How come there's so much hype for PS5?

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because unlike the xbox it will have games
it's also custom hw not just an underpowered pc

shut up mexican


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Here;s your me gusta and (Tu)

>unlike xbox
Motherfucker did you SEE the controller?

trannies LOVE their DilationShock 5 and TranStation 5

"me gusta"
spanish is an awful language, literally the brainlet version of italian

You fuckers do realize bots exist right

are all snoy console warriors spics? it would explain their low IQ

Sonyroaches are really desperate, eh?

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>me gusta meme in 2020

Shitalians are the ni99ers of Europe
now go choke on your cooked bread dough with tomato juice

Normies don’t research

You know that none of the games on the left are going to be released within the next 5 years, right?

>A tweet from the official playstation account
>A tweet responding to the official playstation account

That being said, I hope xbox loses this gen again. It's comfy maining the underdog system. I bought both xbox and playstation when they came out and xbox was always superior. All playstation had was bloodborne and god of war. Totally worth it for those two games but overall xbox has always been better. I just hope they don't outsell playstation and stop trying again.

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>not just underpowered pc
>actually thinking that
Do some more research on hardware kid.

Because normies don't know about the power difference yet.

shut the fuck up pablo, im not even italian and you cannot handle the truth

>more followers
>more likes
I know it‘s really mindblowing

lmaoing@your life trying to defend Shitalians

>thinking normies care about power when choosing a console
look at the past 20 years you fucking retard

Because at the end of the day normies will buy a PS5 regardless of what happens. 2019 onward has been the "You'll buy it anyway" age and it's soul crushing.

If anything this shows that sony fans are blind loyalists

this but ironically

I said 15+ years ago that console gamers hate video games. So, if you look at it from that perspective it would make sense why they would support the inferior platform.
Nobody buys consoles for the "exclusives." All the best selling games are multiplatform by faaar. It's not even close.

The only reason people are going to buy PS5 is because they want games to be worse. They want us to be on weaker hardware.

>ps4 more powerful
>ps4 won
It's not 20 years ago any more retard, the libraries are pretty much identical nowadays.

i'd defend shitskins before any spanish speaking brainlet, you guys are on the same level as niggers

No one trusts Microsoft with a console any more. In addition, confirmed regarding Series X:
>AA batteries
>Proprietary SSD
>Another launch consisting of only Halo and Forza

I don't even like Sony, but they have more IP variety. The design for the PS5 is cheapo offbrand tier, but Sony understands these systems more. They're both uninteresting as all hell.

the arrogance radiating from this post over some chinese toys for children

you fucking retards will literally argue over the shape of plastic you hold in your hands


Well they do. That’s how marketing gets them every single time. Poorfags always want to get best for the price of air and feel like they cheated the system.

no you dumb shit, the ps4 sold more because its cheaper
literally the overwhelming majority of the market get whatever cheaper console plays the latest fifa

A lot of people like FIFA which is 99.9% of the PlayStation player base

Not being a dumb fanatic is hardly arrogance.

>>AA batteries
Their default controllers will require batteries? Where has this been said? Rechargable controllers will be premium like Switch's faggy pro controller?

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you sound exactly like a dumb fanatic

>AA batteries is a downside

What's it like having to recharge your controllers?

>Their default controllers will require batteries?
son, their elite controllers require AA batteries. They all require AA batteries

And also because was more powerful retard, if it was just cheaper the bone would have been a strong competitor.

Which is multiplatform. Console gamers just want sooooo badly to be play the multiplatforms on the worst platform. That's how they get their rocks off.

of course you would defend your own kind, you seething SHITalian

What games? Last I checked the PS4 had Bloodborne and Spider-Man.

What indicates low intelligence? What am I fanatical about?

this guy gets it. where my xchads at

I think you're being dishonest. There's no way they wouldn't offer a controller that you can just plug into your console.

Anyone have that virgin/chad pic with the chad xbox having a giant rectangle cock?

because the ps4 was a flop with no games, so there is hope that the ps5 will have games. sadly snoybois are in for more of the same.

did an italian chad rape your family?

