>Hint of romance between protag and the main girl(or other characters), but nothing happends, no kiss, no confession, not even a fade to black sex. Holding hands is considered almost too graphic by autistic japs
>main cast are all kids or teenagers, 21+ years being considered very old and is like a mentor of the group
>too many belts, nobody has any fashion sense
>Villain/rival/some asshole is retardedly petty and has a constant smug ass grin
>manual has every character's blood type
>weird shit
>shitty translation
>out of place cutesy character that clashes especially with the setting
>every female character in the game is thirsty for MC upon meeting him, but he is too autistic to do anything
>yes/no option appears; selecting no loops the text until you select yes
>serious moments with genuine tension get undercut by goofy mascot character or party bickering
>middle aged woman is either the hottest one in the game or one of them, but isn't romanceable for no reason at all
>elaborate pointless easter eggs/side quests that you need a 100 page manual for to unlock
>fantasy imperial japan counterpart somewhere in the game
>No one attacks during both the good guys and villains' overly long transformation sequences
>MC pulls a finishing move with a retarded name out of his ass to finish off the final boss
>convoluted backstory that often contradicts itself
>character turns head/looks at smth/does anything other than talking: "EEEEEEEH?"
Hint of romance between protag and the main girl(or other characters), but nothing happends, no kiss, no confession...
>Enjoyable artstyle
>Fantastic soundtrack
>Great gameplay
>Enjoyable characters
>Enjoyable battle system
>All around fun time
>retarded weebshit tripfag zealot
Opinion discarded.
From one nameanon to another, you deserve 5x an increase in pay. FBPB, Onsokumaru, may you never shut up.
Also, >an unexpectedly elaborate cooking system
>Great gameplay
>It can't be helped...
Needless commentary from the party.
>character needs to open a door
>Look! The door!
>It looks heavy...
>Big deal, I can take it!
>Good luck!
>I'm going to do it!
>I'm doing it!
>I'm opening the door!
>It's open!
>You opened it!
>I opened it!
>We can keep going now!
>Tch. I'm surprised you were able to do it.
>Let's go!
>out of place bragging about how great muh superior nippon products are