I'm glad we agree this is the best JRPG of 8th gen

I'm glad we agree this is the best JRPG of 8th gen

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anons on Yas Forums have no taste.

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I'm playing it on my Vita right now and falling in love with the game all over again.
Stopped previously on chapter 4 due to other games coming out but getting back into things was pretty easy despite being on nightmare.

I regret buying this game so much. This game is literally average incarnate. I hate that I allowed Yas Forums to meme me into wasting my money on this shit.

How so? Was thinking about picking up this game so I'm genuinely curious.

Please don't get memed.
It's a boring uninspired story with absolutely no stakes. The environments look like they're from the PS2 era and aren't very interesting. The music is pretty decent and the combat is kinda fun, but gets old quick. It's really just average in all ways and unless you just like JRPGS to like them (like ys fans do...) man avoid it.
Get Xenoblade:DE when it comes out if you at least want SOME semblance of quality.

I dropped the game in the first scene, the one in the ship. Is the rest of the game so boring and trash or should I go on?

if you want an honest opinion. do not get memed into this game. I'm trying to warn you people before the autistic ys fans come and scam you guys.

jrpgs must be in a sorry ass state if party-based ys is the best.

it definitely gets way better the longer you play, but sounds like the game probably isn't for you

Well Xenoblade Chronicles is in my top 3 of my favourite games ever, if that means anything. But yeah, I'm not big into Japanese animu games.

I see, well I do really enjoy jrpgs so I'll probably just wait for a sale then. And definitely getting Xenoblade: DE, loved the original so much

>flash guard: the game

nah i’ll stick with the original, Simon says

I'm a Felghanafag and after a few bosses I dropped Ys 7 because the gameplay was pretty weak. Will 8 (or 9) change my mind?

this is EXACTLY how I got scammed into buying this shitty game. DO NOT buy this if you have played Xenoblade and expect this game to match the quality in ANYWAY. I just finished XB and then bought this game shortly after, holy shit was the disappointment IMMENSE.

Anyway I've done my job, good luck to anyone who buys this shit.

My favorite JRPG this gen was Tales of Berseria by far, which only shows how shit the genre is currently, as it's flawed as fuck.

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Everyone here is being a fag it’s actually a long lost ps2 jrpg it plays like one and it’s fun and complete like one the story is ok at worst and get a bit more interesting but unfortunately it’s not till late in the game. The combat is fun for a while only bosses are a challenge so your unlikely to die after the first few hours of the game. Buy it full price or get it cheap as fuck. If you are bored and need a single player jrpg and you already beat dragon quest pick it up

as a long-time Tales fan, Ys VIII was breddy enjoyable.

I'm already conditioned to not care about the story since long lost are the days of Vesperia and Abyss, and Berseria ugh I mean it was fun but if you main Velvet it's way too fucking easy, and I REALLY REALLY miss the world map from the earlier games.

Ys had both instant combat and to be honest I grew quite attached to building my village, not having a currency was quite the spin on the shop systems and the combat had a good crunch to it (if you start out on nightmare and are not one of Yas Forums's certified elder gods doing 20 inputs a second).

I'm a gamer, Dana is hot, that's all I needed to have fun.

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fun worldfilters you have here. I like staring at a good ass while spamming overpowered magic.

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>It's a boring uninspired story
>recommends Xenoblade
Holy kek the hypocrisy of nintendo fans


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the Ys with the Forest was a breddy gud Vita Title

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Honestly, Xenoblade was the best JRPG for me this gen. Loved the gameplay, felt like something truly different than everything else around.
The worst I can say about it is that the MC design is pretty shitty but besides that it is a great. Well, that and it being exclusive making every conversation about it devolving into kindergarten console wars.

Mhm yes yes, I can't refute this argument

Why didn't you pirate before buying, fag

and she's ALSO FUN TO PLAY imagine that

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ricotta fishing!

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show me "soul" then

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you just posted it, cute girls = soul

Ys has qt girls tho

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I've seen some gameplay and it looks kinda shit. Definitely super low budget and the gameplay seems like it's dull

How about you try it out before you judge it?

delicious tummies

>why don't you blindly spend money on every game?
Doesn't sound wise to me

I thought the game sucked but enjoyed looking at laxia's ass anyway

Why did it suck?

Shame the only doujin Ys8 has is of laxia getting fucked by that fat noble

Haven't played VIII yet, but I finished Seven not long ago an enjoyed that a lot and from what i've heard VIII is the best out of the Seven engine games so I should like it. Still have to play Celceta first though.

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>spend money on games
go back to animal crossing and play with your Amiibos, basedboy

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>Finished this about a month ago
>Enjoyed it alot
>Empty feeling because everything is over
>YS 9 still doesnt have a western release date

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>he says posting a shit character from a shit rpg

Kondo confirmed its coming west, so there is that.

Thought it was too braindead. Combat is the meat of the game but it gets repetitive so quick.

They added the party mechanics as a way to change up things but adol is the guy that does the most damage anyway so there's not much point in trying to invest or play as the other ones.

Other than that the landscapes didn't really interest me, neither the whole Dana sidestory.
Also the village "customization" is really barebones. It could've been more interesting.

Only because everything else is shit comparatively but nu-Ys is still fucking trash

So is the combat shitty basic ARPG combat?

Yeah, basically mash attack, parry enemy shit and spam your special skill

I love Laxitive so much bros...

Glad I was able to see through the meme

ys 8 had a great ost

Nah it’s actually pretty decent and bosses(many secret ones) are fun as shit. Parry timings can be difficult as well as perfect dodges and strikes.
It plays like if kingdom hearts didn’t suck

Man you really got some SHIT taste. Ys 8 is a masterpiece now DEAL WITH IT.

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Salty westcucks ITT

Is the PC version good yet?

Yes, Durante fixed it.

Ruggarel is that you

Of course it's me I'm the only one with varied taste here.

Any nigga saying Ys 8 is bad has absolute no soul in their body.

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based. ys8 is a fun ass game