Well this was kino

Well this was kino.

Do you think the sequel would be the gang going to China (West of Japan) or America (the "West")?

I'm thinking China.

Attached: Sekiro.jpg (1280x720, 325.02K)

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Loved the game but I hope there won't be a sequel
Fromsoft sucks at sequels and should just make new IPs every time

This is the perfect sequel hook, not like Dark Souls.

And Dark Souls 3 was good.

I thought Japan hated China. I don't see them making a game about that country. At the same time Miyazaki had express he is tired of making Western themes unless Sekiro is going to be exploring actual American culture.

korea you fucking idiot

Japan hates CCP but Japan loves classical chinese culture and mythology such as 3 Kingdoms.
Retardo, Korea has nothing to offer Japan, the dragon comes from China, not Korea.

DS3 is the only sequel Miyazaki has ever made and it wasn't awful. With more time it would have been the best game.

they are going to korea, not china

What the fuck is this meme?

Does that dragon scream Korea to you?

Korea at this moment is a chink vassal land btw (Sengoku period).

look at the sword the dragon is holding you idiot....

That sword is the classic seven branches sword of Japan, idiot.

Attached: Chiljido.jpg (1600x1200, 963.42K)

You mean Shichishito, the national treasure of Japan?


fuck off tripfag

Why are white people always so sngry

It’s the entitlement

How do you even know that dude is white?

The seven pronged sword from the Nihongi. Yes.
Iirc it was actually inside the dragon


The real redpill is that the sword is from China.

which was a gift from an early korean kingdom

Europe has been represented in dark souls and bloodborne, Japan has been represented in sekiro. I think the arab world or mesoamerica should be the next setting

Nah, that's only a rumor, now chinks are claiming it comes from China.

My gut feeling says it's in Tibet.

Attached: golden child.jpg (716x1000, 109.3K)

god youre dumb

>2nd character on the first side, and when the sword was made: The first four characters are generally decoded as "4th year of Taihe" (the era name of Emperor Fei of the Eastern Jin dynasty in China), but the second one is ambiguous. Taihe 4 corresponds to year 369 CE.[11]

The sword was gifted by the Jin (house of Sima Yi) to Korea, then the gooks give it to Japan.

Japan still regards it as a national treasure, unlike the other two.

a gift to japan from korea, great work being a dumbfuck niggerbrained bigot btw.

Mesoamerican setting by From, someone fund this.

That's not an arab or mesoamerican dragon...

But the sword itself is a gift from China to Korea, idiota.

Korea just gives chink sword to the japs.

I skipped DS3 because Yas Forums told me it was shit

You mean ex-Celts, buddy

The crown prince of the king of Baekje, who lives under august sounds, had this sword made for King of Wa in the hope that it might be passed on to later generations.

youre a dumb nigger. korea had it made for japan. a gift, from korea, to japan. nigger. die.


How can you smell things over the internet?

>Yet another theory proposed by Kōsaku Hamada of Kyushu University suggests that the original seven-branched sword was created by Eastern Jin in 369 (泰和四年) for a vassal lord with the first inscription. In 372, King Geunchogo of Baekje sent an embassy to arrive at the court of Eastern Jin in 372, and then a Jin envoy was sent to the Paekche court, granting the title of “General Stabilizing the East and Governor of Le-lang" (鎭東將軍).[21] The sword was given to the king around this time. The king of Baekje ordered the creation of a replica of the sword with the second inscription and sent it to Wa for an alliance as peers under Eastern Jin. Thus no vassalage relationships are involved between Baekje and Wa. He claims that this explains the commanding tone of the first inscription and the respect paid to Jin (owes his life to august Jin) in the second inscription.[22]

it's the only way to explain why the sword bears the house of Sima.

You fuckers are pathetic

Attached: file.png (511x120, 6.21K)

>America (the "West")?

god damn youre a stupid nigger

Posts like these are my favorite part of posting as a trip

America is known as the West worldwide.
Mad gook confirmed.

There is literally no mention of any gook, but only the Eastern Jin dynasty on the sword.

Maybe in From's version of things. Histotically you are correct the blade was most likely gifted by China. To Japan? Maybe not. Whoever recieved it was IN Japan, but this is so long ago the Nippon were still mostly undiscovered or slaves.

