Why does Naughty Dog hate humanity?

>is immune to the disease that cast the whole human race into darkness
>is a lesbian so will never reproduce and give her immunity to the next generation for humans

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Mmmmm carpet so good taste nom nom nom nom nom

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if future humans have to be white then it'd be better to end humanity here and there

More people than ever are waking up to the fact Hitler did nothing wrong.

Naughty Dog's statement at the end of the first game is that if the price to pay for humanity's survival is an act of cruelty, then maybe it isn't worth saving it that way.
But, that was Joel's call. If Ellie discovers that she has been lied to, she may very well choose to sacrifice herself anyway in order to secure humanity's future, thus fixing Joel's mistake.

This. Whites are boring since they invented all art, science, and technology. What we need are a bunch of mongrel and orc races going at it.

What does her being Greek have to do with her ability to reproduce?

>Naughty Dog making Ellie take cock to ensure the future of white race


Lesbians wouldn't even exist in this scenario so it's all just propaganda. She would become some strong land owners property so she could eat and be protected from becoming a slave.

This just tells you how retarded Yas Forums is right here, with this sort of post.
Land has little value in a world with a fraction of its population and infested with zombies.

>Why does Naughty Dog hate humanity?
It isn't "Naughty Dog". It's the same old, same old.

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>She would become property
>so she could be protected from becoming a slave

Germany was never going to win any war. Their war was doomed from the first action and eventually America would have just dropped the nuke on them anyways.

the only hate white people and western civilization
in fact the game is going to preach that extinction of white people is a good thing and that the future of usa needs to be brown and muslim

>Lesbians can't reproduce

what's artificial insemination and even if that's not feasible in a society where they were minutes from ripping her brain out it's not like she can't get knocked up anyway and just mother the child with her Jewish uggo GF.

The only difference her being a lesbian makes is whether raising another man's child initially will be consensual or not.

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Not how immune systems work.

Lesbianism is a straight up sexual fetish. There would be no "lesbians" in the Apocalypse.


Because if its one thing kikes like Neil Druckmann hate more than whites its white men.

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Do anons forget she was with a gay black woman? This literally has nothing to do with whites.

Silly goy, only the chosen people are supposed to survive...

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>brown/black countries are absolute shitholes
>USA is proof the more brown people you let in/mix, the shittier it gets
Same goes for Yurop by the way. In my country the number of criminals with an immigrant background is now literally higher than the number of criminals with a native background.

It actually seems in line with the moral conflict of the first game, the collective duty vs individual emotional needs, though I doubt naughty dog is going to do any sort of two sided debate if homophobia is involved in any way.

>Anons think Ellie is the only white person in the entire world.
>Anons also don't know how immune systems work.

The difference is property gets feed properly and gets to sleep inside.

Humanity is dysfunctional garbage.

Europe has always been shit, it's just that now there's another scapegoat.

Maybe she's afraid it would be a mushroom baby? Remember that birth scene from The Fly 2 or Dawn of the Dead 2004?

>property gets feed properly
user most slaves or people that were considered property got feed almost nothing.

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>Europe has always been shit
Meh, not really.
We have a pretty good infrastructure, good quality food and we don't spend billions to send our citizens to their deaths in some godforsaken desert shithole.
We also don't mutilate our children's genitals for no reason.
Yurop's quite comfy famalam.

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>don't know how immune systems work.
Well if the corona virus is anything to go by they don't! DOOOOHOHOHOHO.

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>Why does Naughty Dog hate humanity?
Misanthropy is every politically correct.

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Europe is shit because all these things happen besides the sending men and women to die for oil. People just love to conveniently sweep shit under the rug until they can blame it on someone else. Literally happens with blacks,mexicans, and asians as well.

Depends on the slave system really. Work slaves were feed junk parts of the animal or small amounts of wheat products so they could keep working.

With that thread's name I thought you want to discuss TLoU seriously, but no, you're just a one of this guys who bitch about character's sexual orientation.

Stop projecting. You spout shit you know nothing about. I bet your hillbilly ass has never even left your flyover state.

