Sexualizing your own strong female characters

>sexualizing your own strong female characters
How to make your game go from 10 to 0 real quick

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10 to 11*

What about your male characters

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What's wrong with that?

>strong female characters
Where? Not in Persona that's for sure

Sex is bad

k, Anita

>women can't be strong and sexy
>women are incapable of being comfortable with their bodies
>women aren't allowed to adjust wedgies

user what the fuck are you on about

Is that supposed to be an example of sexualizing? There's 0 ass in that picture

>Kamoshida is a villain for perving on Ann

>the game pervs on Ann
>it's perfectly fine

I don’t care about Ann being sexualized, I care that she can’t fucking decide if she wants to be the slutty or modest girl

if the waifu's aren't sexy then what's the point?

Doesn't matter how strong a girl is. They're still a girl and should be looked at as such.

Nice try but he was a villain for being a sociopathic abuser of all sorts.

How to make your game go from 0 to 10 real quick.

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>what a pathethic butt

ann fags check this out and start coping

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Post more Ann

sexualizing what? i dont see anything

She doesn’t even look like a loli, just a petite girl

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I'm guessing OP never went to the beach

Tiny cute butts > Big fat asses

Dilate, tranny.

Big fat asses on tiny cute bodies.

Makoto’s hips are goddess tier

Shut the fuck up Ireland

Tiny fat asses on tiny cute bodies.

imagine the hotdogging

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sexualizing women will always make a game better

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It's a nice ass but Makoto's introduction is the point where the game nosedives in quality and for that she'll always be worst girl.

Mitsuru is the best

Pretty sure the game didnt try to rape Ann or Shiho

>ass cheeks merge into one cheek in the middle
what's this ass type called?

Bad artstyle

Americans are afraid of hetero sex but are okay with trannies and faggots adopting and molesting children.

Not wiping for a week

How did ATLUS get away with this?!

Easy, no one gave a fuck


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Lies. Futaba's arc is best part of the game and it happens after dat ass joins.

Makoto is adorable.

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Makoto is autistic.

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Then shouldn't she be in the short bus?

> kamoshida is a villain for being a narcissistic fuck who shows no remorse for driving a girl to suicide
> oh also he pervs on ann
> but now that she's choosing to show herself off it's somehow the exact same

yup, no one cared until P4 got popular. I don't understand how SMT games are supposed to get away with half

it's fine, she's wearing her safety helmet and knows to ring the bell to let others know where she is



>lost to kamoshidas cock

If this is a reverse scale and 10 is bad and 0 is good, then yes you're correct.

I un ironically agree with this. However, this only happens on the anime irc. The game has suggestive clothes but nothing that exploits her this way.

>Sex = bad

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>japanese """""ass"""""

op is from the game though.

Where does her ass even start?
Her cheeks are fused together

>Played P5
>Named group "Kamoshida"

I don't see anything wrong with this

Only thing wrong is Japan's pitiful representation of good ass/hips. Dead or Alive shows this in full.

t. someone who vastly prefers breasts to ass

i wouldn't blame japan
it's the artist that doesn't know how to draw a good ass

humans are sexual
non-sexuals are not human

OP confirmed not human