Bloodborne review is up

Bloodborne review is up

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He's not a Bloodborne guy. That alone makes him based beyond comprehension.

He still likes the game but feels it carries on the trend of being more and more straightforward combat focused.

I think Joseph Anderson's videos are just a little more critical and entertaining. I like MM's videos, as well, but I feel he has certain biases towards lesser Nintendo games like Wind Waker.

You mean retarded? I like matthews content for the most part but if he unironically ever tries to act like bloodborne doesnt objectively curbstomp every single other from game in terms of sheer detail and design harmony, he is a fucking stupid nostalgiafaggot autist who cant look at things objectively from outside of his own faggot tunnel. Even the "flaws" he parades around for buttborne like the blood vials being items you farm and spammable on top are not actual flaws with the game and just a part of its storytelling through gameplay. It IS an action RPG by heart instead of a pure mechanically demanding action game


Yeah, two of the major reasons Souls became so big were because of the deep rpg elements and character customization, both stripped down in BB in favor of action combat, an approach they took even further with Sekiro.
Looks like they're finally going back to their roots with Elden Ring though.

Do you think hes the best youtuber that isnt a youtuber

there literally is no bloodborne video shut up nigger

Do you think we're all youtube videos but wasn't a youtuber


Fuck off

I think joseph anderson fails to consider the overall creative harmony and value in videogames. He tries to focus on whats quantifyiable and that's avoiding the difficult part of critizism and where you can expose yourself as a logos-less tool.

Yes, objectively fucking braindead autist. The other souls games look outright amateurish in comparison to bloodborne. The only people denying this are the idiots who are too ignorant to know better even if there are a billion videos out there perfectly encapsulating every aspect of bloodbornes quality into something easily digestible OR the pathetic unironical platform warrior autists who will pretend like the one that isnt on their platform cant be the best one

Bloodborne is objectively the best souls game and anyone denying it is simply retarded. Its laughable that anyone would even attempt to deny it when the actual question is if bloodborne is the best game of all time or not


Yes he still likes the games but with them becoming more and more action focused, he'd rather just play a better action game.

If he doesn't criticize it at all, it just proves he is a mentally retarded Reddit autist with half a brain (which explains why he needs months for video game reviews anyway).

It's literally an overrated corridor simulator where you do nothing but "target-cam enemy, press iframe button when he attacks, attack enemy back twice, rinse, repeast", for 30 hours. No variety to it in any way. No villages, no puzzle solving, no vertical gameplay (Sekiro did that somewhat), no hitzones or positioning required for enemies. Nothing.

Also shit performance, shit hitboxes and shit bugs.

Now cry about my post, Redditors.

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Okay, "objectively" Bloodborne has inferior gameplay to DaS1-3 because Bloodborne is locked at like 25 frames per second, making it an actually objectively less responsive gameplay experience in a series all about pinpoint timing.

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Objectively all From games have inferior gameplay to a turd.

you might be genuinely retarded. a games quality isnt assessed based on its fucking framerate, souls games are very action heavy ARPG.s. its absolutely hilarious this is the hill you chose to die on while simultaneously revealing yourself to be exactly what I said, some delusional platform warrior autist who clings to his epic bamco trilogy on steam while telling everyone that they are better than bloodborne because they run at a higher framerate. unironically go kill yourself braindead autist. you literally hate this entire medium and know absolutely nothing about it


Its OK when Miyazaki does it you retard.

>uses objective as a substitute for arguments

Like clockwork.

>game objectively superior
>game objectively runs at lower framerate

b-but it doesn't matter, that objective standard doesn't apply here because I say so... retard, buzzword, autism, reddit

mate calm down

bloodborne is a fast game and 30Hz holds it back a lot. trying to defend a problem as objective as low framerate just makes you look like a fanboy

150fps to 30 is like going from a model T to a model X, the difference in gameplay feel is massive. The problems people have with only being able to play Bloodborne on PS4 are only going to become more pronounced as performance reaches greater and greater highs over time. 240hz is already the norm with pro gaymur types.

Jospeh Anderson is a long-winded brainlet and his videos feel like he's just reading the game manual back to you.
Really, 4 fucking hours for the witcher? Superbunnyhop nailed that whole trilogy in 3 20 minute videos. Not to mention the whole SH2 bullshit. Regardless of what you think of the game, playing a story and immersion heavy game like SH during a fucking livestream is retarded. It's like watching Mulholland Drive while on speakerphone with your friends.