Struck a nerve huh nigel?

It sucks bro. The food is meh, the infrastructure is meh, and you just don't make money so you can't afford to go to war.

>implying I'm an inbred bong

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What do you know about America from all your experiences living in Europe?

Not projecting at all, whites do this too like when people act like the 20s-50s were a good time to be alive when there were still constant mass shootings but they were done by sweaty italians instead of neets and blacks.

If you're Greek or Bulgarian or some shit, sure.

Yea but in a apocalypse setting a slave wouldnt get much unless the master has found a constant source of food/water.

the only other immune people in the game are evil white christians and the mc kills them all

Volatile organic compound?
Vote our candidate?
Victors of columbia?

Italy and Spain are shit, so is France. The only places I went that weren't shit were Norway/Iceland, and everything was retardedly overpriced and the food was shit.

This has to be a fucking joke right? Nobody wants to be property or a slave and the two are synonymous with one another. Those are just some arbitrarily contrived conditions you made up on your own.

I was an exchange student for 9 months. Americans are in general a very simplistic people and your courses are a joke.
What struck me most is that you seem unable to approach things with subtlety and nuance and take everything at face value instead which makes you and extremely gullible people.
There seem to be no grey areas, everything is black and white to you, yes and no. This is reflected bakc in your politics and actions. It's hilarious to watch and sad at the same time since none of you are aware of how retarded you are.

user who is the MC and what's thier skun color?

>ITT: people who have never played TLOU.
Ellie is immune because she has the fungus, it just mutated so she is asymptomatic. And because she already has it, she can't be infected again.
Theoretically all she would have to do to transfer immunity is bite someone but the dumbfucks at ND didn't think that far ahead.

>There seem to be no grey areas, everything is black and white to you, yes and no.
This is literally the same for Europe.

That's true, but really in an apocalyptic setting what would be the point of keeping slaves? At least in ones where you couldn't readily grow food the only reason I could think for keeping another mouth to feed is sex (which would be better served through rape then murder just to rape again) or raising an army.

Dutch east india company, retarded yank.

>no u
the post

no.. that's not how immunity works at all, back to dilating

It was a joke actually you autist. No shit no one wants to be a slave or property, also the sky is blue.

I'm not American.
My guess? You probably speak terrible English and come off as "that weird guy" like all retarded Europeans when they try to talk English, so none of your "nuance" landed because you talk like a weirdo.
Also, I assume you have evidence of this? Surely you'd have some emails and documentation and you wouldn't just make all of this up to prove a point, would you?

user all your posts so far have been no u or just you covering your ears to the truth.

It's not the same kind of immunity retard.

The fact Yuropeen countries have multiple parties instead of your retarded 2 party system is already proof that's not so.
lrn2history fag

But it's best not to just go and rape someone then bring them back to you keep your supplies and sleep. More trouble could come out of that if the person wasn't actually alone or was close enough to be seen by an ally group. You'd also have to think about people with a conscience

i'm not the guy you were talking to

Blacks are actually highly intelligent as evidenced by white efforts to destroy their early education system and stripped them of the resources to acquire knowledge at the same rate and quality of white students. The self destruction wouldn’t begin until around 1960s or so due to other factors. It is well documented that blacks have been blackballed by whites all throughout history. But the middle easterne in EU right now are evidence of people who are innately savage and refuse to adapt.

Deny all you like but again it is very well documented. The state of blacks today is an entire other discussion though.

America has multiple parties as well. People just don't pay them any mind. Also what I'm saying happens regardless of your political standing.

>visiting or living in a foreign country is such an alien concept to americans, that you need to provide proof
You guys really are a walking caricature.

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Not him but what kind is it. Please explain.
t. anatomical pathology


Ignoring how this literally wouldn't work because the only reason why Ellie can't get infected is that the fungus that tried to infect her was retarded and failed, even if it would work it would make no sense for her to willingly become a breeding stock for some men she doesn't know. Not only is she lesbian, she also got treated like shit by humanity, there's pretty much no reason why she'd pretty much sacrifice herself to give humanity a little chance of survival.

