ITT: post screenshot from obscure game and Yas Forums tries to guess that game.
ITT: post screenshot from obscure game and Yas Forums tries to guess that game
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Hunter Classic
easy, thank you next
I'm pretty sure that's the new one just with dogshit graphical settings
Just how obscure are we talking?
The Long Dark
There was a game/mod that was posted many years ago here, its was some planet exploring sci-fi RPG made by eastern Europeans. Anyone know its name?
Long Dark
Zeno Clash 2
looks like some mac game we played in school
John Woo's Stranglehold
Chinese Max Payne featuring cooked eggs.
needs more information than that
the precursors?
Its not.
Wreck-it. I think it had another name in burgerland but I don't know it. I played the ps1 demo for it back in the daY.
Motorhead (1998)
Stranglehold (2007)
Not really obscure, but probably the first non-educational game I ever played on the computer.
New mission objective!
Destroy all alien craft!
You are the only person on Yas Forums to recognise motorhead.
is this game obscure? I'd like to play a modern game like it
a good thread! lets preserve it!
Does anyone remember a ps2 game that was like a top down smash bros rip off? You could pick an animal and you would fight each other on a farm like map, with the ability to pick up items / weapons. I have looked for it sporadically every time it pops in to my mind but i have yet to find it. I had a demo on a disc from a ps2 magazine.
that's Call of The Wild you colossal mongoloid
I've only played like 10 minutes of that game, but somehow it's still very distinct. Secret of evermore.
Is it actually any good? I don't really remember why I didn't continue playing it.
That's fucking Man of Medan, moron. Not even remotely obscure. Yas Forums was talking about it for weeks before it released.
Man of medan
Oh, I actually own this one.
Supersonic Racers, also known as dare devil derby in the US. I still own a launch copy.
Dante must die mode: only a hud element
Good man. It was one of those diamond's in the rough. Remember playing it out of jealousy all my friends had PS1's with the FF games.
the Game is extraordinarily good for its time and even holds up till today. It is a unique game that did not get the appreciation it deserved back in the day.
I cannot recommend it enough
Septerra Core
Rage made absolutely kino games, even if they were just shovelware to flog video cards.
>pic related
Looks like the rts part of Space Rangers.
i don't remember the name but my friend played this game on his... mac? I dunno it's some space station adventure...i think station was in the name maybe.
Dare Devil fucking Derby thank you user. I remember playing this game and listening to this album in the 90s I had no idea what the fuck was going on
Strange Brigade or shit like that.
Expendable. Got it as a gift from my uncle, who buys game bundles all the time.
that rockstar game, forgot its name
mech warrior
Zeno Clash 1 or 2
John Woo's Stranglehold, I remember enjoying it. I wonder how it holds up. Probably a bitch to find the download for.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Layers of Fear? Probably not.
Man of Medan
One of the "Don't Escape" games. 4, I think. Ain't that obscure, anymore. Markiplier played all of them.
RAGE in the screenshot.
>that rockstar game, forgot its name
Yeah but you are going to have to do better than that.
Ni No Cunny 2
Yeah, it was originally on mac (on floppy disk(s)).
Most games nowadays have this garbage minimalist style HUD.
can anybody help me remember the name of this one game? It was on the ps3 I believe and it was some sort of isometric zombie game where you gathered a shitload of survivors and tried to evacuate them, I think it was also set in Japan this thread has got me thinking about it and now it's gonna drive me fucking insane
Isn't this flatout?
is that the one where you start as an astronaut and get transported to some alien planet?
Is this the background when you fight RAY in Metal Gear Rising Revengeance?
>John Woo's Stranglehold, I remember enjoying it. I wonder how it holds up. Probably a bitch to find the download for.
One of the SteamWorld games
Played the shit out of this as a kid.
fucking smuggling run I think
Huh, thanks, user.
righto. I aint really into Lets plays and I mostly hate the fags doing it. So didnt knew that.
considering it's a generic looking shitty game with a ghost, I'm guessing Murdered: Soul Suspect
cool easteregg though
Nope - predates flatout by a few years. The game was made by a team who only made one other notable racing title.
I'll give it to you - its the sequel (specifically the gamecube port).
I'll call your BUGDOM and raise you this
I fucking loved that game. Came out right around the same time as the Blade Runner CD-ROM game. They were my introduction to Cyberpunk.
posting a screenshot from an obscure game
Is this some FMV game?
Legends of Eisenwald.
Dink Smallwood, easy
He said obscure, not dead.
of course
yeah, I guess that's not really obscure but I don't have many screenshots saved
Good job. How old are you? Mid 20's, early 30's?
>popular multiplatform title
>you left the title in the filename
Nanosaur. We can do this dance all day buddy
do you have a smaller pic?
Not the oldest but still
Fuck me, I miss Late PS1/Early PS2/Dreamcast graphics. That's how you do a lot with a little.
What's this? It looks good but I'm afraid of it just being a mod or some walking simulator