Wait till you see the

Wait till you see the...

Attached: bannerlord.jpg (1435x630, 206.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>singleplayer games vs a multiplayer game
>think its some big thing that the numbers for the multiplayer game are bigger

Doom Eternal has replay value, REmake 3 does not.

>playing bannerlord for the multiplayer

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ive never played a bannerlord game in my life, i just know that it has multiplayer thus the playercount is inflated more.
also that its probably better than the average AAA game

Attached: ⮞mercy.jpg (2560x1440, 269.79K)

Why did you throw a VR game in there too? They're not really comparable to non-VR games.

The multiplayer is fucking awful

good to know

>a bannerlord game

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i know nothing about this franchise
my apologies

Virgin Western and Jap AAA games vs Chad indie Turkroach basement budget game

you should be sorry, you fucking retard

stop posting about games you don't play and neck yourself

Does doom not have multiplayer? Still trying to trick people into playing quake champions I suppose

When will Yas Forums learn? It must be embarrassing as fuckto be constantly wrong and to have those 12hr days of shitting on a game non stop to be wasted.

>real game vs nufun zoomer garbage

>vs a multiplayer game
>implying anyone cares about mp at all

Bannerlord seems like a game which amassed atypical, obsessed audience that just plays "that one game" and nothing else, and also watch Skallagrim on Youtube from time to time. They played the 1st Bannerlord for fuck knows how many years, and now finally their suffering was rewarded with a newer one, in an Eartly Access.

It was never a contest to begin with.

Me on the other hand, have no interest in the Medieval LARP, or paying to beta best shit that looks kinda identical.

Attached: MEDIEVAL-NOBLE-KID-COSTUME.jpg (600x600, 31.05K)

>the first bannerlord

Never played Mount and Blade, but the perpetual hype for the "Bannerlord" now just defaults my mind to just calling it "Bannerlord" the franchise lol.

You sound like a fucking idiot

So you're a retard

>never played any of the games
>talk shit about it

user you never fail

And you sound like an average Yas Forums sperg whose sole reason for its existence, is to throw a hissy fit over trival shit.

Sure, the ~1000 people giving a fuck about multiplayer definitely matter here.

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And you've already outed yourself ESL poster, go back to dying

So you're a moron?

>Mount & Autism only sold 250k

Lmao, what a disaster

I didn't talk shit about it. I said it has "that type" of audience behind it, that very likely plays only "that type" of games. Total War, Mount and blade, etc...
So portraying Doom, ResidentEvil, or Half Life as if they "losing" audience to Bannerlord is kind of false. At least reread twice the comment you are sperging to, dipshit.

don't know what ESL is, and ain't bothering to google edgy shizo's autistic ramblings

bannerlord isn't a multiplayer game idiot

Mount and Blade but Warhammer Fantasy when?

Attached: 28totalwarhammerbeastmen.jpg (620x300, 63.53K)

Have you played any of the Skyrim games?

I only played Skyrim Online.

>paying an early-access
>he unironically pay for testing games
Im puking.

I dont care about the setting, just make the combat interesting. Swinging left and right with 0 combos is boring. The IA doesnt helps.

Nigger they aren't even the same genre, Total War is a strategy game while Mountain Blade is an Action RPG/ medieval simulator.

The game's gonna come out though and you'll still have it. I don't get the logic.



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Why are sonyfags like this.

Neither is Resident Evil, Doom, and a fucking VR game for Half Life, which are being compared to Bannerlord's audience, in OP.
What other comparisons make you sphincter itch?

Dude stop posting you are embarrassing yourself

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>stop posting about games you don't play
Yas Forums would instantly become the slowest board on Yas Forums if everyone here did that.

why you gotta lie

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I am glad that Sjw Evil bombed

What happened to Doom Eternal?
Cant believe that after all the plebbit marketing and doom shills, RE3 (a fucking game that looks like a remake2 dlc) have better numbers



Attached: What is Bannerlord worth.webm (1280x545, 2.93M)

This is what real tragedy looks like.

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I bought a copy of the original M&B beta off of a dodgy Turkish website in like 2005 for $15, giving a scrappy husband and wife team a chance to make their dreams come true. I think I am owed royalties at this point if they've got hundreds of millions in income now.

That's like every person with a vr headset ever

>17k 24 hours peak
That's even worse.

>V-VR isn’t niche, it’s the future of gaming guys!

>those numbers

this is why gamedevs still cater to console gamers first

you fuckers simply buy too little

the mount and blade series is peak soul, literally started by two guys renting one room at an internet cafe. i'm not even mad at the bugs and shit at this point the jank is part of the charm for me

>Play Bannerlord after all the Yas Forums hype
>Don't get the fuss about it
Honestly it was very boring.

When the mod comes out
Warband has had it for years, it's just a matter of time

Warsword Conquest mod for Warband

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Remake 3 has replay value, its called beating it with an S rank on the hardest difficulty, faggot.

At least the copy could sell for a ton for some hardcore collectors

>yfw the best byzantiboo simulator is made by fucking turks of all people


Doom eternal doesn't have much replay value either


As much as I am enjoying the campaign, I *really* fucking wish more people would play Captain mode multiplayer. It's so fun and unlike any other multiplayer game I've played.

that's not replay value that's a challenge

>>the first bannerlord
absolute state of nu-Yas Forums
gas all zoomer

Did VRcucks kill themselves yet

t'was digital I'm afraid

This is a bizarre example of a movie where it would have been significantly better if the main character had not been in it.

never get the hype myself the game is typical eurojank shit, mordhau has better combat, kingdom come has medieval rpg and better writing
>muh battle
go play the total war series where you actually can field more than 1k men

at this point i'm convinced it was either shills or Yas Forums really has shit taste in video game

Mount & Blade is an unique genre and none of the games you mentioned compete directly with it

You will notice in your own post that you have to name 3 different games to cover the features of M&B. Despite the game's technical problems, there is literally no other game that tries to create a full medieval sandbox game like M&B.

I find the 60 v 60 very enjoyable. The combat is dogshit though.

Mario games are the pinnacle of jumping games.

Why play any other game where you can jump when you can just play mario?

This is how dumb you sound.

>comparing any game to a VR
you realize most people still don't have VR because it's expensive af?
>comparing a game that has been on sale several times and a game that has been released 4 days ago
I swear this board is so fucking stupid and retarded


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