Following Buddhism or Shinto as heavily as the game did they would likely go for the "mythos" version of its origins from the Nihongi.

Dumb mutt

Please stop ruining my thread, thank you.

They dispute those runes to this day, all of them.

The West refers to western Japan, it’s more obvious in japanese

But why?
The dragon clearly is a eastern dragon holding a japanese national treasure blade in a sakura tree, it's all so very Japan, but we clearly know the dragon design is originally from China.

He is right cope more

Sci-fi souls when??
>inb4 s*rge

Attached: 1586111842458.jpg (2000x2046, 511.78K)

The Surge is fucking awesome and is even better than Souls at part.
That's a different take, but could it be possible?

Visiting Kyushu would be boss btw, I love Shimazu/Satsuma clan.

Attached: western Japan.jpg (580x420, 62.83K)

There is not a single mention of any good king in there, but only the characters from Eastern Jin.

Japan itself recognizes that the origin of japanese culture comes from China, in fact, the OG japanese could have been descendants of the Qin dynasty.

In the Nihongi the blade is inside a 7 headed dragon. Also, Korean dragons are more typically associated with clouds, hence the lightning. So i'd wager its a korean dragon.

lol seething mutt

The eastern dragon king who control of the undersea palace and weather comes from China.

Nigga i said its still disputed to this day, your proposed theory is the most likely though yes. Fuck

Can you stop ruining my thread over your butthurt over white people, please?

1st playthrough (blind or mostly blind) is amazing and the PvP was probably my favorite in the series.
other than that, it's just alright

If Japan doesn't want to make a game about China, they would say fuck the hell no to a game about Korea even harder, especially when koreans are hellbent on saying Japan is Korea all along.

Thats great but this dragon is obviously tied to clouds. Remember Emma speaking of Geni (maybe Tomoe BF i forget) when they trained with the sword the clouds would gather and lightning would be cast? The undersea palace is from the urashima taro story. The dragon you speak of is red, covered with coral or crystal.

Nah Tomoe was Genichiro's master

It's Takeru, a name likely inspired by Yamato Takeru.

Anyway, the undersea palace dragon in Urashima Taro is inspired by the undersea dragon king in chinese mythology, these dragon kings can control the weather, make rain and shoot lightnings.

Ne Zha killed one of them, and Sun Wukong got his giant staff from one of these undersea palace.

tl;dr: chinks invented that underwater dragon king

The Fountainhead palace has clear motif of water and the soldiers/court there dress like it's the Genpei war (Minamoto vs Taira).

Tomoe is likely inspired by Tomoe Gozen, a famous female warrior in the Genpei war.

Anyway, Sekiro is chokeful of japanese mythology.

Attached: tomoe gozen.jpg (1280x720, 145.79K)

You crazy? Nips LOVE China. Not the contemporary PRC mind you, that's kinda sour. But the "Romance of Three Kingdoms" era China? They dig the dynastic China of old something fierce.

Duh, I say something similar here My point is that assuming Japan hates China (it doesn't), it would hate Korea even more.

>Nips LOVE China

Stop seething so much mutt. America is literally nonexistent in this story.

America is known as the West though, please stop seething.

Its explained in-game they are Okami, so regardless of dress thats who they are. The Okami are attuned with lightning (in game). Furthermore, visually, the dragon in Sekiro rears from a rooted tree, and is also in tune with lightning. No water.
All orgin mythos is inspired by something, sekiro is simply a bunch of Japanese mythos (kid stories truly).
Yes Takeru is his name. I'd like to believe there are greater extending ties to the Genpei war as it fits very nicely with Tomoe but the game does not give us any evidence of this.

Japs have NO hate towards China and Korea, in fact it's the opposite. In Korea they literally learn at school to hate Japs and Japan. And Koreans chimp out all the time when Japan does something, see the olympics for exemple, Koreans kept spreading intel about how Japan was still evil because they used their navy flag.

Chinese hate Japs too, but not as "zealously" as Koreans.

Meanwhile the only Japs that hate Koreans and Chinese are the nationalists ones.