>*installs chinese kernel-level spyware on your computer*
don't worry user, its just a anti-cheat, you have nothing to hide right? :^)
*installs chinese kernel-level spyware on your computer*
if you're using AMD or INTEL your computer is already LOL'd by the chinese
daily reminder that this shit gonna flop hard, all the streamers who got paid to promote this shit wont even play it after launch. its a blantant chinese ripoff
You're wrong. You forget who is backing this. Tencent wants the PC gaming market. they will pump the "e sports" scene with so much cash it'll make your head spin. They will pay streamers millions upon millions of dollars to stream their game. All they want is total market dominance, and the majority of the west will give it to them on silver platter because they like to watch people play videogames instead of playing them themselves. It's a multi level marketing scheme on a mass level, never having been seen in the industry before.
>5-6 streamers playing a boring CS/OW bastard child with minimal interest from the community
>>*installs chinese kernel-level spyware on your computer*
No one was talking about steam.
You'll see in the coming weeks user
I have absolute dick all to hide motherfuckers.
so this is the next zoomer of the month game? fortnite's finally gonna die?
>valorant ebay
all of my keks
>Teamfight Tactics came out last year
>nobody talks about it really anymore
>Legends of Runeterra came out a couple months ago
>nobody talks about it really anymore
>Valorant starts to come out
Boy howdy I wonder what's going to happen
>minimal interest from the community
>1.5 million concurrent viewers on twitch yesterday
I don't even like the game and have no intention of playing it, but you're delusional
To be fair their target audience are zoomers, they have nothing to lose since they already use Discord.
Only if the attacker has physical access to your computer retard
Nice try, Chang!
i will never understand all the attention this game gets
it's the definition of soulless americuck/chink product that goes all in on current trends
i feel bad for anyone who is unironically interested in this
ignore all the farming and you might have gotten 600k I know a few who had many many alts and got a few keys just to resell.
jokes of them I don't even have access
NO I dont thanks for looking out for me :)
The art design of this game screams tranny
are the chicks hot
are the waifus fuckable
are the tiddies big
are the asses nice
are the game good at sexy?
I hate esports games so much it's unreal
nice haul and lmao at the retards who would pay that much.
Recoil is slightly easier than csgo
Most of the ult abilities need nerfs
The map with 3 obj points is trash
Time to kill could be increased ever so slightly
Nobody ever uses the lmgs
These are my initial thoughts
it bombs
Chances the idiots buying are the "I'll be the next big streamer" type.
>anticheat is a chinese rootkit
>game is bloated with instakill ultimate abilities like a moba
>defenders get a 30 second setup advantage
>even snipers have random spread
>it manages to encapsulate the "wait for 2 minutes staring at a corner" very well
this game's hype didn't last
You're wrong buddy
My thoughts are quick soulless chink cashgrab
so an ai took all the major fps games and this was the result?
>game is "closed beta"
>shop is fully fleshed out and functional
>someone actually made this
Not really
that is true
somehow this statement send my sides into orbit
All you‘re talking about is money, marketing, and more money. Remember when games used to be fun first and not some massive money making scheme to get a slice of some monopoly-pie? Literally soulless. Every somewhat intelligent humanbeing should boycott this garbage, and every other Tencent/Chinese product that gets pumped out. Don‘t give them money, or attention, you casual simpletons, there‘s more than enough things to play besides cheap chinese knockoffs.
its time to stop with the drugs user
Honestly yeah. That’s exactly what it feels like to play, a Frankenstein amalgamation of the most popular shooters of the last decade
Yes really
Unless you provide proof shut up
It’s the art director of tf2
>have to wait for the game to end or for some non-existant healer to revive you
At least in csgo you can continue playing and having fun instead of waiting.
its usually 50% impatient rich kids trying to be friends with streamers and 50% ESPORORTS PROFESSISONAL GAMERS since timing is important for these kinds of things and getting in beta ensures you a head start on everyone else
>what is intel ME and amd trustzone
you DID libre/coreboot right user?
To be fair, they have an answer for this. Namely that you get everything you spend back plus an extra 20% for buying points in a period where your save's going to be wiped.
>an extra 20% for buying points
Reminds me of any mobile game where buying gems in bulk is "cheaper" as an incentive to spend more money than you normally would.
It's kinda different, it's essentially pre-ordering points for a 120% return at launch and using them to spruce up your look during closed beta in the meantime. Dengeki Bunko Crossing Void's closed beta did something similar too but I don't think that game gave a 20% bonus.
Teamfight is doing okay, but it got in on the ground floor early. Runeterra shows what happens when they tackle a popular genre. It gets mild interest, but if it is just the same as you are getting everywhere else then there isn't much draw. Plus Riot only knows how to draw in multiplayerfags/twitch kiddies, which will hurt in the fighter where single player and local play helps draw casuals in a lot.
I don't think this will fail, it will just hang around the bottom of the pack.
You know that booting and hardware are closed of code right? Intel could literally start a keylogger or read your network traffic. There is (almost) no way to look into propretarian hardware programming.
Meant for
>scared csgo employee thread
cheater detected
I don't know shit aboyt this game but I'm so tired of this shit
1.5 million zoomers and people who can get ez buck from selling the keys for 600 dollars.
Un juego de Hideo Kojima
>don't mind me, my software just scans your drives for cheats, yes, cheats