Yep, the Sekiro killer is here

Yep, the Sekiro killer is here.

Attached: Mortal Shell.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

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g-guys????? it looks kind of fun...

when is this coming out?

That animation was absolute dog shit.
Just another shitty Souls clone. This one's gimmick is that instead of changing armor and weapons you body swap between archetypes, and the player character is an emaciated smeagol-looking gimp.
Engine looks pretty jank too.
I was about to compare it to that old western Souls-clone where you play as a knight but I literally can't even remember what it was called, which says a lot more about this kind of garbage.

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>Now all new action games will copy Sekiro's "stay passive and press parry until you get the instakill QTE" gameplay

This fucking sucks, man.

I hope to God it won't have a stamina bar. So fucking tired of the copy/pasted Souls mechanics. At least try to innovate ffs.

Pick one.

Oh, come on.
What's the point of demanding changes when you Soulsborne fans never play any of those clones?
If the people who play those clones are happy with stamina bars, let them be.

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>Those janky animations


That fucking delay between first hit and pushback

the trailer got me really excited

this looks like new footage?

>Those fucking screen effects

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why do people call this a "soulslike"? it looks way better and more fun than shit souls and has better aesthetics.
are people implying soulshit are the first games with knights in them?

Not as janky as shitkiro

dark souls invented lock on, strafing, difficulty, knights, anything remotely dark looking, and melee combat

Dark Souls literally invented third person action adventure and all the mechanics within, it simply just didn't exist before then, but we don't have a name for the genre yet so we call them all "soulslike" just like how we call all fps "doomclones".

1 year and you're still angry
we're up to 80k reviews btw :)

Imagine not being sick of soulshit in 20 fucking 20.

are you fucking retarded
sekiro has some of the best animations from has ever made

Severance did all of that first aside from bonfire and soul system.

Dude, what. This is just Great Value Sekiro. Same mechanics with a detonator parry mod. Am I supposed to be impressed?

Environment looks nice

We have every right to express disappointment in yet another washed up and overly derivative Souls clone just like they can “like” it.

Sekiro killed itself

If you think Sekiro's animations are janky then you must be blind and have had it described to you by a brain-damaged toddler.

Lies spread by seething PC gamers. The fact is Dark Souls not just invented third person melee based combat but also video games in general. With a little help from Kojima, of course, who invented everything From didn't.

>western souls clone where you play as a knight
sounds like you might be referring to lords of the fallen, which is kind of amusing because those guys went on to make surge and surge 2, both , in the developer's own words "operating in the souls space". First one was alright but I found the lack of engaging traps and options for the player outside of combat a bit tedious. Felt like there was nothing going on outside of dudes jumping you nonstop. Part of souls charm is booby traps and neat set-ups.

>you might be referring to lords of the fallen
Yeah that's the one, what a nothingburger.
>those guys went on to make surge and surge 2
Ah, so that's why those games suck so much ass.

Still more excited for elden ring.
Warframe stranding souls looks pretty neat though.

There is nothing "passive" about sekiro and thats exactly why youll get shit games because every developer is as retarded as you. They want to copy what they thought sekiro was but there was nothing passive or defensive about sekiro. You couldnt facetank damage like in most braindead action games on their easiest settings but the deflect was an aggressive tool and trying to sit around waiting to deflect everything is a complete mouthbreather strategy that literally doesnt work against most enemies. Very few minibosses let alone bosses defeat themselves and whenever they do its because you were aggressive enough to take vitality off of them so their posture regeneration is too slow to counter their aggressive combos that get all deflected

>better aesthetics
Dark Souls wipes the floor with this UE4 Zbrush demo

No you don't because you aren't the public that game is aimed at.
You're acting like those SJW mad at tits being featured on media they don't buy.

>there was nothing passive or defensive about sekiro
Sekiro's gameplay revolves around reacting to the enemy actions through parries and the mikiri counter. It was a completely passive game that discouraged attacking.

looks like clunky garbage just like lords of the fallen

you need to attack in order to stop enemies posture bars from regenerating too fast, at least play the games you're criticizing

gonna be honest with you, when I think back to my time playing against bosses like true monk and genichiro, it's hard to think of parry as a "non-defensive" move. Most fast enemies will let you get in one or two swings before you have to switch back to blocking their offense. Being able to cancel your swings into parry makes the agme reactive more than anything to me, not purely aggressive or defensive.. even though it's kind of a meme, "rhythm game" is actually sort of close
why the fuck am I typing this who cares

I did. I dropped it at the sword saint fight because he's so aggressive you can't deplete his health (like I did with almost every boss) and instead requires to pull a perfect parry chain.

Attached: sekiro.jpg (975x274, 51K)

You are a literally retarded autist who hasnt played sekiro. You can fucking attack and continue that attack by using the appropriate counter when the enemy tries to counterattack. Because youre a mongoloid who has less brain functions than the average person you can only pay attention to one thing at a time and sit around waiting for an attack to le epic parry when the NPC decides to shit it out

Its impossible to beat genichiro without being aggressive especially with the bell demon and without kuros charm. The entire concept of the boss is based around trading deflects and whittling down his vitality enough that he posture breaks himself whenever you deflect his giant strings. Making those openings and forcing him to use those counters comes from attacking him over and over and over and only stopping whenever genichiro actually deflects you

You should play some Project Diva games.
Then you'll have an easier time with Sekiro.

oh look, it's that retard again
I missed you

can't you ernjoy both games shill?