>Makes you look like a fanboy.
He very clearly is. Why do you continue to feed him (You)s?

Where the fuck have I "defended" it? I said it has literally nothing to do with the quality of the game itself, the fucking game would play and look better on PC and that has literally NOTHING to do with the actual content itself. Its peak pathetic that these fucking autists cant hammer this into their heads so they covet their bamco trilogy on steam and try to still stutter about muh framerate in 2020 as if I was fucking playing bloodborne every single day somehow struggling with their imaginary 25fps. Yes, the game has a low framerate and it has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself, its just its performance on a shitty console

Go kill yourself

Probably because youre an uneducated troglodyte who hasnt even tried to study bloodborne in the 5 years it was out and now expects me to "prove" why its better than the shit youve been playing with for those 5 years while screeching that bloodborne shucks!!11

Are you fucking retarded? I played every single souls game, you didnt, in fact I probably played all of them more than you. Come back after your knowledge of why bloodborne is seen as the best one is on the same level as those who dont desperately want to hate that game and then tell me to "argue" with you when you have an even remote fucking understanding on the subject matter you fucking retarded special ED mutant

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Superbunnyhop has an actual education though, it's not fair to compare those 4 hour long videos to his OP/EDs.

More meandering and nitpicky maybe, but definitely not less critical. Compare their Furi or Return of the Obra Dinn reviews and it’s clear that Matthewmatosis has more insightful criticism. Especially regarding the mission statement of a game.

Joseph Anderson has a crippling physical addiction to padding out his videos with summary fluff. It isn’t enough for him to make a review. 60% of its runtime minimum needs to be an explanation of everything that happens before he even begins giving his thoughts on it. His videos are clearly intended for people who use his videos as a replacement for playing the game themselves, and I can’t condone that kind of videogame tourism. If your video isn’t a consumer review or a video essay than your “analysis” is worthless.

Blood vials being inferior to estus in every way being “”””story through gameplay”””” is a lazy deflection of criticism. You’re a big boy and you can handle big boy words targeting the things you like. You just need to be extra brave.

>JA 4 hour video consist of repeatedly justifying why its 4 hours for the first 5 minutes
I think I figured out why he takes 4 fucking hours

>i-its not inferior to estus in every way!11
except that it isnt and saying that it is isnt an argument my mouthbreathing "friend". Bloodborne takes on the extra challenge of consciously trying to be a horror game and its story deals with ideas like the animal brain inside humans. The fear of dealing with limited resources and mindlessly spamming syringes of the dirty blood that turned everyone else into monsters to keep going because its beneficial to the player in the moment is genius storytelling through gameplay and far surpasses grass or estus which have absolutely nothing to do with the story. You are encouraged to "spam" blood vials to get context of how much blood is used in yharnam in the exact same casual way and the balancing factor is that youre expected to get hit a lot more in bloodborne and enemy hunters/ players can even riposte healing attempts from far away

Superbunnyhop also doesn’t live in an echo chamber dedicated to huffing his farts and doesn’t stretch his videos out to abuse the Youtube algorithm. That being said SBH’s Witcher reviews and MGS analysis videos are really damn good.

I don’t know if SBH came up with that The Witcher/Shrek analogy, but if he did, it’s sort of fucked that JA stole the credit for it.


While I do think SBHs education gives him an upper hand in research/succinctness, but JP has also been doing this for, what, 3/4 years? Thats more than enough time to get better in his writing and researching. His have only barely gotten better since then and that's mostly due to getting a better mic.

Wrong, it’s objectively used to give casuals a way of always having 20 health packs to jam into their thigh when they play like a pussy, and to pad the game length farming vials before they figure out they can buy them. Your inability to look at things objectively has you tying yourself into knots to try and rationalize the steps backwards from a superior implementation of the exact same mechanic.

