Post dreams and expectations for HL3
Post dreams and expectations for HL3
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Them having a kid that'll be named Eli Freeman.
A coop mode with one player controlling Gordon and another one controlling Alyx would be fucking kino. A coherent and logical story for a change would also be kino. But most importantly, I hope that Valve abandons the idea of trying to make their game interesting with shitty gimmicks, and I do not mean VR but actual, in-game gimmicks that add nothing at all to the experience, and instead, they will just try to make a good shooter, period. With a nice design, a good dosage of action, some power-fantasy elements combined with challenging parts, and a real sense of existential dread as it should be expected from fighting a literal Universal Union.
What if they use the Borealis as a bomb to destroy the Combine's home world? But, other universes also send their Borealis' to that universe to aid in the destruction?
Gordon Freeman
On a boat
Shooting Combine
In the Arctic
Possibly also shooting headcrabs, houndeyes, and bullsquids.
valve post a lot of footage and then cancel it
>I hope that Valve abandons the idea of trying to make their game interesting with shitty gimmicks
God this. I mean, sure, it's a nice line of thought, that they don't just want to pump out Half-Lifes like wawadoodys and noble that they try to push for new things they think will be fun, but it's not how it works. You can't just invent new technology for each fucking game you make. Like, imagine if Walt Disney did one silent short cartoon, one coloured, voiced animated movie and one 3d animation and that was all he ever did.
It's not fucking grounded in reality.
I'd say Gabe is behind it, being legit autistic and truly believing we'll all jack in the matrix to play vidya in ten years time, but he's just the boss. If nobody in valve was on board and he was the crazy one, they'd outright tell him so, so that means at least most people at valve believe this.
cut content
smooth peabrained difficulty
unthreatening AI
That it would be just like pic related
Dr. Coomer.
>If nobody in valve was on board and he was the crazy one, they'd outright tell him so
What planet are you from?
>hl3 is such a massive failure that it kills valve and everybody at the company commits suicide
That's what I pray for every day.
a single Portal reference in the Borealis, nothing more, nothing less
>see this post
>Part 3 is out
This but a single Hunt Down the Freeman reference
Gordon and the crew seeking out the Borealis. Because its an Aperture Science ship there may be more portal technology. I wouldn't doubt that the Portal gun would be there and the first two Portal games were a build up and demonstrator of how to use it. Combined with the gravity gun it could be fun. Shooting explosive barrels through portals to hit combine in difficult locations. I didn't play Alyx but i'd assume that now, Alyx has witnessed her fathers killing, may have a taste for blood. We know from both Half-Life 1 and the Portal games that in general portals have amazing properties but led to crazy shit like Black Mesa and the Aperture Science compound. We also know the Combine has been seeking advanced portal technology to use within the expansion of their empire. The big question is whether the Borealis should be used against the Combine, or to destroy it like Eli insisted before his death rather than letting it fall into the hands of the combine.
I mean the entire borealis IS a portal reference.
Merle back as Alyx
a setting that ISN'T the Arctic
advisor boss fight
released before 2025(not happening)
release inspires a new wave of non 3D Alyx porn
not VR(probably happening, they said VR would be to limiting for HL3)
Opposing force 2
Bring my boy back
It's on M+KB, and VR adopters are eternally assravaged that their $1000 toy no longer makes them special.
You're gonna need to watch the ending for Alyx.
pls this
>tfw I was genuinely saddened when alyx didn't have some hidden callback to that shitshow.
>release inspires a new wave of non 3D Alyx porn
One can only hope.
I find it amazing that in four or so months that HL has been relevant again, there's been practically no porn.
It just feels so odd.
so HL2 again?
I want something small, like, there's a newspaper with the picture of the president somewhere and it's the e-celeb they got that I don't remember the name of now.
Yes exactly
It feels odd and depressing
president Keemstar
>next HL game has co-op
>Adrian is now just Player 2, sometimes just shows up in some scenes standing/working with the rebels if no ones playing as him
Monkey's paw, or a good enough of an alternative?
desu i'd be happy with just the displacer gun and the barnacle. great ideas that could probably work well in VR.
Homosex romance between Barney and Gordon. Alyx gets killed at the beginning of the game.
gimmick shite, poor non Laidlaw plot, muh diversity and empowerment soulless nuValve stuff etc
>Barnacle in VR
How would they integrate Shepard into the game without it being incredibly corny?
It certainly feels odd. It's not like there's no hype or impact about it. A whole bunch of people watched it on stream cause they couldn't afford it/ didn't want to buy VR just for it and it's got millions of views on jewtube, if those are anything to go by.
>wants gay romance
>doesn't want diversity shilling
Shh don't spoil me I want to watch it during dinner.
why not? imagine shooting the barnacle gun to stuff on the sides of buildings and zipping around like spiderman.
>romance between Barney and Gordon
Based department? Yes, I can hold.
I hate woman, and I hate niggers.
I would love some more Shepherd action. Gman did put him into stasis and i'd assume they wouldn't just write him out completely. They didn't with Barney. If not maybe playing as a Combine? Maybe a human drafted as a Metro Cop before the dehumanization and memory wipe stuff?
I know I really should watch it. I was watching streams because im a poorfag with no VR and didnt want to spoil myself, but fuck it im on Yas Forums so i'm bound to be spoiled anyway.
>barnacle for VR
Oh my god this would be fucking perfect.
A scene with the portal gun
Huge monkey's paw. That'd basically be a Dead Space 3 situation.
Have him as a side character and not making a big deal out of him. Have him be another barney tier character, maybe even a secondary antagonist, but no ebin bossfight MGS shit.
oh it sounds rad, and I'd be up for it, but I get the feeling it'd make a lot of people puke
the VOD has been out for a week or two, idk why you're waiting for the cut down versions
I like the editing.
co-op is a bigger gimmick meme than VR
fair enough
But it's more of a gimmick for publishers than for consumers, because co-op "encourages" more copies being sold. Buy one for yourself, another for a friend. Raises profits.
Thankfully, HL is not a franchise where profitability is a worry.
I did watch the stream too, but luckily enough i had forgotten most of it.
I want this more than any Alyx porn
Portal is a Borealis reference
If you've got 2 players in the same VR enviroment in multiplayer you've gotta let them interact with each other.
And that's just 1 tiny step away from full on VR porn.
It would be less than a day before someone makes a mod where player-controlled Gordon is fucking player-controlled Alyx.
Is Valve ready for this, or was this their plan all along?
whats this
I want a better model for alyx. The one in the VR game wasnt meant to be scrutinized given how its only used for a moment from a short distance. In the meanwhile i could do with some SFM porn with that new model.