>I dropped it at the sword saint fight because he's so aggressive you can't deplete his health (like I did with almost every boss) and instead requires to pull a perfect parry chain.

Try using some of your prosthetics you gimp

Yes I did. See By the way I defeated Genichiro on NG by depleting his health and only parried his arrow attacks.


Yes, I realized what an actually disabled autist you are now that you identified yourself again, go kill yourself fucking retarded liar. Either you are genuinely brain damaged or think its hilarious trolling to pretend to be genuinely retarded. Factually either way your braindead narrative about sekiro being exclusively about sitting around and "waiting" to "react" to things is an actual lie and I just clipped genichiro on my first charmless/ bell playthrough a few nights ago and it perfectly disproves your retardation

I just hope it's better than the piece of shit that was Dark Souls 3.

>you can see the sunken valley, senpou temple and fountainhead palace from ashina castle

>lines up for a cool finisher, sekiro style
>just gives it a little poke and instantly returns to neutral stance
How disappointing

sekiro is just another example of white genocide. Pretty soon there wont be any trace of western culture or white people left in the world.

>sekiro is just another example of white genocide. Pretty soon there wont be any trace of western culture or white people left in the world.

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Pretty sure I read a similar post here just before Lords of the Fallen was to be released.

Large weapons need animations suitable for their size. This feels like the default weapon was a short sword and it just looks goofy as hell with a sword this long.

You'd do well to ignore any political posts, it's always just stupid kids desperate for attention.

why can't you post any western animated women? oh yeah it's because you've been cucked by jews.

I'm not lying. I'll describe my Genichiro strategy (again):
1. When the fight started I walked around him counterclockwise and attacked; he eats two or three hits before he starts attacking. At that moment I parried his attacks (because dodging is next to worthless in Sekiro as you're intended to parry) while jumping back to get out of his reach.
2. Once I'm out of his reach he usually starts using his bow as an automatic flechette rifle; I parried those attacks while getting close to him
3. Once I got close to him the red symbol appears on top of him at that very moment you must attack; it will cancel that attack and he'll eat a couple hit.
4. Go back to 1 and repeat until his third phase
5. At the third phase I used exactly the same strategy I used later against the second phase of the guardian ape: stayed the fuck away from him until he made a sweep attack that can be punished; repeat until he dies.
6. Sometimes he uses that lightning attack; if you reflect that attack as the game explains you (jump + attack after being hit and before touching the ground) he'll be stunned and you'll manage to hit him a bit more.

That's it. No posture depleting, no mikiri counter (in fact I never used the mikiri counter in-game besides the tutorial where they explain it to you), no tools because fuck that, I'll rather deal real damage. That was my strategy for every boss battle besides the centipede and that samurai guarding the checkpoint statue just before Genichiro because those two bosses can't be defeated without spamming L1.
The problem is that the sword saint (no idea about the true Owl because I never unlocked that fight) is that he's so aggressive there are no opening to deplete his health so you're forced to do posture damage. I never liked the posture damage gimmick so I never bothered with it so when the game forced me to use it I just called quits.


I dont give a shit about reading your cerebral palsy dogshit. You literally lied about sekiro being about waiting to counter things and I disproved you by going as far as posting a fucking video where im constantly hugging the boss and attacking over and over and over and only stopping whenever I force the boss to retaliate so I can counter that too somehow. Go fuck yourself mongoloid

Sekiro is completely passive. It only gives the illusion of being aggressive because you're constantly mashing the attack button on their block as a complete replacement of positioning. The entire game is about waiting for your turn because you can't ever take a turn - if you try, the enemy just super armors through it and kills you. But there's no actual thought in offense, you can only hit enemies when they let you, after parrying, and the only way to do real damage, to get the posture bar up, is defensive.

If you don't believe me, try abusing miniboss AI to get stuck on something and seeing what happens you drain their HP to 0. Guess what, it doesn't work, they don't die, you still have to max out their posture bar regardless of their HP and do a deathblow, and the only way to do that is to parry something.

kek the enemy looks like goofy running

stop replying to him dude, he's going like this for the past 2 months now

>Sekiro Killer
>A whole year after Sekiro came out, made money, and made GOTY
user, this is dumb. You don’t gotta be this much of an ass in every post. I love both games.

You can't vocally dislike something if you are not the target audience, are you out of your fucking mind? What dystopia do you come from?

>can all already tell this is done by western because everything looks soulless

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There is literally no hack and slash game where you can magically overpower the stronger enemies to extend your turn forever fucking retarded dishonest pseudointellectual mouthbreather. Sekiro goes as far as turning your defensive options into something that directly works towards killing the enemy rather than merely avoiding whatever it is that they do