>AA batteries
That's a good thing, though.

>The only reason people are going to buy PS5 is because they want games to be worse. They want us to be on weaker hardware.

do you seriously believe this? I get that consoles, in theory, hold back games with the amount of power they can output for a certain time period, but do you really think people WANT games to be worse? Do you think that people who buy consoles do not want games to be better?

you can make them wired via usb C but you can't charge them without a 3rd party rechargeable battery pack, same as last gen.

>all this seething

Sony always win baby

>Me Gusta?
Fucking seriously, using rage comic memes?

We can't stop winning, egg bros

They literally showed footage of the Series X controllers requiring AA batteries. They're pulling a Microsoft again.

In addition, Nintendo are great regarding battery, even if I don't crazy like them. The Joycons are rechargeable and go for 40hrs, same with Pro Controller.

I can't wait to buy that egg

>Not buying Xbox one for 140$

There is no other logical reason for it. You are all playing multiplatforms on the worst platform deliberately. It's like having a choice between three options, and picking the one that has the worst qualities for the purpose. It's like dining at a cafeteria and choosing meals with the least vegetables, which means you are deliberately choosing unhealthier foods. That means you love unhealthy foods, with worse nutritional content.

>all my games are fanon

AA batteries make sense for events where you quickly swap out to get back to 100%. But for home use, everyone just wants to charge with a cable rather than get the Play and Charge Kit tm.

Why is it Nintendo can offer rechargeable controllers that go for 40hrs plus (because of the larger battery + efficient power usage), meanwhile Microsoft needs you to pay up for a lithium pack.

i can explain, sony fans havent had a game since bloodborne. every single new release since then - including FF7 RM has been a let down. This finally something that is "let down proof", wait till they use though. those triggers are trash.

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My problem with the Switch is the Joycons are fucking garbage and we have to pay premium for a real controller. Nintendo are the worst jews of vidya. Took great pleasure in using that paperclip.

>There is no other logical reason for it.
>food analogy
nice bait

Brand power, PS eclipses Xbox in brand power by a significant amount. Like Nike and Apple.

xbot ever being popular was propaganda. ps3 outsold the 360, even taking it back to gamefaqs in multiplat games everyone just migrated to the ps3 board cause the 360 ones would be dead

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But you can already do that. You have multiple options even.

>Thinking all the studios MS bought isn't gonna ass blast Playstations "less but bigger exlusives" when you stop being AAA sheep you'll understand the tiny studios MS have will appear to all different types of gamers

god of war was incredible. not on the same line as bloodborne but it was still one of the best experiences of last gen. Horizon and spiderman were not however

Every single food analogy on Yas Forums has always been right. It's the people who get proven wrong by them that whine about it.

It only takes 1 game for Sony to dominate the industry in sales? just how SHIT must the competition be then

>no ratchet and clank

>last of us
>god of war
all these games will come out in the next 2 years at least and some will come in few months

Facebook and twitter aren't very good samples of the general public. The demographic is heavily skewed towards specific types of people, and of that something like 80% of all activity is done by only 10% of their users so it skews even harder.

>Nobody buys consoles for the "exclusives."
Hello I am nobody

>All the best selling games are multiplatform by faaar.
Imagine being this retarded

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I mean ps4 was cheaper
was more powerful
didn't try to screw over it's costumers
had dozens more worthwhile games other than the two you mentioned

it's no wonder why the xbone was the "underdog" this gen. Not saying this like I want the xbox to fail, I went with the 360 last gen, but this gen MS tried to get away with just leaching on multiplats with a subpar system and not contributing anything to gaming and I'm glad it backfired and now they actually have to invest in game development and a good system.

people buying a ps4 now is a result of xbox fucking up. after experiencing the life cycle of the ps4, are you really that excited for the ps5?

>What games?
Ratchet and Clank. And GoW is also a nice movie

Only on Playstation...
And PC.

what about playing with your friends?

