hmmm I wonder why...

Attached: east_west_art.jpg (1352x1000, 1.1M)

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I like that take on Morpeko.

The one on the right is better

Attached: 1BAA2A27-BFE9-4F2E-AF6C-BEFA40D0F7F4.jpg (951x1109, 277.02K)

what the hell is that on the right?
Delete now!

Attached: 4ef504c7080b4c640b9563b79872df45.png (900x1136, 850.81K)

Left looks like some stupid kid found a punk magazine
Right looks like she lives the punk life.

What the fuck is that on the left? Marnie is small and flat.

Whitoids are gay af lmao


>weeb neoteny good
>everything else ugly

I don't even care nigga. Never seen this cut and paste anime girl till today.

chie is ugly


the true redpill is that both are bad

Attached: 1585951227097.jpg (1200x675, 87.15K)

Fun fact: both are completely wrong.

both are eastern style, the one on the left is jojo

Right looks like a portrait in a 90s CRPG


unironically this.

Holy fucking based

Why does it seem like the anime aesthetic is impossible for non-Japs to replicate?
Even when they try, you can always tell if it's drawn by a westerner.


Attached: gaijin art.jpg (2800x2100, 3.71M)

Thanks for proving my point.

>third worlder pinoy artist who makes a living drawing sexualized characters from kids games is better at it than some random shit pulled from deviant

When you say "non japs" you mean South East Asians in general?
Because I am pretty sure the pedo anime shit you are watching is being heavily outsourced to surrounding countries like Korea and Taiwan.

Also why would you want it? Thank god everyone makes their own distinct stuff for the sake of variety.

Look at me in the eye and tell me that picrel doesn't capture anime aesthetic well, you fucking weaboo

Attached: EQ2tkO2X0AAV5We.jpg (848x1200, 92.31K)

>0 Patrons

Fuck humans, they're shit and cringe and ugly


Is this one of those trick images where the left is done by a westerner and the right is done by a japanese person

There's a single good image in this picture

2D art peaked in the 50s

Attached: 949661-1578845060-wide.jpg (600x300, 27.08K)

very nice

Attached: ab9b1202aa48e83bf83b61ef109ce307ca82e1773afea8a2a7ea62be7cee0c29.jpg (750x320, 110.31K)

>neckalce covering the apple
both are trannys

Literally ultra-autism

Literally ultra-autism

Right puts a spin on a Pokegirl because not all art is the same stagnant shit. It would be way too easy to replicate left to satiate people with bad taste, but the artist didn't go for that and I like him for that.

Pokeshitters wouldn't know good taste if it hit them upside the head.

Attached: wods.jpg (635x513, 50.02K)

>americans like trannies
>asians are pedos

eye opening


Because western girls are just fat dudes wearing wigs. They hate real girls and try to ostracize them by any means necessary. Just look at all the fat trans people at GDQ that actively censor real girls from participating in the event.

I wish the Western devs would put at least a small percentage of what Japanese devs pour in female design for their games.

Attached: 0406.jpg (2109x1316, 447.56K)

>doesn't understand the difference between key frames and in-between
People who know shit talk the most.

Post it.

only non autist above my post
>inb4 c-centrist!

>someone included me in this

kill yourself

When will we get a purposefully ugly designed male mc

Attached: 1559360158617.jpg (721x887, 273.66K)

Only weebs or yellow fever fags prefer the left.

I want to play as carl

Attached: carll.jpg (424x318, 21.93K)

The whole movement of censoring/toning down sexuality in the west isn't about AS/ZQ/GG or anything of the sort. It's about money and expanding markets to potential customers/install base.

They set the bar so fucking low so that ugly women don't feel bad about themselves when they play a game or open a comic book. Ugly women always take major offense to women who are more attractive or gets more attention.

Normal women like looking at attractive women though. Most women are lesbians after all.

Attached: 1575218495503.png (1280x1024, 1.83M)


Attached: 1f3f2.png (1000x1500, 1.1M)

>Finds one odd artwork people usually ridicule
Ok retard

both are good

Imagine next big AAA game from naughty dog the main character looks like your typical incel caricature with the zero chin and a neckbeard. Thats basically what Aloy looks like to men

According to americans pretty and cute are problematic.

you’re retarded

Attached: 50A29768-8470-405E-8371-1973807D9CAA.png (340x318, 101.65K)

>They set the bar so fucking low so that ugly women don't feel bad about themselves when they play a game or open a comic book. Ugly women always take major offense to women who are more attractive or gets more attention.
This is actually not true. Only super feminists and male "allies" think this.
Ugly women in games exists as a dog whistle for other feminists that infest the industry or to actively attack white male nerds, because we can't let them have nice things.

I feel like the one on the right needs to have a Cromartie High face on it.

Attached: cromartie princesses.jpg (640x360, 56.81K)

Holy shit why are Americans such fucking faggots.

Artists like you are narcissists

>Also why would you want it? Thank god everyone makes their own distinct stuff for the sake of variety.
This, I’m tired of all animes having the same artstyle, one of the few good thing about Trigger is that at least they try new shit from time to time

without the bitch face, right picture would be better than uwu moe am I cute xd of the left

Probably because most anime artwork is boring as fuck
>Hee hee look at her sitting down and smiling!
>Hee hee look at her outside!

theres a difference between a character thats meant to look funny and one that features in western movie-like games

Based user
Also based again for shitting on pokefags

Source for the left chick?

you said ugly, i posted ugly. unless you find wario sexy, which i wouldn’t judge

And I like you for having that opinion

Anime has some variation, the popular ones just always come from the same 2-3 studios. Compare precure or aikatsu for example to whatever new k-on ripoff is out this season, or whichever kirara subtext yuri anime is out. the styles are quite a bit different. Even pokemon changes style like every other season. And then you get shit like girls last tour or popekomiwhatever

Or just read manga.

Attached: 1573165399507.png (1433x2023, 897.48K)

Go marry Japan if you love the same generic moeblob anime style used in everything faggot

i see a nipple there
you sure you want to post nipples on v?
not cool dude not cool

>Anime underage pedo stuff
>western women over the age of 18

Attached: 1579547065195.png (1154x1062, 818.51K)

American "artists" have only 2 different art styles.

Either manfaced, trannyesque, attempt&failure to realism.
OR colorful, mystery meat, blob, danger hair, adventure time inspired, cal art trash.

Both styles have something in common, that is being absolutely repugnant.

Not this shit again