Tfw too shy for online pvp

>tfw too shy for online pvp

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aww that's ok sweetie

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40% of what?

40% cuter on hrt

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good thing there are more great single player games

trans women are women!

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>team based pvp

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do girls make their boyfriends wear wigs and dresses and post it online as some humiliation thing?

based statistics poster


Yes. Never get a gf user, and don't procreate either. Literally all women do this

Some girls are really into having their boyfriends do it, yeah. Especially the dresses. I don't know why.

What a waste. All those chad genetics and he chose to be a tranny faggot...

nobody chooses to be a girl

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Except trannies. They do that a lot.

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Shut your faggot mouth you worthless sack of shit. Guess you're not too shy to shit up this board.

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>retarded tranny claims to be shy for attention
>still shits up the board with his retarded posts
i can't wait until you're dead before you're 30

gonna keep posting cute trans people to annoy you >:3

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well i'm glad you're just shitposting and not actually trans

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You misunderstand. Your desperation doesn't annoy me, it amuses me.

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stay mad incels

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Hons will soon be a thing of the past. Now that kids are being diagnosed with gender dysphoria earlier and prescribed puberty blockers no more will children go through the wrong puberty and they will much more easily be able to transition once they hit adulthood to fit their perfect self-image

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>Posts the same handful of pictures over and over as if it proves a point
>Says people choose to have gender dysphoria

Only in degenarate countries. They are welcoming their own collapse and trannies will go extinct along with the countries they themselves doomed.
The only way to avoid the collapse is lynching degenerates in the streets so either way, the days of trannies are numbered.

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Cool larp bro, i'm sure you'll just be sitting on your fatass like always while lgbt acceptance continues to rise. You might talk a big game with your "day of the rope" but for you it will always be the day of the cope

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.... of cops beat their wives

Quality thread

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>be self conscious introvert
>spend days cruising the web
>stumble upon a community that tells you they know how to make you feel better about yourself
>get convinced to start taking hormones
>doctors so cucked by social media outrage mobs they don't dare to object and just prescribe you the pills
>everyone in the online group keeps telling you how stunningly brave you are
>start feeling better about yourself
>they convince you that going all the way will make you feel even better
>pay some shady south asian doctor to chop your dick off
>have a permanent festering wound
>realize no one will ever want to fuck you again
>realize you fucked up beyond recovery
>become self conscious again
>get depressed
>join the 40%
This is how that works and at no point was there any actual gender dysphoria involved, only snake oil.

What's going to happen when trannies take hold of the Olympics? Will femoids accept their fate as the lesser species or will they lash out?

>Believing what anyone tells you online
>All doctors are bad and cucked trust me dude lmao, no one recommends rigorous therapy, trust me
>Dude everyone tells you to do everything and go full trans online trust me dude
>All SRS are festering wounds trust me dude
That's really not how it works. You should actually look around beyond Yas Forums and the same 5-10 pictures that are spammed here over and over as bait.

40% isn't even the amount that actually commit suicide. They're the percentage of trans, both pre and post transition that attempted it.


>lgbt acceptance continues to rise
Not in any country that I care about. I'll just sit back with some popcorn and watch the west self-destruct.

Despite being able to compete in the Olympics since 2004 a transgender person has not actually won any events.

>tfw able to enjoy my own company and don't rely on others for support

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Tanishi is the perfect artist. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't

You just made it 41% now


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>t-that doesn't count

Like I said, cope

I thought we got rid of you for good last time you made this thread! Go the fuck away you weak faggot

Chimps chimping out, but one of them took hormone pills and couldn't keep up.

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If you plug in your mic and only say a few words when you need to it actually makes you more likeable. All your mistakes are forgiven and every time you do something well you look like a stoic badass.
t. fellow shyfag

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Normal, handsome couple. Their parents would be proud
real girl smiles through her pain as she forces herself to stay with her boyfriend out of fear of being ostracized if she leaves him for being a tranny

Sono kimochi wakarimashita (>//

tr*nny was yelling at the guy and he sort of snapped and started stomping

>That's really not how it works.
It literally is. It's reached enough critical mass that even the normies are taking notice that tranny shit has gone insane.

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What if they're siblings?

>A handful, cherry picked examples of people going too far clearly implies that it's gone too far everywhere!!

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Yes, yes and 10 years ago a couple cherry picked examples of people taking hormones was not at all indicative of a trend that would blow up in the future.


fucking TRASH

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You're not very smart if you think pointed out examples are a sign of how it is literally everywhere.

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