Hahaha me gusta meme xDDD

I don't think so

it's literally true you absolute dunce

>me gusta meme
It's literally just Spanish for "I like" you retard.

i would actually say GoW was as good as bloodborne even if both were different experiences. Also I agree Spiderman could have been better, it tried to much to be Arkham

it's an underpowered underpowered pc

He doesn't know about tlou...

there are way too many good nip games not released for the xbone

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How much FIFA sells compared to Bloodborne? I'm waiting.

Now tell me which console FIFA looks and plays best on.

We shouldn’t laugh at Xbox fans. They have Killer Instinct, which is sadness that I will never play it, that shit looks so GOOOOOOD
>inb4 is in PC
Playing in PC is for fags and Lisa The Painful is the only worthy game to play on PC

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Obviously games sold on multiplatforms(larger number of people) will sell more you retard. It doesn't have to do with how good the game is.

Fucking xbone shills are retarded

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they're turning around on that, yakuza series just came to xbone for example


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Each one of those games were announced years and years in advanced before you suddenly think they will start surprise droping games them now? With no marketing or anything?

Because the Playstation brand is more popular than the Xbox brand. This is known fact.

what about friends nigger?

you realize that 90% of the "PC gamers" are playing shit like LoL, CS and other f2p shit, right? Casual F2P shit are BY FAR the most popular games on PC.
if you are trying to generalize a whole userbase as one person like the retarded you are just keep in mind that PC gaming is way more saturated with casuals who don't even buy video games

How much does a popular multiplatform game sell on the PS4 versus a PS4 exclusive? Could it be that there are millions of console gamers who only buy multiplatforms and don't give a shit about exclusives? Could it be that this far outnumbers the arrogant elitist "exclusive" faggots who are losing their exclusives to PC by the day anyway?

Face it, the Chad who buys Madden, FIFA etc. is higher IQ than you. He understands that artificial scarcity is a scam and won't even bother looking at them/supporting them/enabling this cancerous policy. The FIFA Chad knows that all games should be on all platforms and people should pick the best platform for them.

Oh, definitely the Joycons are F tier controllers.
But that battery life tho

Personally I feel the Pro Controller should've been bundled with the system, the Joycons are way too bite sized. But to be fair, I was a never a fan of the 3DS but lots of people thought it was the most comfortable thing ever, so eh

I'm saying that the ability to recharge the controller shouldn't be an accessory. You peeps can roll with AAs just fine, but Microsoft must be genuinely sick if they think they can price a system $100 more than Sony, and still not let you recharge the frigging controller without paying up.

Look, Microsoft are infamous regarding acquisitions. Whenever they buy out a studio, they die at that very moment. Either way, Microsoft were the one bragging about upcoming "AAAA" games. They're both going for the tried and tested dudebro route of marketing their systems. It's just that within that world, Sony offers *a little more* variety if that's the game they'll both play.

>Now tell me which console FIFA looks and plays best on.

>Nobody buys consoles for the "exclusives."
Yes they do.
>All the best selling games are multiplatform by faaar. It's not even close.
Even if it's true it doesn't matter. You're probably only talking about sports games, which are popular for non-game related reasons and don't count in this context.
You're probably counting the sales on different platforms too.

based snoy

You are an incredibly stupid human being. The sales are compared for one platform only, in this case the PS4.
The best selling PS4 games, only accounting for sales of the PS4 versions are GTA V, FIFA 17, FIFA 18, FIFA 19, COD games, and Uncharted is the only exclusive in the top 10 at number 7.

Exclusives just don't sell as well as FIFA and COD.

>it tried to much to be Arkham
as I was playing it I was pretty wowed in the first hour or so. After that I started to realize how much arkham did all of it better

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Right, but you are on Yas Forums. You have no excuse to be lower IQ than the PC guys here who game on RTX cards and Ryzen processors. What are you shilling for dumb children's toy consoles around intelligent gamers?

the future of gaming are hypothetical games... wow

Based as fuck and truthpilled

>sports games
Yes, the 2 latest FIFA games are on the list of best-selling PS4 games.
However that list also has the all the recent COD games, which are not sports games, GTA V and RDR2 which aren't either.
It only has 2 exclusives, Uncharted and Spiderman.
>counting the sales on different platforms

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