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Bait post but actually right in some ways. The Tulsa Race riot of 1921 actually fucked up a ton of black men and women so did Redlining.

even if it didn't work she would be chained and raped as breed stock if that game world was reality, no one would give a fuck about her fee fees

*ruins Naughtydog*

But seriously, how did this guy waltz into a dev studio and just take over?

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I said I'm not American, and it won't deflect from my point. Provide proof or stay quiet.

how did the white man make sure that most of them have now adopted the crab in a bucket mentality and can only sit around blaming wytpypo

you're just autistic bro

Yes, yes very good, however, what's your excuse now that today blacks have every access to the same services and education as white or other peoples and STILL need affirmative action? Where are all the black geniuses and philosophical thinkers? The only one that comes to mind is Thomas Sowell, and he was born in the 30s

they dont hate humanity just christians morality and white straight men

Anyway leaked gameplay from when Ellie enters church in TLOUII:


She doesn't become a zombie because she already has a symptomless strain of that pathogen. It's not an immune system response that's preventing her from contracting the disease. Anyone who gets infected from that strain would be protected from the symptomatic strain.

it starts with J and ends with EW

Because he rode the coattails of more successful, smarter people. When they left, he got given the reigns.

>you're just a weirdo LOL

And when do these parties ever get any attention? If the media doesn't recognize them how is the public going to be aware of their programs and stances, let alone their existence? Fact is the person with the loudest voice will be the victor because america is all about show and getting the most views. Fuck substance.
It's just one giant shitshow to distract you from the fact the US is not even a democracy, but a conglomerate republic. Your vote doesn't count for shit.
Your foreign policy never changes. Your infrastructure is still 60 years outdated but you'd rather spend billions on foreign projects and missions than on improving your own nation and standard of living.

Then what would happen when people see it doesn't work? Also who would have the food and other supplies to take care of a fucking crying child in a scenario where the zombies use echolocation?

Why do people still care about dyke simulator?
it's a blessing that the game has been delayed, here's hoping they shitcan this scissor sister dogshit.

The same way kikes do everything: subversion

proper utilisation of office politics

>ring ring
>ring ring
>ring *click*
>Hello, you reach the Based Department
>Uh, hello is this the Based Deparment?
>Yes, sir.
>Yes, i would like to make a report.
>Sure sir, an agent will be right with you.

Wouldn't the world be fucked anyway even if immunity could be passed on through genetics? I mean how many kids could Ellie realistically have before infertility? It's not like she's a guy and can father multiple kids through multiple women at the same time.

>If the media doesn't recognize them how is the public going to be aware of their programs and stances, let alone their existence?
That's why I said people pay them no mind. The Green Party exists for example but since it's so small and doesn't have a shit ton of money they can't afford constant media attention.

t. circumsized cleetus, don't worry if you die for Israel maybe your childrens children might get to keep theirs before the cartel traffic them.

I said even Americans do the same user calm down.

i dont know man didn't that shitty game have like a safe town and camps in the wilderness. i didn't play that piece of shit but its unrealistic to think theres simply no safe areas to raise children left in the world. fucking go underground into a bunker, its not like we dont have those.

you don't need a ton of supplies to take care of a baby, women make milk and diapers are a luxury. fucking clay bottles for infant feedings have been found dating back to 2000 BC

Europe is majority white and most of population are cum guzzling tranny lovers.

White people hate
-female beauty

White people love
-anti family propaganda

because you touch yourself at night

Your ancestors were literary gay assfuckers. Almost every great Roman emperor was gay.

>bu b b but it was only gay to take it
Yeah, ok. Keep coping whitiey.

>its unrealistic to think theres simply no safe areas to raise children left in the world
Didn't say that but that a crying child would limit you alot and if there are safe heavens then they can literally have children without fear of the fungi and breeding stock wouldn't even come into play.

If it was as simple as that, then they wouldn't have needed to dissect her brain to get the cure.