Pro tip you cant
Name me a more jewish character
soul soulless
How dare you call him a jew just because he's greedy.
he was a BEAR?
>that one time he suddenly race changes
>Jew being the one man army tip of the spear in a crusade to take out literally anything
Bullshit. They swindle foreign nations into doing their dirty work EXCLUSIVELY.
He's not a jew. He's a capitalist my dear boy.
>Is gracious enough to allow you tons of access to his PRIVATE property for a small, ONE TIME fee
He's not jewish. He's very reasonable. It's like your friend who's like "hey man yeah you can crash at my place just buy me some taco bell and we're cool"
He's a descendent of B.J. Blazkowicz, that's already enough evidence that he's jewish
Is the joke that you are the biggest jew because you believed that kike propaganda?
Tom Nook
what's up with all the fascist/christfag larping on this board lately
This has always been christian board to decipher holy scripts.
>original doom guy
Really makes you think.
But nu doom guy is the same doom guy so still christian.
>gives you a mortgage without even checking your credit
>gives you a short term part time job to get on your feet
>doesn't do anything negative towards you if you delay repayments or never pay him back at all
Tom Nook is a bro, turnip lady is the jew
Whats ur favorite part of the bibel?
First of all, there has never been any official claim to what religion Doom guy belongs too. Second, Doom guy being related to Keen and B.J. was coined by Romero and Tom Hall, as I much as I hate Bethesda you can't pin that on them.
Not how it works. You must have a direct parent and they will still act like you are a goy if one isn't your mother.
IIRC in that German pedo dating sim there's a character with a giant nose that bails you out of being killed by an angry mob by saying you are a jew and lambasting everyone about the holocaust.
I liked the lord and saviour Jimmy.
Did you miss the last 6 years?
Fuck this game.
at least he's gone and if anyone will play the game now they will not know this shit even exsisted
He's a capitalist.
You lazy, entitlement-loving pieces of shit hate anybody who actually manages to make money.
The shop is still there user IIRC. You just can't buy the boxes using real money anymore.
any of these colourful individuals
>0% interest rate mortgage
>no monthly payments
>buys just about anything
>hands out airline miles for doing anything
yeah no.
And Capitalism is a Jewish trick pulled on all of us.
k... keep me posted
post the soviet one
and the non-nazi fascists one
doomnigger jew shills
its contrarian therefor its cool now.
kinda like how years ago it was cool to be militant atheist and laugh at christ fags with flying sphagetti monster memes. well now because atheism is the norm its cool to be christian and have "wholesome values" like handholding and shit while spamming DEUS VULT xd memes. hilariously enough the same people that love and adore Christianity also seem to despise jews in a hilarious cruel twist of naivety.
dont read too much into it. give it a 10 or 20 years and the pendelumn will swing back.
Except they went to toe to toe with Egypt and kicked their ass, not to mention all the jews on every front in WW2.
Egypt in 4000 BC could kick 1950's Egypt's ass.
the joke is your cope
>the vidya board has gone feral
When Jesus came back with poo on his dick after hanging out with Judas
*sounds of cans rattling*
>frogposter posting this terrible take
I'm not surprised.
When has that not been the case.
They completely changed his facial structure, what the fuck? Now he looks like some sòy creature that lives on twitter.
Yeah I don't know what could have possibly lit a fire under so many people's asses.
>Hess literally got committed to a mental hospital in England for the rest of his life because he was off his fucking nut
>only 60% whack
Charsi is a fine girl..., but she has no business savvy! I know she means well, but the prices she charges for weapons and armor will never earn her a profit.
As long as I keep filling her mind with stories of adventure, she'll never catch on to the fact that I'm raking in gold hand over fist!
>literal war profiteer
how did he get away with it
>spend a decade, likely your 20's, steeped in hedonistic nihilism
>realize it's a waste of life
>turn around and embrace more traditional values
Not hard to see why somebody might go down this path
Can anyone enlighten me on which game this fellow appeared in?
Starfox Adventures, he's the jewish shopkeeper
By owning almost everything in sight, probably.