vs US

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I'm an ESL so I have no idea if I'm right, but I think crossing is sometimes used in the names of train stations and such. I thought that was the implied meaning.

Yet this is what they're using in the whole west, how does it feel to get the superior cover at long last eurocuck.

That’s greek, it’s an actual language. It’s ks. You only pronounce it as z because the French pronounce it gz and you’re to daft for that so you simplified when you loaned the word.

Sure. What's your address. I'll send you my burger bucks right now.

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Japan again proves its superior to the west
That’s honestly the stupidest thing I ever heard in my life

Sorry, I'm a zednobiologist studying earth

>animal crossing doesn’t like the animals cross the street?

An animal crossing is a place where humans will encounter animals. An animal forest is redundant. Of course animals live in the forest.

No, I pronounced it like Z because it’s written ゼノブレイド on their box I don’t care about French or Greek, especially French I hate Quebec

For the longest time I thought Animal Crossing was that game where you try to get the frog across the street without cars hitting it.

I am not even American (I'm an actual Russian), and we actually do pronounce things as they're written 95% of the time, so you don't really have to project that shit onto me. Different languages have different rules, that's it.
You could just as well give the Japanese shit for pronouncing it as "Zenobureido" instead of "Zenoblade" because their syllable-based writing system doesn't let them do it any other way.

You’re a retard, stop shit posting
I don’t live in the forest and I see animals all the time, they walk around in cities too

you know the cover is reversible, right?