This is the single greatest FPS ever made and you can't tell me otherwise

>Medkits are a better health system than regenerating health, health pickups, cooldown health spells
>Quality over quantity/variety with enemies
>Amazing atmosphere
>Great gunplay
>Protagonist feels more powerful than anyone else

Attached: fear-logo.jpg (1024x440, 36.83K)

Can't really contradict you.

The gunplay and combat is fun but the game is quite stale in general. I mean, there's only like 3 different locations. Oh and the game is named FEAR and isn't scary at all.

Everything that Alma does is terrifying

Oh and the game is named Half-Life and isn't about a dude going through a midage crisis.

It really is a legendary FPS and yet nobody remembers it, same goes with SWAT 4.
Feels bad, man

Would have been great if they made more short stories dealing with paranormal shit instead of the console garbage we got with the sequels.

>Oh and the game is named FEAR


most mediocre game ever. never understood the hype even prey was much better.


Im actually playing through it for the first time. I'm not even an FPS fan but I'm having a good time with this.

Attached: F.E.A.R. Screenshot 2020.04.08 - (1920x1080, 1.98M)

F.E.A.R is one of those games that just randomly pops into my head, and then I can't stop thinking about it. Great atmosphere and top of the line gunfights with smart AI and cool enemy design.

Too bad it seems like Monolith Productions' next game, is yet another "open-world" WB license shovelware.

>medkits are better
you're right thank god i can just spam Z in the middle of a firefight and forcepush any sort of damage instead of having to actively scavenge for my resources, such balance

And then run out of medkits because you're an idiot

>No FEAR 4 where you play as Alma's kid from F3AR, now all grown up and part of the FEAR task force

>Quality over quantity
Zoomer, please. Fear reuses the same level assets over and over.


Attached: Replica.jpg (599x982, 116.52K)

I love fighting the same clone soldiers in office and factory buildings over and over

>repetitive environments
>little enemy variety
>"amazing AI" is all radio chat

FEAR's gunplay is one of the best, but it's not perfect

With enemies
Remember, enemy variety is just cover up for bad enemies.

daily reminder the AI gives off the impression of intelligence mainly due to having over 9000 situational voice lines

are the other games worth playing?

No, but the expansions are.
EP is miles better than PM though.

>What yes, I only play FEAR at night with my headphones on.

Attached: AWAKEN.jpg (1080x1256, 60.75K)

The expansion packs (Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate) are great, the sequels are inferior to the first one but I've enjoyed them. The second game has some nice extra gore and the story takes a more important place, but it's less satisfying than the first one since the enemies just come at you like in any other FPS (as opposed to the squad-based approach of the first F.E.A.R.). Also, fun mecha segments because you can turn Replicas into red paste. F.3.A.R. is a regular console FPS with a co-op mode, a cover system and a really shitty story and final boss battle. Some weapons like the G3A3 and dual Uzis are fun. It's objectively mediocre but I liked it enough.

>Too bad it seems like Monolith Productions' next game, is yet another "open-world" WB license shovelware.
what the hell happened to those guys, they use to make some of the best FPS games around

Too bad it's dog shit easy even on the hardest difficulty.

it's so good I played it twice over a couple weeks ago, once on normal and then on hard.
the GOAP system makes firefights feel organic in a way only Stalker has ever come close to.
the medkit system is absolute dogshit. pressing Z for an instant heal is totally brainless and they clearly had no fucking clue how to balance it so medkits are absolutely everywhere and I was almost always at capacity.
bullet time is fun but I only used it on mini-bosses since running and gunning in realtime was so cool.
trepang2 doesn't come close to scratching the itch left by this game and I don't understand why anyone even compares these games besides the bullet time effects. you can't even lean in trepang.

Also, 199 max health still pisses me off more than it should.

The game is basically copy/paste all the way through
>"scary" bit
>kill room full of enemies
>repeat until finished

waiting until nighttime to continue my playthrough

Crucifying clones with the nail gun never gets old.

