Lockdown Day 8 edition. What are ya playin' and/or grindin' today, Yas Forums?
Currently at the Moirae Sisters bit in Nocturne. Shit's kinda draining, but managable.
JRPG Thread
I've been very, very slowly trying to get into Xenogears. The story and characters are interesting even early into the story but the gameplay does nothing for me at all. Each time I get to a combat segment I'll put the game down for a month.
You're playing the wrong "game".
Yeah, I know. I'm trying to get through it because it's my friend's favorite and he likes to talk about game stories.
I just don't get how so much effort can be put into sprite animations and storytelling and then the devs decide to saddle that with un-engaging busywork combat.
I played DQXI for 20 hours and it was a bog standard game on par with mobile games so far, why does Yas Forums praise it so much?
actually, I take it back - FF Dimensions actually had better gameplay and boss battles than that shit
At the time, nobody in Takahashi's team had any real experience in actual game design, it was just an improvised team of rookies, Takahashi himself was fairly inexperienced and his past years of work in the company were as a map designer.
On top of it all everybody knows how much of a failure was Xenogears' dev process, with funds getting cut, Takahashi not having any real idea of what he was doing and people rushing to get the game done in time after Square told them to wrap it up.
And to be fair, Xeno games to this day have still pretty mediocre gameplay, I don't think gameplay depth ever was one of the points of this series though, at least looking at how things are now and how they've been through the years, Xenosaga's gameplay was also really weak throughout the trilogy, with 3 being the only game with passable battles.
Ironically enough there's more depth to the arcade Gear fighter minigame in Nortune than there is in the rest of the game.
Started Octopath Traveler the other day. I dig the art, OST and story. Battle system is okay too. The only thing that made me really disappointed is the very minimal interaction between the party members.
It's a slow burn. It's okay through part 1, but it takes until part 2 for it to really get good. I liked the game a lot but the slow start is a big flaw and I wouldn't blame somebody for being put off by it.
It's also borderline necessary to opt into Stronger Monsters in the Draconian Quest options at the start of the game. On the default difficulty it's so easy that even journalists complained. Slayer of the Sands on Stronger Monsters is when the game started to click for me.
Alright bros, Nocturne or Raidou? Both seem so interesting so Im having a hard time deciding. I love the detective aesthetic of Raidou but I also love the setting of nocturne.