Tifa is canonically Asian now

Tifa is canonically Asian now.

What are your thoughts?

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How is she asian? Have you seen an asian irl? They’re hideous little gremlins


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Anyone who actually gives a shit about this has brain damage

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You can be a non asian and wear a china dress.

She's not asian, she simply was drawn by asian dudes

she was always asian, though? or is Yas Forums gaslighting me again?

switched to superior genes

I always thought she was Asian, was she not?

Is Aerith Asian?

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Weird to be asian in a place with no asia

don't forget the crooked teeth

>we want the chun li audience

Nyotengu and Momiji are x100000000 times hotter

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They all look like a 14 to 18 white teenagers with different hairstyles

3rd post best post

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the only ones mad about this are hapas, not white males

She's not

no she trad whitey

Nomura character design is always look like asian wearing a wig and contacts.

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Sure looks like it.

What other game has chinese dress skins? Dlc or not, i don't care, that shit is hot.

Who cares post Scarlet instead

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She does look Asian you stupid faggot, the cosmetic surgery/caked in makeup abomination kind of Asian but still Asian.

nah you’re blind mate
I live in australia so I’m an expert on this
asians are ugly as sin and have brown/yellow skin

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So, a regular asian?

They jave asian traits but they're not asian, even cloud has chink eyes

Tifa is White tho

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No nigger.

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thats because youre surrouned by SEA monkeys not actual chinks gooks and japs

only in ugly cgis

You're a fucking moron, we have way more east asian bug people than seabros. East asians are uglier than south east asians anyway

I can't tell if a tumblr artist or coomer obsessed with western thrash porn made this.

She's the kid from Home Improvement

Was she not before? Though I don't know shit about FF like at all but I just figured she was.

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It's just classic western style comic.

>White """"""""""""""""""women""""""""""""""""""

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>Aerith looks sort of Asian in ONE scene of the ENTIRE game

Fucking Tifafags were a mistake.

I'm glad she's Asian. Whites are so cringey at cosplaying. Now we can big titted Asians cosplaying Tifa.


>leopard print

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not only asian, but a chink, no less
literally, unironically not attracted to her anymore
positively disgusting

I really hate the face(expression) they give tifa in this one.

There are a lot of good western porn comics, most of them are old though

What in the F U C C am I looking at?

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I still don't know what I did to get her to be in that outfit, when I played the game on hard she was in her classic outfit.
I know Cloud's depends on if you do the new side quests or if you do what you did in the original game to get two of the three dresses, but Aerith is always is in her classic dress no matter what I do.

Fuck, she's literally perfect bros. I don't care if the game sucks. If it gives me flirty time with tifa, then that's all I need.

What website is that

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Where's left from?


You cant tell user's race from that

is that the corona-chan outfit?

anyone knows what she actually says here?
not this burger localized garbage that fatsos here lap up, but the real japanese script?

>people think this doesn't look asian

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Number 1 and number 4 on the panda express menu

I think I don't give a fuck

SOUL (east) vs SOUL (west)