Anyone ever try and do a melee only run? Shit's fucking hilarious

They should have ignored Alma entirely beyond a possible easter egg and made a monster-of-the-biyearly-release franchise.
She's not THAT overpowered in fear 1 and she could be cast aside as a big foot figure actually killing a few people in the industrial northeastern US.

>Fucking double flanks you
>Provides covering fire for their allies to move closer.
>Waits in hiding in order to ambush you
Sure, terrible AI.

good man, there's not many of us left, we gotta stick together

Attached: Fear_pointman.jpg (320x320, 34.86K)

>running out of medkits
>in fear
loling at your life

Attached: 1581828444710.jpg (791x676, 81.71K)

>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
What other FPS’s should I try to play in quarantine? Got a lot of blindspots

I don't get it

You're really likely to use them all up if you play like a moron.

Yeah, hence the term artificial intelligence.

>doesn't actually read what he replies to
>calls people "zoomer" as an insult

Reminder that Monolith got angry and exiled the expansion packs out of canon, only to steal story elements for their awful sequel and its 40 minute $10 DLC.

They're a company that notoriously cannot make a good sequel. As it turns out, when you can't make sequels for shit, and churn out two bad sequels two years in a row, your publisher doesn't like that and forces you to switch to another project. Meanwhile, the team that ported FEAR 1 to the xbox 360 gets to make the third sequel to one of your franchises.

>enemy variety is just cover up for bad enemies.
Thank god I'm not the only one on Yas Forums thinking this.
Enemy variety is a terrible meme in shooters. All of favorite games have quite restricted enemy types.

I mean, they should have focused on the FEAR squad instead of Alma. Like have a FEAR 2 set against another threat relying on a different type of fear. It could have been an action X-files series. There would be easy material for at least four or five different games this way. Alma's arc is solved in its own way at the end of fear 1. For the spook moments they couldn't rely on ghost girl in the dark for all eternity either.

>variety bad!
incredible amounts of cope
the joke is that FEAR has enemy variety, but only one enemy type is good, so people selectively forget the rest.

Attached: STALKER (1).jpg (1920x1200, 428.65K)

too much variety!
variety bad!

this is my biggest gripe with it

This shit is so annoying.
>"it isn't scary
Its horror themed retarded. Just because it didn't scare you doesn't mean anything.

I know why can't it have an arbitrary crafting system like every other nu game? Didnt they know its current year?

Name a shooter with that level of variety. There isn't one.

>replay it recently
>having a ton of fun
>get to office building
>2 hours later still in office building
biggest let down by far

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: norton.jpg (250x247, 12.03K)

Nothing, he somehow survived.

Are you retarded? I mean the game is fun because the gunplay is one of the best but there's no denying the levels and enemies are bland and repetitive as shit grey corridors, it's not even the best Monolith FPS

Attached: No One Lives Forever (1).jpg (1024x768, 563.32K)

He died right outside the door to the vault, didn't he? I was pissed that I didn't get to shoot him myself.

NOLF doesn't have enough pretty special effects and lighting to be the best monolith game. Even worse, you can't even press z to not die!

He is gone when you return.

It's not that "Variety Bad" I just mean that it's used as a way to cover up enemies just being... Bad.

Its an early 2000s shooter. What do you want exactly? Character creation and romance options? There's like 5 enemy types and environments are set up to be realistic. Shoot things and shut up.

The level design is awful, its attempts to be a horror game are laughable and the shooting animations don't sync with the gun sounds, but it's a superb game nonetheless.

never had a medkit problem even at the highest difficulties, actually the opposite some times you just feel bad of leaving them behind because you're already maxed out

>he says, replying to a post which presented an older shooter with more variety than FEAR

Because it isn't a horror game. It has horror elements that supplement the environment.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 3.4M)

>the expansion kills both main side-characters