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>inspired by Netflix

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it's actually california

GTA leak: OP is gay


>entire game in spanish/spanish accents
>only shitty cars because muh realism
>only latin music radio stations
won't happen

2023 at its earliest
you'll get this in that time

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>tiger king DLC confirmed

Open world generic and boring bad in every aspect, storyline, driving, shooting main characters graphics.
It's going to sell 100 million copies and be played for years. Why idk

Good. Now maybe they won't have to worry as much about shoving in biting commentary on society since they probably don't know anything about Brazil. They're probably happy they can just do something different

>No Vice City
>No Bully 2
into the trash it goes

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No new GTA until 2030 at least. Rockstar said they don't want to make one when Trump is the president, so they can't start before 2024, and then it takes at least 6 years to actually make it.

>playing with south americans and latins
>they always got some tropical bird squawking in the background

all you latin and south american guys are mean to each other as well when you here other spanish languages. haha.

i dont get how the fuck no commercials or tv shows were funny at all in gta v. they really suck.
>copying hbo
>now they're copying netflix

fucking jew hacks going to sell us shark monkey cards.

Hispanic men are abusive to women and children. The main problem is the kids grow up abusive too.


i'm not abusive, i'm a virgin

im sure they are but its funny hearing some chicano guy talking spanish to a mexican and fighting and then some cuban guy talks shit and then asks the other guy i dont understand your monkey language to some honduras dude.

boring if true

>implying they're not already working on it

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They studied brazil a lot for Max Payne.

What the shit? Wasn't it set in Miami and Colombia? Why instead do it in one of the nost culturally isolated countries in the continent?

>Narcos is bad
Ok contrarian retard

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Narcos is shit.

Gomorrah, Snowfall, ZeroZeroZero.

>Rockstar said they don't want to make one when Trump is the president
What? Why?

This looks like it could be fun.

ah, yes, baseball bats are really common there

I remember Dan saying it would be really difficult to make a GTA game at this climate when the real world is a parody of itself

Guess what? Take-two wants money and Dan doesn't work on R* anymore

No u

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They still put Rio's favelas that are set on hills (with its own culture) with people wearing Rio's local football kits but the game is supposed to happen in São Paulo. Still quite fun as a hue myself

It'll be fun seeing hues blowing up against the whole burguer SJW culture since you can't get more offensive towards a brazilian than referencing to them as that. Really, even monkey is more acceptable.

>Narcos inspired
Can't wait for all the revisionism towards another culture because they watched City of God and Netflix.
I couldn't care less about GTA after the PS2 days tho.

What's Brazil then, native American?

It's not hispanic or spanish

Just Latin if you want a label.

latin? man give me a fucking break.

What the fuck is it then? It's a very mixed country, so it isn't easy to give it an all encompassing label. It's part of Latin America, so I was just going with that. The other user was right about it not being Hispanic or Spanish though.


















As a part-time hue, if they San Andreas Brasil, I’d go for a “Rio” (Zona Sul + Favelas) with the Niterói bridge going to “Sao Paulo” (dense, concrete, lot’s of high rise) surrounded by a rural Nordeste type setup (few roads, plantations) with a “Brasilia” smaller city in a desert, a small RGDS style town and Amazonia type forest.

>july 19


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Don't worry it's not going to be in Brazil anyways the article is a year old and already disproven

Translation: we dont want to mock Donald Trump and the media circus because one is played out and the other is trying to become a literal mafia.

Portuguese and Native American mixture, yes. No Hispanics.

GTA V is inspired by a lot, but its story is mostly parody of its inspirations. I’d expect the same from VI. So maybe it’ll be a good thing if you hate Netflix dramas (I sure fucking do)

Will I be able to coof at negritos to make them die in GTA VI?

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I hope the soundtrack includes Funky Town

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Let me guess. You gonna shoot some druglord on a roof top in final mission.

Didn't they already mock Trump as Donald Love during GTA3 or Liberty City Stories? Not much else they can do with that I guess.

Brazilians don't like to be labelled as "latin america" since they had a very different colonization and independence being a unified Portugal colony, unlike the many Spain had and heavily sub-saharan africa influence from slaves that today would be labelled as "cultural appropriation" (capoeira, food, religion, holidays, myths that are mixed bag that you can't even trace it back anyway). Then you had other european influences in northeast and south regions as Japan in southeast being a huge colony there post WWII.

"Latin america" is a term used by people from USA to culturally label everything down below them even though it can't encompass so many different ones that lives there. 1/3 of Canada should be part of Latin America if it is going by linguistic affinity then.

Basically, it's a bit fun how hypocritical people that advocate for social justice activism just brushing that term like it's the correct thing to do.

Not worried. It would be a fun ride for a game I wouldn't play anyway.

>July 1 2019

To be honest this feels more like a new Pokémon region. Looks interesting

Portugal and Spain is the same shit though, also you're all brown and sound the same

I really wasn't able to enjoy 5. The world was too big and the characters too shit. I really hope they'll make it a smaller scale and more refined but I doubt it. Vice City is still my fav.

this. all brown anyway

gta 5 actually has the worst story in any game ever made
>play as bankrobbers
>you barely rob any banks and you work for the government
>even though the 3 main characters can kill hundreds of people by themselves they spend the whole story following taking orders from others
>then they realize they can just kill everyone so they do it
>game ends


>Portugal and Spain is the same shit though
It ain't since they wanna murder each other. No. They are currently less brown than USA, Canada, and UK.

Bullshit, I'm Brazilian and no one gives a fuck about those labels. Most of us don't even care about what happens outside of our borders. Only zoomers and internet autists even know about what some fat gringo on the other side of the world thinks about us.

I don't even care about the silly story but the heists were total shit and that was the main selling point of the game
>uh yea you're having fun right now? NO! we shall change you to a different character
>adjusted to this guy now? haha no way time to go to the other one
>what do you mean you want to change at will? FUCK YOU
>oh that reward money from the heist, just kidding you can't have it!
Rockstar have always been amazing at game design so I have no idea how they fucked up so hard here.

the heists were reallllly bad except the first one. i don't get why they sold the game as a HEAT like thing when the bankrobbing isn't even focused on and the heists that are there are fucking shit

No GTA will ever be set outside the US because other countries would take it as offensive and prohibit it's distribution.

>70's & 80's

Maybe they mean Colombia? Brazil is irrelevant in the drug cartel game.

"Me no like thing, game bad"

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Based Joe.

During the 70's Brazil was under a military regime that was democratically instituted by the Congress of the time to protect the country from communists trying to take over the government.
Let's see how GTA will portray them, probably as a military dictatorship oppressing the poor revolutionbros.

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I can't believe how many replies this fake news got.

You retards really think they would set GTA in some shit hole country? Retards


>working your way up a drug cartel
Vice City already did that. Goddamn, these journos either were born yesterday or are too challenged.
Also, you people are just competing for the idiot award here? Who actually takes Grand Theft Auto leaks for granted in this day and age?

>some shit hole country?
They already did that.

Nah not the whole game, just the heists