Why is matthew so based?
>Software programmer
>Girlfriend that plays games
>Favorite game is the Wonderful 101
>Wears Hawaiian shirts
>Will play a game for months before reviewing it
> Has his girlfriend proof read his scripts
> Often rewrites his scripts
> Is so easily approachable that tourist ask him for directions
>Works from home
>Hates dragon's dogma


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Thanks for confirming you not only cant argue but are exactly of the retard audience who desperately tries to formulate "criticism" of bloodborne based on imaginary negatives so you can le epic style blow bloodborne the fuck out because the game that isnt on your platform cant be the best one

>always having 20 health packs to jam into their thigh when they play like a pussy
the vials heal less than estus and they only grow in power through upgrading vitality like estus gets boosted and unlike in dark souls (which also has humanity for that matter) you dont have something to safely defend with and enemies are generally far faster, come in bigger and harder formations and flail around in a way where its almost guaranteed youll constantly take damage while fighting which is exactly why the rally system and the vials exist

the vials are a gameplay system turned into a storytelling device, you are a retarded autist trying to "criticize" something you know nothing about based on your imaginary standards when they serve all of their purposes perfectly in the game. Its a horror ARPG, the vials serve their purpose better than estus ever did because they arent *just* a game mechanic while also being a more engaging game mechanic in the first place than estus since dealing with a limited resource boosts the horror and survival aspect. Bloodborne is far harder than dark souls 1 and for the most part even in its main content harder than 2 or 3 by virtue of not being able to hold a shield up and play like a cuck so saying that having 20 healing items is more "casual" than being able to entirely remove all damage from all enemies in the first place by holding down one button is laughable

The guy really played 10 other games to compare and even watched the shitty netflix show. Talk about a fucking useless waste of time for the video. Yeah dude to truly understand that the witcher is a good game, you gotta play fucking AC odyssey.

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literally fucking who

>press iframe button
Hearing that Elden Ring supposedly has iframe rolls back after Sekiro finally got rid of them (yeah I know deflections are effectively similar) makes me really sad.
I hope it's untrue somehow. Make it so that you actually have to dodge attacks to dodge them, instead of just pushing through the attacks with iframes. Fuck that.

Why do you care? Make your own opinions. Quit giving retards like this views.

I've watched every one of Lynch's films but none of them alone.
What're you gonna do about it

Fucking kek. Honestly critics needs to be smart. Joseph is a complete retard and a snowflake who ironically can't take any criticism. He got so butthurt over 1 image I created and he thinks people were out to get him and taking "things out of context" which is a lie

It is though mate. It's why all fighting games are 60fps. Literally every fighting game lowered to 25 would make it worse. MAHVELvsCapcom2 would literally be the worst game in the series if it suddenly became 25fps

Isn't this the guy who said fucking Micolash was his best boss because mUh gImMiCk bOsSeS I WaNt tO Be sUrPrIsEd? Imagine how much of a contrarian retard you have to be to think like that, Jesus fucking Chirst. It's borderline mental illness.

Come over here and find out, tough guy

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>bloodborne objectively curbstomps every single other from game in terms of sheer detail and design harmony
You must be over the age of 18 to post here

Wrong, blood vials are not a limited resource since you have so many of them and the shorter animation/smaller heal per flask makes it easier to budget them out without overhealing while also making it easier to heal up from mistakes during combat, not harder. They are an objectively worse implementation of the estus flask system and the game would be better served by copying the estus flask implementation outright.

thanks for saying literally nothing but pretending like you won the argument anyway. show everyone your copy of bloodborne while youre at it

>Looks like they're finally going back to their roots with Elden Ring though.
based on what

Bloodborne is still Souls at its core so that's alright. But he said or implied Sekiro was mediocre. His BASED status is still intact.

Thing is that I actually like Sekiro a lot more than Bloodborne because it doesn't feel like this weird in-between game that doesn't want to commit to a playstyle.

>two of the major reasons Souls became so big were because of the deep rpg elements
What are you even talking about? The rpg elements are as barebones and simplistic as you can get.

It makes sense thematically therefore it's good. What kind of retarded argumentation is this? If it's bad it's just bad doesn't matter the justification. This is the same way people defend movie games.

>He complains about NPCs not saying nigger again
Matt really needs to let this go already

Don't know who this is but let me guess, it's the same type of autistic fanboy who gets mad that not every game miyazaki makes is a straight clone of Dark Souls

>Looks like they're finally going back to their roots with Elden Ring though.

