New Banner

New Banner.

What do you think?

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clever and funny, OP

its unironically worse than warband at this stage of development
80% of dialogue options are unavailable, theres just really not much to do other than attack people, trade and set workshops/caravans
they fucking miscalculated leveling so it takes you a week to get from lvl 9 to lvl 10

Impressive, very nice

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When are we gonna get full Nip autism and ideal slider settings for cosplays? I just wanna play as Guts or Conan the Barbarian

Also, when is new patch out?

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Impressive, very nice.

jesus christ shut the fuck up if you havent played the game you fucking newfag


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Nice, check out mine.

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is there anyway to share the custom banners, i'd love to steal that

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Have to agree that it's worse, I've got 19 hours so far and there are little annoyances that I never noticed in Warband

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What was there to do in vanilla warband besides attacking others and eventually making your own kingdom to conquer the land?
Just wait for mods to fix it, I for one can't wait to play Perisno in bannerlord


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Warband had feasts and companions with personality. Not him though.

Good coloring

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not him but I got nostalgic for warband after playing a few hours of bannerlord.
seems like quests and content was more abundant in warband, and I like how they better handled certain mechanics.
Also fuck the character creator, it's almost impossible to not have sameface

thats why its called EA you mongoloid

>companions with personality
Granted, they had more dialogue than X the Fish and Y the Wanderer, but for 99.99% of the game they're just named soldiers in your warband with different stats and armor.

I haven't played more than a couple hours so I wouldn't know, did they remove the companion banter? And there's no feasts? What about tournaments then?

If you have to ask, the answer is no


>challenge everything

It's unironically early access, fixes the worst shit in warband and will be great

>when is new patch out?
So far they've released a new patch every day.

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I know, Im asking what time today

EVERYONE always ges included, just not me. FUCK YOU you are so unfair!

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You must not have played very long, or paid attention because there are quests and missions all over the place in bannerlord.

Nigga just check the patchlog release times on steam, probably in 3 hours or so

any recommended mods aside from disabling hideout troop limit

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Very nice. Let's see Paul Allens banner

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that's how I felt when my whore exgirlfriend told me the same thing

That's really nice.

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Why is Sturgia so shit? Raganbitch keeps chasing me down and I just beat the dog shit out of him everyday. I currently as a neutral clan level 2 have one of the faction leaders as a hostage and I keep selling his armies and all his shit away. Why won't he just leave me the fuck alone? It's like he decided "This guy right there? Fuck him" at least I have made like forty thousand off of him so far. At least the Empress is built for my BBC(Big Battanian Cock)

They're OP in mutliplayer

Mod tools when?

I can't fucking wait for stuff like hounskulls and full helms and shit.

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Nice, very impressive.


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only like 1 out of three villages I went to had quests, seemed like they set it up in warband so in the beginning you almost get too many quests at once, that you're racing to complete.
it was a lot easier for me to "make my own fun" in warband, it seems.

The companions atm are only randomized characters with no personality. It seems the preset companions aren't enabled yet. Companions don't comment on anything and don't have preferences or dislikes.

I usually turned off that shit anyways, but I did like the preset stats and names so i could know them

House Rolf is best noble house.

Here you go user

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>Companions don't comment on anything and don't have preferences or dislikes.
They do, but are limited. They mostly comment on stuff like running away and attacking innocents atm

Doesn't help that character stats are more streamlined, so it's really hard to have wildly differing stats or builds on characters.

Let's see Paul Allen's banner.

Consider them observed.

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That's what the dayZ faggots said and that game is only now becoming playable


patches drop around 1-130pm EST

>Comparing Mount and Blade devs to Dayz devs

get the fuck out newfag

Someone's too young to have been around for the original MnB and Warband releases
Protip: it was fucking worse