Imagine being proud of your ignorance

This is the only thing I've really disagreed with him about. Calling other action games "better" than Souls games because they have more depth is stupid. There are plenty of people, myself included, that enjoy Souls-type games mainly for their combat. The only game I can think of that puts such an emphasis on player positioning and committing to slow animations is Monster Hunter, but even comparing those two games is a stretch. In that way its pretty unique. I like Souls combat because it boils down combat to its bare essentials; Dodging, blocking and attacking. This allows them to focus entirely on enemy design, which in my opinion is why the Souls series has some of the most memorable and talked about boss fights of all time. Matt jerks off "experiential" bosses that remind him of DeS bosses, but the bosses from DeS that most people still talk about are Flamelurker, Maneaters, and False Knight Allant. Notice something?

>It makes sense thematically therefore it's good.
meanwhile the "argument" for why estus is apparently better is
>it makes me feel secure so its good

bloodborne is harder than dark souls. you literally cant argue that its somehow "more casual" as if that was a criticism in the first place. you also cant argue that its somehow easier to design a good challenge around the estus system because in fact its dark souls that lets you sequence break in retarded ways and bolster bonfires to permanently give you more estus at X places and you can even get this power to 15 estus at the very start of the game extremely easily with a 10 minute detour to the catacombs where you summon leroy to kill pinwheel for you. Literally not one argument has been made for why estus is supposedly better, only a billion halfassed shitposts about why the vials are supposedly worse just because

>there are many people that enjoy combat that is entirely dependent on muscle memory and has zero tactics
Yes there are many low IQ people

There is nothing wrong with that. Do you think people who enjoy rhythm games have low iq as well?

Whatever you say jimbo I'll be reinstalling Underrail

have a nice day retard

I'm pretty happy being ignorant of a literal who

All you need to see how poor Joseph Anderson is as a critic is to compare their GoW videos. Joseph takes 3 hours to call it nearly perfect. Matthew demolishes it in a tidy 40 minutes.

Joseph is 100% right on Mario Odyssey though

Could you be any more of a sperg dude? He likes Bloodborne a lot and has praised it a lot for the things it does well, but there is no denying that the estus flask was a great healing system and blood vials were a regression back to the healing grass from DeS. It's also true that the more action oriented these games became the less interesting they became as well. It's just masked better in Bloodborne compared to DaS2, 3 and Sekiro because it's such a unique and atmospheric world.
Nice made up arguments.

>where you do nothing but "target-cam enemy
Maybe if you are a beginner? Im pretty sure everyone stops using lockon for the majority of the time since free cam gives you more advantages.
>No villages
You mean ... no additional zones or cities? What do you mean exactly? What are you trying to say here?
>no puzzle solving
You can surely enjoy games without puzzle solving,see simulator games or even fps.
>no vertical gameplay
Same goes for this.
>no hitzones or positioning required for enemies
Again,if you are new to the game sure, but bosses do have weakspots and hitzones that become even more vulnerable when you break them. In fact most of the boss fights are focused around limb staggers and part breaks if you are not bad at the game and you just mash R1.
>shit hitboxes and shit bugs.
>Now cry about my post, Redditors.
After you wrote an entire post with reddit spacing?

>i-its just true!!1 they became less interesting!!1 its just worse bro!!1 theres no denying it!!
>nice made up arguments!

well "argued" mouthbreather, I accept your concession

He began a patreon to apparently improve the quality and rate of his work, said he upgraded to super fast internet for quicker uploads, rented/bought his own place so that he could record more...

>averages a 30 min video every 3-4 months

Why does this always happen?


That's not what he said. Estus is superior mechanically cause you don't have to farm if you run out and 20 blood vials from the get go is excessive.
I think i have argued with you before. You're a massive Bloodborne fanboy. Fuck no i'm going to write a two page essay about why Estus is better than blood vial, while still being charitable to the other side of debate just for you to dismiss it with "hur dur Bloodborne is more hardcore"

If it pays to be lazy, why bother trying? Sadly thats how most humans are. There very few people that genuinely have enough drive to continue working hard after they've made it like these patreon e-celebs have.

He doesn't charge people while he's not making anything, right?

No doubt be he makes around $1200 a month just from putting out 4 relatively short videos a year. If he increased it he could probably double or triple his pateron support

No one wants to waste their breath on a sperg, maybe when you manage to present arguments in a stable manner instead of like a screeching manchild people will bother to discuss it with you.

No. He just pledges to reject free copies of games to review and any sponsored content

Their roots are King's Field you fucking zoomer and that shit would filter you quickly

Thematically you being a retard fits, but it still doesn't mean it is okay to be one.

Patreon is a monthly fee if you decide to support, you pay in advance and there's no guarantee that the person you support will make a video that month